For The Love Of A Woman
Chapter Twenty-One
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Alexis had made Kristina promise that she would move into the penthouse so Johnny and Max could look after her and so far the arrangement had worked out well. Ned and Alexis finally moved into the house on the hill. They both honestly could say there was no looking back after that day in the penthouse with Helena. Helena seemed to have made herself pretty scarce thanks to some friendly henchmen. Still a day didnt go by in the past two months that Alexis didnt think about at all times where Kaley or Kristina were and how long it had been since she had last heard from them. Rather Kristina was miles away or Kaley was lying in her crib.

Once a non-maternal woman, Alexis had now gotten the knack of how to be a professional woman and a mother and Kaley had gotten the knack for allowing her mother to work just as if she understood Alexis working was part of her sanity. Alexis sat there with a folder in one hand and baby in the other. It was a part of her now and Alexis had trouble concentrating anyway if she didnt have two things on her mind. Alexis looked up at the clock; Ned would be home in an hour. She looked around the room and spotted the bridal magazine sitting on the coffee table. She sat the folder down on the desk and attempted to get up while situating Kaley in her arms. She picked up the magazine and she and Kaley sat back down at her desk.

I really hate weddings, she said looking at Kaley as she flipped through the magazine

Its really one big hassle and who cares right?

Kaley looked up at her mother following the sound of her voice.

Just then she heard Ned coming through the door calling her name.

Im in my office

How are my girls? Ned said as he kissed them both

Weve made a decision

Ok whats your big decision

No wedding


We think a wedding is a hassle and we hate them

You dont want to marry me?

No we would like to marry you as soon as possible

But just us

Ok - thats doable

And Kristina, and Nicholas and

Ned chuckled at Alexis

I dont want it to be a big deal

Any day that you finally marry me is going to be a big deal. People may actually pass out

Ned! Thats not funny

So did you two plan when we can get the show on the road?

Ned was now sitting on the edge of Alexiss desk and she stood up handing Kaley to him.

I want to marry you right now

Dont think I cant have that arranged


Yes he said tying to share his attention with his soon to be wife and his baby girl

She didnt say anything for what seemed like the longest time.

Its not like its urgent, its just something I need to do

Ned looked at her seriousness for this sudden aching to be Mrs. Ashton.

Hand me the phone

Alexis stood in front of the mirror running her hands down the front of her dress. Her sleek off white dress tastefully accentuated her curves as it ran down her body and her shoulders were left bare from the off the shoulder neckline. Her hair was simply pulled up in a typical Alexis style. She breathed in and then out but there was not a hint of nervousness in her.

A knock at the door broke Alexis stare. Jax now stood behind her holding Kaley in his arms. Kristina had her decked out as if she were going to be in a royal wedding. But after all it was her big day too and it seemed almost appropriate that she be at the wedding when her parents finally got married though unconventional.

Well if its not the beautiful people, Alexis said grinning at Jax

Have you met my date? Jax said presenting Kaley

I think weve met actually

Wheres Kristina?

Shes finishing getting dressed and she was giving me some time

Do you need me to leave you?

No actually nothing would make me happier than you being right here

Youre not nervous are you?

Not a bit actually

Good you have no reason to be

Jax stood in front of Alexis looking at her


Youre missing something

I thought I had

Jax pulled out a box from his pocket


A gift from my date and I

Alexis opened the box and diamonds sparkled from the instant hint of light

Jax you shouldnt have Alexis said bright eyed over the necklace

Yes I should have. Alexis I love you and I happen to know first hand that you will be the best wife a man can have. A beautiful necklace like this deserves to be on a beautiful woman like you

Alexis clasp the necklace around her neck and turned to look at Jax and Kaley.


Thank you Jax Alexis said grabbing his chin and giving him a kiss on the lips

I did it for the kiss

Alexis grinned at him for knowing when to say just the right charming things

All right everyones ready to go Kristina said walking through the bedroom door

Kristinas eyes immediately noticed the necklace

Wow as she turned around looking at Jax seeing a satisfied look on his face at how he could please the women he loved

Shouldnt we be going? Jax interrupted

Oh yeah! Sorry I was distracted by those pesky diamonds

Jax handed Kaley to Kristina and he looked at Alexis one more time before he walked out the door.

The non wedding was simple just as Alexis had asked. The Quartermanes filled up Neds side and the Cassadines, Sonny, Zander, Johnny and Max filled up Alexis side. It was a mix brew to say the least but the wedding was right this time and everyone was there for a reason.

Heads turned and you could hear whispers at the sight of Kristina and Kaley walking down the small aisle. The only person who could upstage this wedding with this crowd was Kaley and it seemed at that moment she could have stolen the show.

The sound of the soft piano in the background picked up slightly as Alexis appeared. Ned and Kaley stood there waiting for her.

Anyone who noticed could see fists clinching in hopes that Alexis wouldnt turn around and run but Alexis didnt notice. She was steady this time and her eyes sparkled as they looked towards Ned.

Any thoughts that would make Alexis nervous all she had to do was look at Kaley to remind her all Ned had given her.

Alexis stood in front of Ned now allowing her hands to rest inside of his

Is there anyone here that can see why these two should not be married in holy matrimony?

NO! everyone seemed to shout almost simultaneously

Ned and Alexis turned their heads but they were both grinning at the people that had to put up with them. Ned looked back at Alexis shaking his head.

Do you Edward Lawrence Ashton take this woman

Ned without hesitation said, I do

And do you Alexis Natasha Davis take this man

At that moment Alexis wished she could freeze time and take a step back to look at everyones faces and to see if their little girl had fallen asleep in Kristinas arms. To have a photographic memory of how sincere and perfect Ned looked at that moment.

But Alexis also without hesitation said, I do

Tears flowed down Alexis face from that point and through out the rest of the ceremony. Ned himself found it hard to not let tears express the emotions running inside of him as he placed the ring on her finger.

May I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Ned Ashton

And instead of the typical walk down the aisle everyone stood and cheered. Though out of character for the grumpy and uptight. They were all overjoyed to see these two were finally going to have life that they deserved.