"Honestly OK"
Chapter 9


Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21 | Chapter 22 (End)

He tried to stay calm he tried not to worry

He could only pace the floor

It kept him from climbing the walls, from bursting into tears

Where was she?

She never called, she never came home

The sun was gone now, and was waiting to rise again

He had called everyone



The hospital

The police station

Had she been there? Had anyone seen her? When was the last time they had seen her? Did she mention anything?

He panicked one moment after the other after thoughts of what could have happen to her, where she could be

But she seemed to have suddenly vanished

His one most horrifying thought though was that he wasnt sure someone had taken her or she had just left him

He didnt know with her these days

Jax and Nicholas had gone out to look for her. Jax insisted he stay in case she called or she did come home

But she didnt

His love was gone

He bent down by her side as she slept

He knew that the drugs should have already worn off

He didnt want to harm her

His hand reached for her face

Cuts on her face from her struggle with him had already began to swell

She jumped

His touch

The warmth of his hand

She opened her eyes with fear

She said nothing

Are you ok?

A question she didnt expect

A gentle voice, a voice of sympathy

Then boldness came pouring out of her mouth

Who are you?

As if he ignored her question

Just tell me youre ok

Why was he concerned?

Help me! Please!

Im trying I promise

He looked saddened by the sight of her, even worried

Where am I?

I cant tell you right now ok

Why are doing this to me?

She was pleading and usually she had a better strategy than this, usually she was much more quick whited but she was taken by the element of surprise

Alexis youre safe now

Safe what do you mean I

She was going to kill you last night



Alexis knew who she was

She had one of her men waiting for you


She was stunned. She hadnt heard from Helena in months and why would she be interested in killing her now, after all this time?

Why was she suddenly her new project?

I know it sounds crazy?

No it doesnt but so you kidnapped me?

Alexis couldnt seem to comprehend what was going on

She was going to kill you he said as if he were trying to make her understand

So you, a complete stranger kidnapped me?

I cant explain it all right now

She was then speechless, it all seemed so absurd

Do you mind if I help you clean up the cuts on your face

Cuts? She remembered her face burning

Without her answer he held the warm cloth up to her cheek

She winced at the sting it caused

Im sorry, I dont want to hurt you

Alexis looked at him confused

Who are you?

She would ask the question until she got an answer

He sighed from her relentlessness

She watched him breathed in and breathe out

He was agonizing over a simple question

Caulder Scott

Her eyes searched for honesty

It wasnt hard to find

Why did you do this to me