"Honestly OK"
Chapter 21


Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21 | Chapter 22 (End)

Life was full of surprises so it seemed odd to call it just an ordinary day

Alexis had done just what she said she would doshe got on with life memory or not

She held lunch for she and Ned in a brown paper bag

People spoke at Kellys, she wasnt sure of their names those who knew her, knew what had happen to her by now, she assumed she was being treated different but friends would just introduce themselves as if they knew exactly what to do
And she would play along as if she knew exactly what to do

He followed her out

He held the door for her

She turned to thank the stranger

And there he was

What are you doing here?!

Im sorry I had to see you

Youve seen me now go away!

Alexis tried to consciously lower her voice



Alexis I couldnt let it just end that way

Caulder please look Im getting my life back and Im ok and Ned and Jax will literally kill you if they know youre in Port Charles

I cant live with knowing you hate me

He had to state his purpose

Caulder I dont hate you. I know what you did for me I know that if we hadnt escaped, Helena would probably have me dead by now But Caulder - you lied to me!

I know it sounds crazy but I thought lying to you was the right thing to do at the time when you lost your memory I thought I could help you start over

Start over?

You didnt take me back to my life, you didnt bring me home! Instead you took me from everything I knew including the one person I love more than anything in the world you thought that was the right thing to do?

I know I was wrong

She gave him a sly laugh

Caulder, I get what my life was like. I get the way I lived and who I surrounded myself withAnd everyday I remember more, and it seems especially the bad parts. But I also remember Ned and I choose Ned over all the bad Do you get that?

He just stared at her for a moment. He was a man that had a taste of her and couldnt let go

She was caught in a silent game of who could protect her more and who loved her more. Caulder had come back to play a game of chance

Will you please just let me try to explain what happened, to tell you the truth from the moment we met

She looked at his pleading eyes

It seemed fair to hear him out

Not here she shot back


A coffee shop on the edge of town lessened the chances of anyone seeing her with him.

He would tell her everything.

Or at least he would tell her all he could without telling her the details that her own flesh and blood was behind her kidnapping the first time

She was strangely understanding to him. She took in every word and tried to cautiously filter it

She knew why she trusted him deep down, she even understood why he lied to her. She didnt justify what he did but she understood why.

Alexis Ive helped ruin your life

No you saved my life, the plan just went sour

I never meant for your kidnapping to go that far, and then I didnt know Helena would find us and

Youre going to drive yourself crazy! I understand it wasnt your plan to have me get hurt. I know you wanted to protect me, and you did the best way you could. But You arent a kidnapper and thats why it all went wrong

A kidnapper no, a man of utmost guilt, yes

I just want you to be able to get your life back, And I want to be able to give it to you but Im now youre worst enemy

Caulder Im happy. Ive changed in the past couple of weeks and I think its for the better I wake up looking forward to the day and before this all happened it seems that I didnt. Everyday is something new for me. Rather it be a person or a place, yes its frustrating most of the time but Im honestly ok, Im honestly taking this as an opportunity at a second chance at life and with Ned

He loves you

Alexis shook her head

Alexis can you just understand that I wanted you to have good life, that I wanted you to be loved and protected and not have to deal with all the things you had lived through

Yeahstrangely I do understand thats what you want for me but you have to just let me be ok? Go home, live your life and let me live mine

He wouldnt argue. He was a man that was up for the challenge, a man that would fight for a woman. She was in love with another man, Caulder was in love with her he would lose surprisingly gracefully.

Will you accept my apology?

Of course but you know I dont blame you

You should probably get home

Will you be ok?

Im better now go home Ned will be home soon and wonder where you are

Alexis stood up and leaned in to kiss him on the cheek and took a moment to look into his sad but charming face

Its unfortunate, me and you I fell for you so easily but that was another life

I know


Caulder held up him hand to her as she walked out of the coffee shop and left him to go back to his own part of the world.

He had come because he needed resolution

Resolution to his guilt and resolution from a woman that quite easily broke his heart


Chinese takeout and a kitchen counter

This is a really great kitchen, maybe I should learn to cook

Ned looked up at Alexis in complete disbelief that those words came out of her mouth

What? I shouldnt?

Ned shook his head no

That bad?

Alexis I didnt think you even knew where your kitchen was in your last two apartments

Thats terrible

Alexis you just shouldnt cook Ill cook

Ned you dont know how to cook

I can cook

Alexis gave him a questionable look before she burst into laughter

Ok, ok fine Ill cook for you and youll be amazed at what I can do!

Im looking forward to it!

He laughed contagiously from the look on her face

So how was youre day?

A change in subject and a million dollar question

Uh it was good

Was she always-such a terrible liar?

You dont sound too sure about it


What is it?

She debated on telling Ned about Caulder

I want to be honest with you

She wasnt sure if Ned would understand that Caulder needed an ending and how good it felt for her to have some sort of an ending with him also

Please be

I dont want you to get angry with me though


No I mean promise me you wont get angry and that you wont do anything absurd, that you will hear me out

Alexis what is it

Italked to Caulder today

WHAT! Hes here in Port Charles?


Im listening

He said he couldnt just end things the way they ended, that he needed to know that I was ok and that I didnt hate him

I hate him Alexis!

Ned he saved my life

Thats what he wants you to believe

No its not! He thinks he ruined my life he thinks hes responsible for my amnesia

And you think hes not?

He had better intentions Ned

Ned couldnt believe the way she still defended him, and what she had all been through

Alexis he wants you to believe it was all to protect you, he fell in love with you and he wants you to feel the same

I told him I did

Neds eyes widened, his heart seemed to stop beating


I told him how easily I fell for him but when I found out he lied to me and that I already had someone that I was in love with it had to mean nothing. And then when I finally got back to you it meant nothing, absolutely nothing!

Alexis you asked, no you pleaded with Jax and I to let him go. You assured me that he would no longer be a problem if he keeps coming around you, then

Then what? Then he becomes a threat to you?


Im right arent I

Ned frustratingly ran his fingers through his hair

When I get jealous or over protective or pig headed its because Im protecting my own heart and Alexis youyou just happen to have become my heart

Im sorry I said that and that I pushed

It had some truth

No it doesnt, hes not a threat to you because I love you not him

Alexis had already reached across the kitchen counter to cup his face into her hands

You love me?

She smiled at his surprise

I know I had to have told you I love you before

I thought you had forgotten

Ned I just needed some time to sort things out but, even if I just couldnt blurt out the words right away I knew I had to love you

God you dont know how good it feels to hear you say those words to me again

A huge grin appeared on her face

I love you too Alexis Davis

She kissed him, he kissed her

And then, one button after the other and there was no turning back

Friend became lover

Ive wanted you so much, he said as he lifted her sweater over her head

I know, I know!

He backed her against the wall and they both tried to catch a single breath as they kissed passionately

Articles of clothing fell to the floor from the kitchen to the hallway to the stairs

Their bed, the bed where he had only held her night after night since she had been back, he now would make love to her

Bodies pressed against the other

His hands, her hands

Touches everywhere

Her lips, his lips

Kisses everywhere

Every touch, every kiss every breath taking moment was a reminder

She was remembering how it felt to be in his arms, to make love to him

I love your body, and the way my lips feel on your skin he whispered as he kissed down her back

A chill ran through her spine an uncontrollable and an grin ran across Alexis face

She turned to look at Ned, and then took a moment to look in his eyes

Thank you


For saving me for giving me my life back for giving me a life

I just love you so much

I cant describe the way that feels

Then show me

She watched the dimples appear into his face and the she made love to him again