"Honestly OK"
Chapter 12


Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21 | Chapter 22 (End)




A murderess

A woman of fury from betrayal

Caulder Scott has betrayed me and I want he and Alexis found immediately

Madam we have men searching everywhere

Mr. Scott is not a kidnapper! How hard could it be to find him?

Madam you must calm down. We will find her

Find her and I will kill her myself. Little Natasha has been too much of a burden to not rid of her now

She said it all with such calmness

Yes Madam

The air was clean and fresh as she breathed in at the sight of the freshly fallen snow


Neutral territory

Beautiful isnt it?

A chill ran through her as the sound of his voice brought her back to reality, the reality of the cold air

A sweater

Alexis turned to see Caulder standing there with a beautiful cashmere sweater, he held it out to her

I bought this for you the weather is a just a bit colder here wouldnt you say?

He let out a nervous laugh

She turned back away from him as if to try to ignore him she held her arms against her chest trying to block the cold from running through her

Ill leave it here for you if you wish?

Alexis took a deep breath in and then reached her arm behind her for the sweater

He handed her the sweater and then proceeded to walk out of the room

Where are we?

Her words caught him

Before he could answer she had the answer for herself Switzerland right?

Youve been here before?

Ned he and I came here last he said I needed a vacation, that I work too much hes always saying I work too much

Her misery protruded through him

Youre a lawyer?

A civil question


A civil answer

An awkward moment of silence

What do you do? I mean are you a hit man, obviously not a kidnapper actually I guess obviously not a very good hitman either

He liked the way she rambled it made her human, not so suited up, not so perfect

I buy things

What do you mean you buy things? Like buildings, people, drugs, what?

Caulder smiled at her thoughts about the worst of him

Companies mainly

Youre a corporate raider?

She was intrigued

No just bored


I buy companies that are failing, I build them back up and then I sell them for profit. New projects cure boredom

And the kidnapping thing?

Im protecting you


He had said those words again, those words lit a fire under her every time

You dont even know me! Some rich white collared guy gets hired to kill me but instead kidnaps me because he wants to protect me. You can interrupt when this makes sense!




Why? I dont want to sit

Would you sit down and just be quiet for a second. You dont talk for hours then you dont shut up!

She sat

I am indebted to a friend.


This friend asked me to protect you because he knew Helenas plans to have you killed. So I had her hire me to kill you and instead of going through with it I kidnapped you per my friends wishes


Yes him

So all this is a favor?

I am indebted to him

Why? What did he do for you? Why does he want to protect me so badly?

I cant say thats part of the deal

Oh my God!

Im sorry

I have a life you know

She was angry again

I know

He couldnt argue but this time she couldnt seem to finish her argument

Her face fell in her hands

Look Alexis I know you have a life and I didnt know this would

She looked up at him

It was just the way she suddenly looked up at him

I didnt have a life


I dont really have a life anymore I did. I was a damn good lawyer. I had a sister and a brother around me that I love very much. I had friends. I was going to have a baby and I had a man that loved me unconditionally and you know what? I made myself lose it all

Alexis you didnt lose everything you have friends and family and Im sure youre still a damn good lawyer

She looked at him with this intense pain

I feel like I lost everything but him and you took me away from him. Dont you get it? Hes all I have I can be a lawyer, I can have friends but my God Im human and I need him

Him, Ned Ashton, the cure

Caulder walked towards the window taking in the sight of miles and miles of snow

And no one in sight

Then I hope he finds you

Her eyes shot to the words that fell out of his mouth and her chest rose from her last breath in

Then youll let me go, but still keep your word

She was understanding the way it would work

He turned towards her
