"Honestly OK"
Chapter 11


Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21 | Chapter 22 (End)

He left her apartment

After walking every square inch, he left

He wasnt afraid he would miss her call now

She wouldnt call

Days had gone by

And they had been days without her

You should try to get some sleep

Jax appeared in the doorway of the gatehouse

Ned sighed at the sight of him

Im fine

Youre not fine, I know you not because Im not shes gone Ned

It hurt

Those words hurt

He knew she was gone why did he say it to him as if he didnt understand

Ned I found Helena... One ounce of hope made his heart flutter I dont think she has her

Good news, bad news

She actually seemed quite stunned that she was missing

What do you mean?

Im sure she usually keeps one of her four eyes on Alexis at all times and she seemed interested in knowing that she had disappeared and did we know what had happen to her

Do you think she could have been lying?

I threatened but she seemed intrigued more that she was missing rather than she was hiding something
Jax, who would do this to her?

Jax didnt know - he didnt know who or why , she had just disapeared


Flying above the gray skies into the blue

You havent said a word in hours

She turned her head towards the sound of his voice

He was fidgeting

She seemed to make him nervous instead of the other way around

What did I do to deserve this?

She was calm

You dont deserve this

She was surprised by his answer

Then why

Im protecting you

From who? Helena? I dont need you to keep me locked away from her, I mean if you wanted to protect me where were you when I was ten and I watched her slit my mothers throat?

Alexis Im sorry

Her words were harsh, but his sympathy was genuine

She no longer seemed angry with him, as angry. But she still wanted to know why?

Just tell me whats in it for you, why youre involved? Why you care if I live or die. Is it money? I can get you whatever amount you can dream of

Alexis its not money!

Her brown eyes pleaded for the truth

Then what is it?

Were changing the subject

Without a moment of thought she went for a case of sympathy

Do you know Ned?

Caulders heart pounded

He wouldnt lie to her anymore than he already had

I know of him

Hes the love of my life, she said letting out a nervous laugh. Its taken me almost six years to realize that. Isnt that hysterical? I mean the man even volunteered to be the father of my baby even after I left him at the alter and he forgave me and then wanted to take responsibility for a child that wasnt even his! Isnt that absurd?

Look Alexis Caulder tried to interrupt

She had hit a nerve, her guilt trip was working

Ever loved anyone like that?

The question that broke the camels back


An emphatic no

He was lying and she could see right through him she was a lawyer

What was her name?

I said no He snapped back

Her spark of intrigue faded


No Im sorry, I didnt mean to snap at you

She waited a moment, then her snap back

Kidnapping is obviously not your forte

A great lawyer stays on subject to get the information needed

Howd you guess

Sarcasm was good, a step forward

She smiled for the first time

He smiled back unconsciously

She had a beautiful smile

A smile that made a man notice

Not perfect but extremely beautiful

Neds a lucky man

She was intrigued by his comment

Why do you say that?

You love him

Thats it thats what makes him a lucky man

Yeah thats it



Youre not doing this on your own


If its not Helena then who?

You never give it a rest do you?

Not when Im trying to figure out a strategy to escape


I have to protect you

I get that, Why?


Who are you protecting me for?

I cant say!


Because I cant


Because I promised him I would protect you


Caulder had given away clue number one, him

Whos Him?


Whos him, he, he wants to protect me? Who is he?

Caulder turned away from her, she was winning at her little game

Change the subject

We should be landing soon!

No tell me who he is?

Caulder refused to answer her anymore

Alexis shook her head in disbelief and then turned her head away from him so he couldnt see tears of frustration that had welled up in her eyes

Kidnapping indefinite