"Honestly OK"
Chapter 10


Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21 | Chapter 22 (End)

I want her away from Port Charles

Its not as if she will willingly go Stefan

You will make her leave

Why are you doing this to her?

Are you questioning me?

No but she was adamant about not being in fear of Helena


Stefan knew that Alexis was braver than he ever would be towards Helena.

His sister was not a coward

Stefan I know you love her

Caulder, she is my sister, she and Nicholas are all I have left

Yes but Stefan she has a life and what about Ned Ashton?

Ned Ashton was given the chance to protect her and he failed miserably

But everything has been taken from her

Thats why she needs me to do this for her and why she needs you now

Stefan she hates me already

Give her time


I didnt know you had planned to keep her from her life. The deal was that I kidnap her until the situation with Helena was taken care of. The deal is done we should let Alexis go

Stefan became more stubborn about the situation

She is adaptable

Caulder let out a breath of dissatisfaction

Caulder I consider you a great friend and you know that I am doing this for my sisters sake. Take her away from Port Charles I know you will make her happy

She shoved the tray away from her

She was angry and impatient

She sat at the edge of the bed, staring at the cement walls

Tears fell down her face

You should eat

She looked at him with an evil glance

Go to hell!


I deserve that

Alexis laughed and turned her face back to the wall as Caulder winced at the sight of her tear stained face

Look not eating is not going to solve anything

She took a moment then turned back to him

Why are you doing this to me?

I told you why!

Why are you so sure Helena was going to kill me? Do you know how many times shes threatened to have me killed? Im not afraid of her, she never carries out her threats with me

Alexis I know she was going to kill you ok.

Alexis gave a brave smirk

Youre sure she was going to do it this time huh?

She took it lightly, he didnt

Alexis She hired me to kill you last night

The smirk was off her face

What do you mean you were suppose to kill me?

She told me her plan, she told me reasons why she wanted you gone and she told me to make it look like you had killed yourself she said that people would believe it, that you had reason to

The lump in her throat

Her head was spinning

More tears fell down her face

She wasnt crying over Helena, she wasnt crying out of fear. She was crying because Helena was right people would believe that she would end her own life because she had reason to want to

Alexis Im sorry

Why didnt you do it?

Quick and to the point

I couldnt

Why not?


Is this not what you do? Arent you a hit man? Dont you take care of people or the problem or whatever? What you suddenly saw good old Alexis and became a softy

Youre really feisty arent you?


I said youre feisty

Well you stink as a kidnapper

I thought I was being pretty good to you

Well lets see you grab me, you drug me, you lock me in a dark basement then here comes Mr. Sensitive, Mr. Charming, Mr. are you ok Alexis, did I hurt you Alexis? What kind of kidnapper are you?

Do you always talk without breathing?

I cant believe this you Mr. kidnapper are criticizing my breathing

Im sorry if Im not the kidnapper you always wanted

You can say that again

Youre kind of insane

Im insane?

Caulder tried to take a deep breath in and then out. He couldnt believe he was fighting with her

He walked over to her sliding tray of food back towards her

Oh and were leaving here tonight


You heard me!

Im not going anywhere with you

You dont have a choice youre being kidnapped remember

Alexis sulked



Caulder slammed the door behind him