Kaley had both Ned and Alexis up bright and early. They were now getting use to their routine of having their little
girl wake them up with the sun. She sat in bed that morning nursing her daughter. Alexis was completely taken with this little
girl. Alexis never thought that a person could make her feel the way she did for Kaley. Her heart, her soul, her body, every
part of her was complete sitting right there nurturing her baby girl. Alexis glowed with Kaley and Ned watched in
amazement at the love of his life their with his daughter. He also couldnt help but think of how truly a miracle Kaley was
and what she had done for the both of them. Ned also couldnt help having forbidden thoughts of how absolutely sexy
Alexis looked with her body so shapely and her breasts so full and how he couldnt have her the way he wanted. The
both of you are so beautiful Alexis looked up at Ned who was now leaning in beside her. Its almost two good
to be true Alexis she came to us for a reason And I thank God everyday Alexis said running her long thin
fingers gently down the side of Kaleys face They both sat there watching Kaley as she fed from her mother Alexis
broke the silence realizing what time it was Shouldnt you be going to work? I have to call in sick now that
Ive seen this morning Go to work Pushing me out the door? Kaley and I are going to have some girl
time today Yes maam Ned stood up and finished putting on his tie and Kaley finished her breakfast They
all stood down stairs saying goodbye to daddy. Ned held his daughter until he was walking out the door. You need
to decide what color you want the dining room in the house so they can finish painting Oh the pressure Alexis said
grinning that that was her biggest problem in life at the moment. Ill call you and see how things are going
Well be fine My god the sight of you he said kissing Alexis and then Kaley Bye honey Bye
Alexis sat on the couch with Kaley cradled in her arms. Kaley was such a happy baby and it seemed as if she were listening
contentedly to everything Alexis had to say to her. You and I have to look at colors of what we want the dining room
to be. Youre daddy is ready to get us out of this penthouse. Alexis sorted through all different shades of red, yellow,
and beige. She stopped to look down at the little girl staring at the face in front of her and then held her up
to give her kisses. Alexis settle d her back down and looked at the ring on her finger that was supporting her baby. Alexis
looked at Kaley as if she seemed to be waiting for an explanation. I know were not married yet, but Im a modern
woman and so are you and we dont have to be married to survive and create in this world. Besides your daddy and I made you
out of love and Ive loved your daddy for a long time and we will get married and, well you will have a somewhat normal family
I promise. She paused for a moment looking at her daughter who was unfazed by Alexis ramblings. You know I love even more
that you dont talk back to me, telling me to stop rambling Alexis started to kiss Kaley again when their was a knock at the
door Alexis looked at Kaley I wonder who that is? She stood up taking Kaley to answer the door. She opened
the door expecting one of Kaleys many admirers. Well if it isnt the bastard daughter and the bastard granddaughter
At first Alexis stood there frozen unable to think quickly of what she should do. JOHNNY! Now
Natasha did you think I would announce that I was coming and have your mobster friends goons waiting on me. You know me far
more well that that What the hell are you doing here Helena Why I came to see how the newest member of the
family was doing Alexis shifted Kaley in her arms so Helena was unable to see her face. Now Natasha is that
anyway to show off your little bastard daughter Alexis stood there still silent Isnt it appropriate one
bastard child having a bastard child and who does she look like Alexis? Mr. Ashton, Mr. Corinthos? Get out Alexis
you use to be much more quick whited with your comebacks. Maybe you did lose more in that accident that I thought. Alexis
realization sent a shiver down her spine and Kaley began to get fussy sensing that her mother was getting more and more uneasy.
Now, now little one... Helena said reaching to touch Kaley as Alexis snatched her away You know Alexis as
of late its been so hard for me to choose. I mean you my favorite bastard daughter and your bastard sister and now this precious
little girl. Wouldnt it be horrible if anything where to happen to your baby or your sister? Alexis had stopped
breathing But one thing I guess you can be sure of, a car accident is not the way to get things done because they
dont necessarily do the trick now do they Alexis? They were interrupted by the sound of the elevator door JOHNNY!
Alexis screamed now sounding desperate Sonny and Johnny quickly stepped off the elevator to see Helena standing there.
Is there a problem here, Sonny said now standing beside Alexis, in front of Helena Well Natasha if it isnt
your white knight Bye Bye Helena Sonny said making his point clear Johnny grabbed Helenas arm and she pulled
away. Making her own way to a waiting elevator. The doors closed and Alexis let out the breath she seemed to have
been holding through the whole conversation. And raging tears flooded her face and she took Kaley and sat down on the couch
holding her baby trying to comfort her as they both cried. Sonny had only had a glimpse of Kaley in her few weeks
of life. Ned had been with Alexis the majority of the time and there was no space for him. He sat down on the couch beside
Alexis and without thinking he pulled her close to him. Embracing her letting her know that he was there to protect her and
Kaley. I cant let her do this Alexis said still sobbing She wont Alexis She tried to kill me in
the accident and shell try to kill Kaley and Kristina Sonny continued to try to console Alexis while he was trying
to think of the ways to protect Alexis and the people she loved. Johnny! Sonny called through the door Johnny
quickly opening the door Yes sir Johnny took a quick glance at how Helena had shaken Alexis I want you to
get Max and have him watch Kristina and if anyone suspicious gets near her, then hes to let his presence to be known. I want
you and Rick outside the door Done sir and Johnny closed the door behind him. Im more trouble than Im worth
Youre worth all the trouble in the word Alexis Do you want to hold her? I, I probably shouldnt
Alexis was stunned by his sudden nervousness Sonny? She placed Kaley in his arms. She was warm from her
mother holding her and she was now content again unaware that anything had happened. She has your beautiful eyes
I was hoping that she did Alexis inadvertently placed her hand on Sonnys arm when she leaned in to look at the contentment
on Kaleys face. A jolt when through him and he caught himself before he flinched from her touch. Alexis
had found herself back at ease with Sonny. He had been her white knight as fictional as it sounded. Ned stepped
off the elevator to see Johnny and Rick standing guarding the door to the penthouse. Whats wrong? What Happened?
His heart began to race at all the sudden thoughts going through his head. Everythings fine now was all Johnny said
knowing Sonny was with Alexis Ned butted his way past Rick and Johnny to see Sonny holding his daughter in his arms
Ned! Alexis stood up to walk towards him Whats wrong Honey its ok, Sonny just being a
little protective at the moment What happened? Neds unanswered questions where sending him into a quiet rage.
Sonny stood up and handed Kaley to Alexis Ill go All Alexis could do was let him Sonny, thank
you she said almost shyly Sonny shut the door and Ned glared at Alexis waiting Helena came by WHAT?
I freaked out, but its ok I promise Ned tried to be understanding and console Alexis with out going into
a rage and going to find Helena himself. Honey I want to get you and Kaley out of here Alexis looked at
Ned with an unfamiliar look I think we should move you and Kaley out of here and get you home as soon as possible
so you can be safe And how do you figure that will happen? Ned was stunned by the way Alexis snapped at
him Here we have Johnny and Max and Rick to look after us I dont want to move in that house Alexis honey
Ill protect the both of you Alexis had turned her back to Ned and placed Kaley in her carryall and sitting down on
the couch watching her. Alexis broke the silence looking at Ned almost coldly but it was out of fear You
cant protect me