"Honestly OK"
Chapter 20


Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21 | Chapter 22 (End)

She woke up that morning with him by her side in their house.

If this wasnt her old life she was happy to have a new one, to have this one

The first cup of coffee

She held the warm cup in her hand looking out at the view. The sky was overcast and the snow had left the trees bowing their heads to her.

She stood there in the quietness of the morning She didnt seem to spend much time alone anymore but today she and Ned would start their routine. The routine they had agreed on, the one that would make life seem normal and sane

He was in the shower and already at ELQs mercy

Her eyes seemed fixated on the snow on the ground. Instead of the soothing comfort she was suppose to feel, the sight of the snow felt eerie

A sip of coffee and suddenly snowflakes appeared from thin air her mind was stumbling at the scene and then

The sound of a gunshot went barreling through her headAlexis eyes seemed to suddenly be in a coma like stare from the visions of fireworks in her head

Gunshots repeated over and over and the man standing in front of her fell to the ground

She could see herself screaming and then covered in blood

Alexis! Have you seen

She couldnt hear Neds voice the vision of this man being shot down in front of her filled her mind




What has you so preoccupied this morning?

Oh, oh nothing

Bad save

Are you sure?

I was uh, just mesmerized by the snow I guess

Ned smiled letting the horrified look on her face go unnoticed

I just want to make sure you will be ok here without me I mean

Ned I think its the other way around. I think youre having trouble leaving me

Dimples appeared on her face proud of the discovery she had made. He was the one with separation anxiety

You know I just worry about you

Honey I know and I really appreciate it but I will be fine. I have work to catch up on, or work to begin I need to get back to work Ned

I know and Im leaving you so you can have your life back

Thank you but just come home to me tonight ok?

He kissed her and then again, and again


Have nice day dear he said grinning

You too


His face, she couldnt forget his face. The face of the man lying in the snow. Was he alive? Or was she remembering his death. Why was she there, was someone trying to kill her then?

She tried to take her mind off of the scene in her head and she dove into her work. A million things to catch up on, a million things to remember

Her coffee gone, her glasses placed neatly at mid nose, she appeared now on the outside as the old Alexis Davis

The doorbell rang breaking her concentration

She looked out to see Jaxs face waiting for her

Hey you! I didnt expect to see you today!

Jaxs eyes lit up to see the studious Alexis Davis he knew so well

Hello beautiful I just came by to see how you are

Ned didnt send you did he?

I dont know what you mean? He said grinning

Im just trying to get back into work

Im not interrupting?

Of course not! I think theres coffee left

No thanks Im good

Come sit

Jax followed her into the den and sat beside her on the couch. Jax had once again become her trusted best friend. Their relationship had been easy to re-build Jax fit easily into her life

I have something I need to ask you

What is it? Is something wrong?

Jax jumped to conclusions by the look on her face

No I just have a question about something Im remembering I guess

Sure what is it

Why would someone be shooting at me?


Jax already knew the contents of the conversation

I had this memory about being in the snow and being shot at, and this man being shot down right in front of me did this happen and did that man die?

A man that had been purposefully left out of Alexis new life

Uh yeah, it happened a couple of years ago. He was a client of yours and they were shooting at him, not you


A woman of a thousand questions

People wanted him dead

And I defended him?

Yeah but you havent for a while now

Is he dead?

Jax wanted to tell her yes

No but you dont represent him anymore because of his wrong dealings and its better if you stay away from him ok

Alexis was more puzzled now than ever

But what who is he?

Sonny Corinthos

Sonny Corinthos She repeated back

Alexis, hes one of those people its good you forgot Do you understand?

She understood, she also was frustrated because she wasnt a child and she shouldnt have to or be able to just forget these people

So I mustve not been shot I mean I dont have the scars

You were lucky, very lucky Alexis!

But I was fine

But the people who love you werent fine. Ned wasnt!

Alexis bit down on her bottom lip

He wasnt there was he?

No but he thought he had lost you he thought you had been gun down that night

Alexis wasnt sure what to say. She had only remembered a little of the horrifying scene and she didnt know rather to defend herself or to feel sorry for herself and Ned for having to think she was dead once again

Alexis I know its an incredibly silly thing to say but please try to put that scene out of you mind for your sake and for Neds. It was a horrible night, a night neither of you should have to live through again so just try to drop it ok?

Alexis was quick to agree. She already wanted to end the conversation. Jax seemed on edge at mention of the night and the man that was shot she would drop the subject and find the answers for herself, later

A subject quickly changed by both of them

I should let you get back to work

I assure you werent interrupting. You know Im always happy when you come around

Her smile to him was genuine though their conversation was tense

He kissed her on the cheek and said his good-byes with a final reminder that he would be right there for her if she needed him


Undeniable chemistry

She had invited him back into her bed and she had found comfort in him from the first night she was back in Port Charles She wasnt however the same woman she was a woman that had to learn who she once trusted, who she once loved.

Every moment spent with Ned was a simple reminder that they had undeniable chemistry. Small touches created sparks but Ned understood his role in her life, he understood that it was up to him to help rebuild her life, not complicate it so he became her friend again before he became her lover again

She lie in his arms that night and they talked about getting through the day a day that was made to seem normal. She insisted that life was well again. That she had gotten through the day with flying colors and she was on her way back to her old self.
She didnt mention that she had actually spent the day with a horrific bloody scene playing over and over in her head. Jax said to drop it, it was probably best if she did.

She drifted off for the moment peacefully in his arms


Gunshot after gunshot fired once again through her head. The millions upon millions of stars shown over her head as she lie in the snow screams came from the back ground. She lifted her head to see herself covered in blood, no sting it was his blood

She shot up in bed


She opened her eyes to darkness and Ned repeating her name

Alexis are you ok?

Ned placed his hand at her arm and reality set in

Her body had become ice cold


She could breathe again at the sight of him

She lay back down beside him

A bad dream?


Youre ok, you here with me

He held her close and she seemed to hold on for dear life to him.

He hesitated to question her until it seemed too late. Until she had already drifted off to sleep again.

He would watch her intently for any sign that she wasnt sleeping peacefully. Ned could only imagine what dreams were haunting her Caulder, Helena, her sister

He loved her, he loved her now more than he ever imagined he could before, but he wondered would she ever be the same.

Would she ever be the mighty Alexis Davis again or would she be haunted for the rest of her life