"Honestly OK"
Chapter 13


Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21 | Chapter 22 (End)

His arms wrapped safely around her

The way it felt to be in Neds arms his scent, his touch, the way his lips lingered over her body the feeling was unforgettable

Unforgettable when they were together, unforgettable in all the time they were apart, unforgettable when she needed the thought of him the most

She wasnt sad, she was happy she was the way she was before

Before she had lost everything

She would kiss him again and again and she would laugh from the way he made her feel

Alexis eyes opened wide from the sound of the helicopter flying closely over the roof of the hidden cottage.

She didnt move, she only waited as the sound quickly faded.

She had been abruptly awakened from a dream.

She was dreaming of Ned. Just being in his arms

She ran quickly to the window but there was nothing in sight.

The helicopter gone

Suddenly quiet

Quieter than usual, eerie

She found herself tugging at the door that would lead her out of the room.

She had the sudden urge to want to get out

The helicopter what did it mean?

Was it Ned? Did he find her? Was it Caulder? Was it Helena?

Alexis knew Caulder had at least heard the helicopter why wouldnt he come to her

Weve found them or weve found Mr. Scott and were looking for Ms. Davis now

Good, she cant be to far awayMs. Cassadine wants them both brought to her and shes made it clear shes waiting

Mr. Scott is already on the helicopter

Ms. Cassadine has already landed in Switzerland so find Alexis fast

Relay that it wont be long

Alexis pounded on the walls screaming Caulders name.

She couldnt help but feel something was about to happen. She was the one being kidnapped, but she could sense Caulder couldnt have had plans to have helicopter come inmaybe it was someone looking for her she screamed again


She was silenced and she stepped away from the door

It wasnt Caulders voice

She strained to hear Neds voice


Alexis found herself panicking


Everything from that moment of panic seemed so surreal

Two men grabbed her, she fought, she tried to scream Caulders name, she felt herself not being able to breath and it was that haunting feeling the way she felt when Caulder had taken her from her apartment drugged drugged again.

The way it instantly ran through her body she lost control

Her fist unclenched, her arms that she tried to shield herself with, dropped, her body limp, her eyes closed

Kidnapped again
Why hasnt she already awoken?

Madam we gave her enough drugs to make sure she would not wake during flight

Mr. Scott?

He is in the other room

I will see him and then I want him brought here with her. I want him to see how pathetic she looks

Yes Madam

Alexis had yet to wake up the drugs should have worn off, she seemed to still be out cold

The sounds of Caulders voice fighting with one of the men echoed throughout the hallway before he was shoved past the steel doors and into the room with Alexis

His eyes were fixated at the sight of her seemingly lifeless body lying there


She was breathing

He shook her

She didnt wake up

Caulder looked around. He questioned was Helena watching him

What did you do to her!!

He yelled into thin air

That eerie silence

Alexis wake up, Alexis you have to wake up

Sweat began to bead up across her forehead though she was cold to the touch

What did you give her?

Again he spoke into thin air

Time had past and Caulder was unsure if the sun was visible anymore

He sat on the floor holding on to her. He could tell her temperature had changed rapidly for one moment to the next.

He didnt know what they had given her, how sick she was, if she would even wake up

He caressed her head against his chest as if it were the only way he had left to protect her.

He stared at her

Suddenly she flinched


Caulder watched as she tried to swallow, as she tried to move

Alexis Alexis wake up

That feeling that haunting feeling

A feeling she couldnt remember feeling before

She couldnt remember anything

Alexis slowly opened her eyes to the sight of Caulders frantic face

She jumped

Every bone in her body ached and she tried to move herself away from him

She looked startled, she looked confused

Alexis! Dont be

Get away from me! Who are you?

Alexis its me Caulder

She tried to move further away

Get away from me!

Her mind had gone blank

Everything had all at once become a mystery
