"Honestly OK"
Chapter 19


Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21 | Chapter 22 (End)

23 days and 4 inches of snow

Alexis was slowly but surely joining the rest of the world

She sat on the couch and she and Ned were enthralled with the Sunday newspaper

She held the paper up closer for a closer look and then held it out for Ned to see


Ned looked up

What am I looking for?

Second Row, third house

What about it?

I want to look at it

What do you mean you want to look at it?

I like it

Youre house hunting?


What brought this on?

I want out

I dont think I understand

I have to get out of this apartment

I told you can come and stay at the Gatehouse with me its five times as big as this apartment and youve always

No I like the gatehouse, especially with you there but Ive been back for a couple of weeks now and maybe this is strange and out of character but I dont want to be here anymore



Yeah, its your choice You want out, move out

And youll come with me

Would I not?

No I mean if I bought this house or the house next to it would you be there with me I mean like it was your house too?

Are you asking me to move in with you?

Ned we practically live together and yes, yes I am!

He grinned his contagious grin



Yes Ill go look at the house with you, yes I will follow you wherever you go

Excitement filled her eyes, life was inside her


By that afternoon, Ned had used his Quartermane persuasiveness and he and Alexis stood in the upstairs of the house with a very encouraged Realtor

Four bedrooms total but I know you are probably interested in having an additional office so one bedroom could easily be transformed

The heels of Alexis boots clicked on the hardwood floors as her eyes roamed around the room

Ned only smiled at the way she seemed mesmerized by the empty space

Should I give you two some time to look around on your own?

Ned nodded towards her thank you

Ill be down stairs

So what do you think? Ned said trying to grab Alexis attention

It feels good

Are you sure this is it? Alexis there are a hundred more houses for sale

I think its fate I mean seeing this house in the paper, getting to see it this afternoon it feels good this is it, this is where we live Ned

She was excited, it was like her new life with a foundation, walls and a ceiling

Then this is it

But I want you to feel it too I mean I know I shouldnt just get up one day and say hey lets buy this house but I want to do this, I need to do this Ned I dont know the woman that lives in my apartment. I have the keys to the door, the clothes in the closet seem to fit but living there isnt me anymore and its not with you-completely

So youre adamant about this?

Not so adamant that if you cant do this

Alexis you have to understand that I would do anything if I could help you remember your life the good and the bad. But the person you are now has a chance to start over and youre giving me the opportunity to start over with you. I would do anything to help you have the life you so much deserve and if this house is the way to create grounding in your life if allowing me to come home here everyday to you is all you ask of me then where do I sign?

She fought tears, and emotion she hadnt expected

She kissed his lips and held his face to hers taking in the moment

Her face was like Christmas

Shall we go down stairs and tell the Realtor the good news?

Without a second thought Alexis, like a child grabbed Neds hand and pulled him behind her

Ned Ashton and Alexis Davis now finally lived on common ground