"Honestly OK"
Chapter 8


Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21 | Chapter 22 (End)

Alexis Alexis!

She didnt answer

Her apartment was empty

It wasnt like her to not let him know if she was going to be running late

She knew he worried about her

Especially now

He looked for a note

He checked his cell phone to see if he had missed a message from her

Everything was a she had left it this morning

Her pajamas lying on the bed

Her glasses on the coffee table

She was without her glasses, she couldnt be far

He tried her cell phone

The sound of her voice

Youve reached Alexis Davis leave a message

Alexis its Ned. Its around 5:00 and Im at your apartment and youre not just wondering where you are love you

She didnt answer her cell phone

She always answered, she was compulsive about answering her phone

Maybe she was with Jax

Maybe she didnt want to be alone and she went to see Jax

Jax its Ned, have you seen Alexis?

Yeah she was here earlier but I thought she was headed back to have dinner with you? Maybe she had an errand to run?

Maybe so Ill give her a few minutes

Time had elapsed

Where was she

How long had she been there

Her body shivered

Her head ached

Her eyes burned

Her throat was dry

She tried to open her eyes


Only light coming from under a door


The cold cement floor bled through her jeans

Her shoes were gone

They had taken her shoes

The air was damp, everything was terrifyingly cold

Underground she said aloud

She crawled toward the light and felt her way to the door knob

She turned it slowly

She knew what disappointment waited

She tried to stand but her knees seemed to lock her in place

She pulled at the doorknob again, this time jerking it

The door didnt budge

Her forehead was soothingly cooled by the cold steel of the door

She was dizzy from what little fight she tried to give to get out


She could hear herself breathe

They were short quick breaths and she found herself not being able to pace herself

Her hands and knees grounded themselves into the floor

She clenched her jaw and reached again for the doorknob missing from the darkness of the room

Why was her body doing this to her?

What had happened to her?

She reached again

The doorknob now seemed even harder to turn
