For The Love Of A Woman
Chapter Thirteen
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Alexis had finally gotten rid of Kristina and she decided she would go for a walk in the park. The weather had been unseasonably warm for that fall afternoon and she decided she would actually take the doctors advice and try to give her hip a little exercise.

She had walked all through the park and she had stopped to get her a cup of coffee, decaf like Sonny had ordered for her to start drinking. She sat down on the park bench over looking the playground. She started to get up when she realized what was in her view but instead she watched the children play. She caught herself smiling at the sound of the little girls giggling in the swings.

One of those yours?

A woman walked up and sat on the bench beside her.

Um no just taking a break

Oh I thought they were yours the way you were watching them. As she smiled at Alexis

No I dont have any children trying to be polite

Oh you should! There is nothing like it in the world

Alexis just smiled back at her. Just then a little boy from across the playground yelled for his mother.

Oh thats mine, nice talking with you she said as she got up

Yes Alexis smiled

Alexis sat on the bench trying to imagine herself like that woman. Wondering what it would be like for someone to call her name in a little voice. Alexis kept thinking somewhere she had seemed to have lost the confident woman she had made herself to be. Why couldnt she be a mother, why couldnt she give her own self-the normal life she wanted, she deserved.

Suddenly Alexis turned her head feeling the presence of someone standing beside her. Before she could make eye contact with him he sat down beside her.

I had to take a walk and think about some things before I came to see you he had yet to look at her

She was stunned to see him sitting there and she said the first thing that came to her head.

Im sorry you found out like that

Where you going to tell me? he said sounding prepared


I never actually thought that the words pregnant and Alexis Davis would be in the same sentence

Hard to imagine isnt it?

I use to try to imagine it all the time

Alexis looked at Ned and then looked back in front of her. She breathed and then out trying to let air fill her lungs and then closed her eyes. The cold in the air seemed to brush trough her all of a sudden like she was naked and vulnerable.

We never discussed it, she said now unsure about how she thought he felt about the baby.

Never found the time I guess, he said sounding disappointed.

Im sorry, I didnt mean for this to happen

This is my baby too

Alexis heart fluttered and the lump in her throat made her feel sick.

I dont know what to do

I know youre scared

I think terrified is a better word, she said in a more familiar voice.

A silence went between them when Ned shifted his elbows to his knees and his eyes concentrated on the ground.

It was just a kiss wasnt it

Alexis seemed un-startled by the mention of this kiss as if it were the typical flow of the conversation.

I said it was, I wish it was, but its the kiss thats breaking my heart and so it will never be just a kiss

Ned turned and looked at Alexis. Her sad eyes looked back at him. He lifted his hand up to her face and she didnt pull away. The warmth of his palm to her chilled face made her heart race. He ran his thumb across her lips as if he was trying to wipe Sonnys lips from hers and she let him.

This baby is not going to be what chains you to me, weve seen this story first hand Alexis said referencing to what Michael Quartermanes little life had been like.

I dont want it to be like this. Ive messed up being a father once

Alexis looked at him sorry that it was brought up, sorry that Lois couldnt accept him for the way he was.

You love that little girl

Alexis I do love her so much and I just wanted her to be happy and I didnt think she would being with me


I didnt think I ever wanted to have another baby. Then this perfect woman came into my life and I caught myself thinking about what a child what look like if they were as beautiful as you

I just never thought I was suppose to have a baby

Ned let a silence go between them

Please have my baby, he said calmly but closing his eyes as if he was trying to wish that her answer be what he wanted to hear.

Ned you know I love you but

Alexis he cut her off I think thats the point, you love me and I love you and all thats gotten in between us is now so small compared to that person inside of you

Can we get through all of this?

Day by day

Ned Im having a baby

Alexis youre having our baby

A short silence came between them as if they were collecting their thoughts.

I thought this could have been the end of us Alexis looking at Ned concerned.

No I think were just now at the beginning, Ned said giving her a shy grin.

Ned stood up and reached out his hand and Alexis placed hers in his. He pulled her up not letting go of her hand and they walked away together.