"Honestly OK"
Chapter 15


Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21 | Chapter 22 (End)

Alexis opened her eyes to Caulder pacing the floor

She noticed he was much tenser than the night before

Whats wrong did something happen?

He stood there looking at her, looking at her uninvited innocent face. Her face had now become an incentive to go through with what he was about to propose

What is it?

He was scaring her

Caulder walked towards her and sat down in front of her, he began to caress her hands as if he were to soothe her while grabbing her full attention

You have to listen to me ok!

Alexis shook her head at the seriousness on Caulders face

When the guard opens the door to bring us food I want you to run past him and out

Caulder I cant

She was quick to interrupt but he had made his plan

When you get out of the door go left and run taking only left turns ok

Left turns?

Ill be able to follow you that way

Ok left turns but how am I getting past

Caulder still feared their every move was being watched he leaned in closer to her and lifted his shirt slightly and let the gun peer through

Where did you get that!

It doesnt matter, the guard should be coming soon

It was easier to ignore her question

Caulder if this doesnt work they will kill us

It will work ok, just run!


She took a moment questioning stupidity and what she had just agreed to do


The now infamous footsteps

Caulder looked at Alexis and took one last full deep breath in

She reached out her hand letting it rest on his arm for only a second before they took their positions

Caulder would kill if he had to but he had to make sure she wasnt in harms way

The sound of the key unlocking the door from the other side echoed into the stillness of the room

Neither of them had any last words to say

His face appeared, he was a man with no name

Well arent we all up and raring to go this morning?

He didnt seem to notice what seemed a rather obvious set up position

The guard took his next step into the room as he held breakfast in his hand

Before the door could close Alexis caught it by the bare tips of her fingers

The guard had yet to pay her any attention

Helena cant keep us here forever

Distraction number one, goading him, the plan was in place

Mr. Scott I believe you are the instigator in this matter and you have no say so whether you and Alexis ever get to leave

His last glance at her. The frightened look on her face, her trembling hands on the door

The sound of the door opening

The guard turned quickly to Alexis taking his attention away from Caulder

Caulder hit him in the head and he fell to the ground

Run now!

The plan had become easier, everything had fallen into place

Caulder watched her disappear and he soon followed behind her

Keep running!

He whispered into the air

She didnt look back only carried out the plan as she was instructed. Left turn after left turn in the maze Helena Cassadine had trapped them in


He was calling her name


Im behind youthere should be nearing the last turn, there is a hallway with a door

I see it!

He had caught up with her and grabbed her hand making her run faster than she had before

Stairs they ran up the stairs not taking a moment to breathe, strangely no one had noticed they where gone or had missed the guard that had gone in to see them, the guard that was now unconscious and purposely locked up behind them

White crisp snow, a blanket of serenity in a throat-cutting gasp of air daylight

Seemingly no where to go and certainly no place to hide

The defining sound of a helicopter swarming over

Before Alexis could ask what next Caulder was waiving his arms

How do you know thats not Helena? Shouldnt we try to hide? Caulder!

Its not Helena shes no longer heresomething else has peeked her interest

A short answer

What? How do you know?

Ill explain later I promise just get on this helicopter with me!

Alexis shook her head, she trusted him

Mr. Scott

A man dressed in his flight gear reached his hand out to shake Caulders hand


Yes sir

Thanks for the lift Caulder said giving a relieved and jovial grin

Mr. Cassadine will be very pleased to have the both of you safe


Armed bodyguards, a crackling fire, a long bath and anything she wanted suddenly at her disposal. A few hours ago Alexis was unsure if she would die of starvation or by freezing to death or that someone would just kill her for their own reasons now here she was.

She now had a million questions and they had been peeked during a quick check up with a doctor that Stefan had insisted see her after Caulder had explained her memory loss.

I think this place suits you much better Caulder said smiling at the sight of her Are you feeling any better?

She didnt answer. She looked more troubled now than she did before they had escaped

He saw the look on her face and waited to see if she was ready to read him his rights it seems she would the old Alexis Davis would

Come sit

She did

Caulder you have to fill in these holes I have please just answer my questions

As usual, to the point

Caulder was ahead of her though, he knew she would have questions and he had prepared

Ask away

She was shocked at his sudden willingness

Ok first how did we get out of there so easily?

I had a plan


I had help, a friend found out where we were, he knows Helena and he knows the way she works like no other and he found us and helped me set up a plan of escape and it went off without a hitch wouldnt you say?

She didnt care for his humor at the moment

Who is this friend and why was he able to get Helena away?

He and Helena know each other well, a little too well. He distracted her, caused her to give attention to something else

It was that easy?

This time yes

Is the man here? Can I thank him?

No hes not here?

So thats it?

For now I hope

So where do I go from here?


A question he hadnt planned on her asking

I know I came from somewhere can we go back home?

No I mean this is your home right now

The uncertainly of his voice didnt go over well with her

Caulder I cant remember please dont do this to me

Her brown eyes pleaded

He wrapped his arms around her and tried to hold her

We need to stay here for a while, no one knows were here and were safe now please trust me

She let her palms rest at his jaw line commanding his attention

The way her soft skin felt on his stubbled face

She was soothing, and she was bewitching

I trust you

Those words, the way they came from her lips, the way her eyes dove into the meaning

He had suddenly forgotten the way things were, the secrets between them, the job he was suppose to do



He was a mystery to her, he was also her hero. His secrets and his will to protect her made her forget the holes that she could not fill anymore about her life maybe this was her life

He ran his hand slightly further up her leg

She didnt take her eyes off him; she knew what she was doing

Can I

Her lips met his before he could finish

She began to kiss him passionately.

She had seized the moment, she had gotten what she wanted, what he wanted

The taste of the others lips