"Honestly OK"
Chapter 2


Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21 | Chapter 22 (End)

Jax swung open the door hoping it was her


Yeah you got my message

She only shook her head

He took notice of how frazzled she looked

Her hair seemed to scatter from the ponytail she tried to hold it up in

He took note of her tennis shoes, she had forgotten her socks

It was snowing and she forgot to put on socks

She looked thin, she looked tired - worn

She had tried to play the game

She lost

Um I actually went ahead and ordered breakfast

Just coffee would be good

Alexis you should eat

Im not really that hungry


Jax Im fine

Alexis youre not

Im honestly ok, she said in a matter of fact tone

He still disagreed but he didnt want to upset her anymore that he seemed to already have

Jax Im sorry

Its ok

Its not ok I shouldnt snap at you like that

Alexis youre allowed to be snappy, its perfectly ok

You invited me to breakfast this morning and at least I can do is be polite

I dont want to you to be polite because you have to. I wanted you to get out of your apartment. I wanted you to talk, I wanted to just let you know Im here for you


Im not pitying you, I love you, I care about you

She didnt have an argument

He then tried to change the subject

I cant believe it snowed last night. The roads werent too bad this morning were they?

Hmm, no

I tried calling you earlier but you didnt answer thought I might stop by and pick you up

I, I must have been in the shower or something

She knew where she was

Did you get any sleep last night?

She should have been flattered he was so concerned

She only let out a slight laugh

Do you feel ok?


She turned her face from him, tears had welled up in her eyes

Alexis Im sorry. I didnt mean to push you. I know youre not ok and Im worried, really worried

Ill be fine

What if you wont be?
That was honest, that was out of the blue

Jax I just need time ok

What if time doesnt help?

Wow sunshine!

You dont want pity, you dont want sympathy, you wont let anyone console you

Jax I can deal with this I know how this is my life

Loosing Kristina was a tragedy Alexis, then losing your baby, its not something a person can just deal with

She sat down on his couch and pushed her face into the palm of her hands

Jax sat down beside her

He didnt put his arm around her he knew she would try to get away

He put his hand to her back

He could have swore he heard her heart pounding

A knock at the door

Jax paused for a moment as if he were waiting for the ok from her to let just anyone see her

She had become sort of an enigma

Suddenly Alexis disappeared into the other room

An enigma again

Jax opened the door to see Ned standing there


Alexis squeezed her eyes shut at the sound of his name

Come in

Uh I hate to interrupt but I wanted to talk to you about something about Alexis

Look Ned now may be not the

Jax I thought she might talk to you Jax Im worried about her shes not ok

Look Ned

Hi Alexis said peering from the other room


He looked saddened at the sight of her

I just came to

Its ok I understand, youre worried. You shouldnt be

Jax felt suddenly out of place

Um Ill give the two of you time to talk

Alexis glared at him

She took a deep breathe in

Uh no I was just leaving actually. Thanks for breakfast Jax

But Alexis you didnt ea

She grabbed her coat

She seemed to bolt out of the door

She wanted out

She pressed the button to the elevator repeatedly before either of them could come after her

Safe behind the steel elevator doors

She breathed out