"Honestly OK"
Chapter 16


Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21 | Chapter 22 (End)

In a few days time Jax and Ned had found them.

Caulder had slipped and information of their whereabouts made it almost too easy for them to be found

When you raid get Alexis first then Caulder. Just make sure you get her, do what you have to with him. I want her safe

Yes sir but what if she resists?

Just get her!

Jaxs orders where made, there was nothing to lose now

The plan to retrieve Alexis went quickly into action

One guard down and then another and another

She was now an unknowingly vulnerable to what was about to happen

Alexis head turned quickly at the sound of breaking glass


He didnt answer

Caulder! Was that you?

The large hand framed her mouth

She fought

But she was an easy steal

She never saw Caulder, she thought Helena had found her


Her memory was gone

Ned watched her alone as she seemed terrified to what was happening to her. Everything was unfamiliar he had taken her away from the only thing, the only person she knew, Caulder

She didnt know she was safe now

He watched, he paced

She screamed, she cried

He should have waited to see her but he couldnt.

He missed her, he loved herhe couldnt just watch as she fell apart

He stood in front of her

She looked at him so blankly

The look on her face made him feel sick what had they done to her?


Tears flowed down her face

He watched to see if she even recognized her own name

Who are you?

She didnt remember him as one of Helenas guards

Ned Im Ned

He was already stumbling

Please dont hurt me! I didnt mean to

Alexis no, its me Ned I love you more than anything I wouldnt hurt you

He didnt mean to say that so easily but the words slid off his tongue

She was thrown off guard. Why would he say those words, why was he telling her he loved her more than anything?

I dont know you

She had calmed down. But he could tell she was still trying to compose herself

Im not going to hurt you I promise

He was pleading for her

Wheres Caulder? What did you do to Caulder? You didnt hurt him did you?

She was pleading for Caulder

Jax walked in and interrupted before Ned could answer

Alexis jumped back seemingly startled by Jax jutting into the room

One more person than she could handle

Ned quickly stepped in front of Jax knowing she was insecure

He wont hurt you

The sincerity in Neds eyes to her she seemed to breathe

Ned you shouldnt have

Alexis listened intently

Shes scared Jax

Jaxs attention to her

Alexis are you ok?

She couldnt trust them, she knew not to just trust anyone but why were they so concerned

She didnt answer Jaxs question

Jax just let me talk to her for a little while

Alexis watched their every move

Jax looked at Alexis

Youre safe ok Jax said trying to re-assure her Ned the plane is fueling up

He left them alone again

She chewed at her bottom lip and she her hands were fidgeting

Im sorry I make you nervous. You really are safe now

What do you mean safe?

Curiosity killed the cat

He smiled she was conversing

Ned sat down but she still kept her distance

Caulder kidnapped you

Alexis let out a troubled laugh

Look I dont know who you are

Alexis Im telling you the truth

Caulder didnt kidnap me Helena did


I dont know exactly who she is or even if you work for her but Helena kidnapped us and then we escaped and

Ned was trying to keep the facts straight

Are you sure Helena

All I know is that I was being held up in this weird maze type place with Caulder, we escaped and then I get kidnapped again by you guys

He could tell she was annoyed

Rightfully so

Would you stop saying we kidnapped you, we didnt we just taking you home


She had asked Caulder about her home. He had refused to give her an answer


Port Charles, New York

New York?

United States

I live there?

It made sense and this stranger had at least answers Caulder couldnt give

Yes you live there with me


She was completely confused and frustrated

She shook her head

I dont know to trust you, Im sorry

She looked as if she wanted to crawl out of her skin

The door opened suddenly and again she seemed paralyzed in fear to what was to happen next

Another stranger

Mr. Ashton, Mr. Jacks said to relay that the jet is ready to leave when you two are

Ned shook his head then turned back to Alexis

I know youre scared, I know youre confused but let me take you home, please

She took a moment

She was thinking

Wheres Caulder?

He was the only person she knew to trust, trustworthy or not

I dont know, honestly I dont

Find out

It was a bold order on her part


What could he do he knew she wouldnt trust him unless he could give her answers

Ned turned back to the man Where is he?

Were trying to get info about him he saying something about Ms. Cassadine

Thats her Cassadine, Helena Cassadine

The man looked at Alexis

Alexis has already mentioned Helena Is Caulder ok?

Ned tried to show concern for Alexis sake

Were taking care of him

Dont hurt him, please Ned dont let them hurt him

She said his name, Ned seemed to melt at the sound of his name from her familiar lips

Ned glared back at the man

Hell be fine Ms. Davis


She was uncertain that was her last name

Ned turned back to re-assure her

She shook her head

Mr. Ashton, the jet?


She was panicking

I just want to get you home ok

Sudden and blind trust

You wont leave me?

Not one second

He couldnt describe the relief

She held he breath in


Ok? Ok

Ned held out his hand

She hesitated a moment and then latched her hand into his

Youll be ok I promise you

He wanted her to believe him

Her eyes terrified, she let out the breath she was holding

I have nothing to lose

And she let him lead her to the jet

The jet that would take her home