"Honestly OK"
Chapter 4


Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21 | Chapter 22 (End)

Her naked body dangled above his as they lie in bed, his bed

She seemed to search his eyes - concentrating

Then suddenly, out of the blue

She let out a slight laugh and said

I love you

What? he said confused

I love you Ned Ashton


Was she delirious? Had she gone crazy? Did she just want him to know the truth?

Why was she being so uncharacteristically bold?

I know and Im sorry but I do, I always have

He began to sit up in bed as she pulled away from him

No dont be sorry, God its just I thought you didnt didnt anymore

I did nothing but ruin your life, she said shaking her head as if she were still in disbelief at what she had done to him

What do you mean ruin my life? he asked interrupting her

Ive always loved you when I left you at the altar, when I was with Sonny, when you were with Kristina I loved you

He questioned the word love

Loving me Alexis is one thing

No! I love you and I never stopped. I even tried. I tried to let you get on with your life I tried to let you get away from me And I thought I had done it I thought I had pushed you away with Sonny but there you were again ready to stand right by my side when I needed you most, even if it meant hurting Kristina. Tears welled up in her eyes
I didnt want to drag you into the mess I created but there you were willing and I loved you even more

He couldnt remember when he last breathed in and out

Why didnt you tell me?

It wouldnt have been fair?

It wouldnt have been fair for the love of my life to tell me she loved me back, that she never stopped loving me! Why the sudden confession?

Ive lost everything, she said candidly


I have nothing to lose. Coming here being with you is all I have left of my heart. It sounds overly dramatic but I cant stop hurting unless Im right here

Tears fell down her face and he repeatedly tried to control them with the tips of his fingers

At a moment when he expected her to bolt for the door, to frantically look for her clothes and try to hide her face

Instead she sat there and was ready to take what was coming to her she was right she had nothing to lose

Bad time to start confessing huh? she said almost comically

She re-situated herself on the bed growing more nervous and more conscious that she was sitting there naked in front of him, baring her soul in more ways than one

He grabbed her arm and pulled her towards him

Ned dont do this out of sympathy

He pressed his palms to her face

I dont know the right thing to say Alexis

She tried to turn her head loose from his hands

Alexis, from the moment I met you I knew life would never be the same. I knew that you werent just any woman that could just pass me by I loved you long before I ever told you I did and the chances that I would have stopped well there doesnt seem to be any chances. Alexis what Im saying to you is that I love you, I love you still. Losing Kristina, losing your baby OUR baby I still love you. And you know as well as I do we need each other more now than before

Thats just it I dont want love to be salvaged because of sympathy, because you can console me with sex

Cant I just love you, cant you just love me?

Is it that simple?

God Alexis yes it is, but youre the only one who can make it that simple for the both of us

They were tangled between the sheets as they tried to hold each other to the point of where his heart pounded into hers



Promise to never let me leave you again she said sinking her chin into his shoulder Ned please

I promise because I cant let you go again