"Honestly OK"
Chapter 18


Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21 | Chapter 22 (End)

A long way home

She had given out and she had cried herself to sleep in his arms where she belonged

While she slept Jax and Ned tried to piece together all that had happen to her from the moment she was taken from her apartment in Port Charles

How Helena came into play, and why Caulder may not be the bad guy after all

Jax and Ned decided it would be best that when they landed to just let her be, let her take things at her own pace with the exception that Ned wouldnt leave her side

She needed normal she needed to remember and Ned was the only one that could do that for her- he had earned her trust


Strange buildings, unfamiliar elevators

The elevator stopped, she assumed Ned was taking her home

He let her walk in at her own pace

A home, a reflection

Alexis ran her fingers across the leather of her desk chair

She didnt say a word and he let her discover

Plush couches, expensive art, neat, organized books, papers, pictures in picture frames

Is this her? Kristina?

Ned nodded not really sure what to say

Shes beautiful was beautiful. Shes laughing

A smile came across Alexis face

She was happy?

Because of you yes

Alexis didnt take it as a compliment rather a reminder

She died because of me she said solemnly

No it was an accident and you had nothing to do with it

Instead of responding or arguing she picked up the picture next to the one of Kristina

You and me

She seemed pleased that there was evidence that they were together

She turned back around looking at her apartment from another view then headed for the couch

Do you live with me?

It seemed odd that this was the question that made her seem so pre-occupied

Uh no I dont

She was thinking way to hard for that to be her only question

Ned sat down beside her

Whats on your mind? He asked casually

A little of everything I guess

Im listening

Alexis turned to look at him

You promise you wont be mad

Mad? Mad at what? Alexis what is it?

What happened to him?

What happened who, what happened to who?

She became bashful

Caulder you and Jax didnt hurt him?

Ned let out a breath giving him a moment to think of what to say

No hes fine I believe what you say that he cared for you and that he was trying to protect you from Helena right now Im just not sure what his motive for protecting you was

Silence, a now earth chattering silence

He didnt hurt me whatever has happen to me, Helena did it to me not Caulder

The lawyer was making a plea for him

We didnt hurt him I promise

She wanted to get assurance for Caulder

I know he lied to me I know but he cared about me, he helped me get away from Helena

It weighed on her mind - she worried

He should be on his way back to the states by now



Ned didnt say where, Alexis didnt ask

Silence again

Alexis ran her hands through her hair as she tried to remember anything that had happened, as if it were her one last chance to solve everything

Then just as she had done before she changed the subject

Im starving. Are you starving?

Ned hated her avoidance

Uh yeah. You have take out menus from every restaurant in Port Charles

I eat out a lot?

Its the only way you would survive

Not domestic?

Thats an understatement

Im that bad?

Well youre just great at a lot of other things

Way to save yourself

I was trying

She grinned at him and he smiled back

So what would I normally want to order out?

It seemed like such an odd question

Uh you like Chinese, you eat a lot of Chinese actually

Ok then Chinese it is

Alexis you dont have to order Chinese just because you did before

I want to. Its not the Chinese food its that I want things to be normal. I want to do things the way I did them before

Ned understood

Ill order for us


Empty carryout containers graced the coffee table and Alexis slept. He had carried her from the couch to her own bed where she didnt even know she missed

He watched her. He would breathe in at every breath she would breathe in and he would make sure she slept soundly and undisturbed

4:57 AM, he had dozed off

She awoke to another strange room, in a strange bed but with the calming sight of him in the chair across from her

Ned Ned

She had remembered something, she had remembered him

He opened his eyes to her shining face. A face that after all this time seemed unrecognizable

Whats wrong?

I remember you


Do you sing?

What? Alexis?

Ned do you sing?

Yes I do, I did

You were singing to me. We were somewhere, I dont know where but you were singing to me

Ned grinned as he got up to sit beside her on the bed

You remember me

I was dreaming but every detail was so clear, every moment

She had encouragement, she was ecstatic that she could remember a part of her life. A good part

She inadvertently wrapped her arms around Ned. And he did the same holding her in his arms.

She was excited, but Neds heart pounded at the feel of her

Guess I got a little excited about it huh?

No its wonderful

Sing it to me She said interrupting him

What? Now?

Sing to me


Ned please!

He would give into her as he situated on the bed facing her

A healing rain is falling down on me, deep inside my soul, and I never felt so free I'd never change a single thing that I've been through 'cause every turn along the road
led me here to you

Tears welled in her eyes the way he sang the song to her

She kissed him, one simple familiar kiss to his lips

What was that for?

For helping me remember, and for loving me

I love you so much

Alexis tugged at his arm but he was unsure of what she wanted him to do

Dont leave me

Im not

No stay here with me

Alexis pulled the covers back and he took the notion to get in bed beside her

She took his arm and wrapped it around her waist

Get some sleep ok

She meant it

And he would now that she was back where she belonged