Alexis held Kaley in her arms as she walked around outside on the terrace. Kaleys fingers gripped her mothers wedding
dress as she rested her head on her mothers bare shoulders fighting sleep from all the excitement that was around her. The
candlelight, the mixture of colors and the sound of voices were all blurred to Alexis as she walked around in an almost daze.
Somehow Alexis had managed to steal a moment to herself and with Kaley as everyone still mingled after the ceremony.
She looked inside to see Ned standing there and until then not noticing that he had been watching her from the window while
conversing with his family. He shot her a smile and she smiled back. Ned excused himself and made his was to his
bride. He walked up to Alexis and leaned in and kissed her running his hand across their babys back. Shes tired
Yes How did you manage to get out here and dodge all of these people when youre the main event? Got
lucky, Alexis said with a devilish grin Is it time for the honeymoon? he said sensing that Alexis had, had enough
wedding. I thought it was time for the honeymoon right after we said that I do thing Ned glanced back inside
to see all of their guests and then looked back at Alexis Can I help you out of that dress Ned! What about
everyone Honey look at them, they wont even notice were gone Alexis gave him a grin of approval and he took
her by the hand leading her back through the crowd and up the stairs. By the time they had reached the stairs Kristina had
noticed them trying to sneak away and she caught Alexis eye, but she only gave her an acknowledging look. Alexis
lay Kaley on the bed letting the tired little girl finally rest as she rubbed her back to settle her. Ned leaned in to his
wife Did I mention that you are not only the most beautiful woman but also the most incredible I think you
might have mentioned it Alexis stood up to face him and he kissed her, then looking into her eyes he kissed her again.
This time more passionately and more seductively Ned! Alexis said putting her fingers in between their lips
I cant help myself Ned, the zipper Of course Ned stood behind Alexis as she felt the zipper
run down her lower back Ned letting the tip of his finger follow it. And though it sent a chill down her spine Alexis held
the dress to her refusing to let Ned have his way right there. Alexis began to change and Ned lay down on the bed
beside his daughter. Shes going to be bald for the rest of her life, Ned said running his fingers back and forth
across the side of her head Alexis only shot Ned a look So youre actually going to leave her? Alexis
stopped dead in her tracks Im not leaving her! He could tell Alexis answer was from an unwanted decision Besides
were not going that far Honey we can take her with us No I can wait you dont want to leave her do you?
I can leave her, she will be in good hands NED ASHTON Ok fine its a little bit of separation anxiety
I mean look at her but Ill be ok Ned and Alexis both had changed clothes and headed down stairs. Ned was
carrying Kaley for those last few minutes he had with her as they said their thanks yous and good-byes. He then
handed her over to Alexis letting her get her last fix before Kristina took her. Kristina followed Alexis into the
kitchen Theres milk in the fridge and some in the freezer just in case Ok You should have plenty
of everything Im sure You have all the numbers I have them, Jax has them, were good Kristina
shes my baby Alexis tried to re-assure why she was being so particular Alexis shell be fine. You know Kaley and
I are going to have a great time besides and youll be back in a couple of days, ok? Alexis sat down at the kitchen
table holding her baby in her arms, feeling her fingers as she kissed her repeatedly. Kristina couldnt imagine how Alexis
felt at that moment knowing this was the hardest thing she had ever done. Ned walked softly in the in the kitchen
and bent down looking at his little family Are we ready Yes Alexis stood up and Ned too took one
last feel of his daughter and kissed her You two really do look so pathetic to be having to go on your honeymoon
Ok! Alexis said as she handed Kaley over to Kristina and then kissed Kristina on her forehead I love you,
and be careful with my baby I love you, and I will, now GO! Ned pushed Alexis out of the door before both
of them refused to leave Ned and Alexis wanted peace and quiet rather than the excitement of the city so they decided
on a cabin in Vermont. The leaves on the tress had already started to turn as they stepped off the small commuter plane. The
air was cool for the late summer and it was the perfect setting for the alone time they so very much needed. Should
we call? Alexis Should we? Ill call Alexis laughed. Ned was doing a bad job at putting
up a front about not missing his daughter already Ned hung up the phone. She said Mama and started walking
NED! Kristina says shes sleeping, shes happy, and she doesnt miss us. Ned opened the door to the
cabin. And Alexis stepped in front of him looking inside at the candles that lit the room. Hey where do you think
youre going? Hmm? I have to carry you Ok no you dont You wife, this threshold Fine
Tarzan Ned lifted her up What no grunting? I told you it was an endearing grunt, will you drop
that? Alexis let out a laugh as he planted her feet back on the ground. Ok so you, me, a little cabin, a
few days to ourselves, and room service Alexis looked at Ned tell me they have room service Honey would I be so insincere
as to take you anywhere where you could not have the things in which you are accustom You make me sound like a spoiled
brat No, just someone who would starve to death if there was no room service So what do ya wanna do? Alexis
said looking at him seductively as she came in for a closer view of the candles. I could start by kissing you?
That would probably be best Ned stood in front of her, cupping her face in his hands. Youre my wife
Youre my husband God that feels so good I dont ever want to forget how good it is, Alexis said
with an almost concerning face I promise I wont ever let you forget Ned kissed her; his lips sank into hers
allowing their uncontrollable want for each other flow. Alexis stopped to allow her enough time to look deep into Neds eyes
before she let him take over. His lips flowed down her body. The wetness against her skin brought her chills. She wanted to
make love to her husband and to give him all that she had. Alexis had spent her life unsure of everything, which before had
made her lost and alone. Now she had everything she had ever wanted and Ned was the key to all of it. Ned ran his
hands down Alexis back as the beads of sweat from her wiped away in his palm. Her fingers dug into his skin, as she could
no longer hold back the emotions from what he was doing to her. They both moaned and their breath finished the others as he
released himself inside of her. They lie there, fingers intertwined. Alexis wedding ring sparked as it caught the
last bit the candlelight. She pressed her body closer to Neds letting the heat from his body warm her as she cupped her face
his and his shoulder. All my life I waited to be right here, Alexis whispered That was one lifetime too
long If I never said thank you Alexis She leaned up to look at him I love you Ned Ashton
I love you Alexis Davis Ashton