The Ties That Bind

She made a mental note to stay out of elevators

This was one too many times to be stuck in one with one too many enemies

Alexis stood with her back turned to Lorenzo Alcazar in an elevator car that had gotten stuck between floors of General Hospital

Alexis kept wishing repeatedly that the doors would open and if for anything to just keep the silence between them

Only wishful thinking

"I wanna know how you did it?" He said almost forcefully

"Did what?" She said snapping back

She didnt turn to look at him

"Came between them? I wanna know how you came between them?"

"Im not sure what or whom you are speaking of"

"Sonny and Carly"

She then turned catching him directly in the eyes

"They came between themselves...They didnt need my help!" she said sounding annoyed

"Well I am aware that you slept with her husband that would make any woman livid.... but I want to know how you got to that point, how you got to him"

"What? You mean you want to know what my plan was to get the great Sonny Corinthos in bed with me?" she said sarcastically


"You cant be serious"

"Not just in bed with you. He fell in love with you"

"He did not" she protested

He took note of her defensiveness as she began to press the buttons on the panel

"He had a weakness for you. It was obvious to everyone, especially Carly"

"Mr Alcazar I dont think we need to discuss..."

"She hates you with a passion"

"Well Im just lucky I guess

"You slept with her husband"

"He wasnt with her at the time!"

Alexis couldnt believe she was talking about this but she couldnt back down now

"Ms. Davis"

"Mr. Alcazar"

They both stepped back for a moment from their repartee

"Why are you so intrigued with her?"

"Why are you so intrigued with him?"

She wanted to slap him

"Then whats your point of wanting to know how I came between them?"

"Maybe I like the fact that you could" he said slyly

"Because you couldnt" she shot back

He raised his eyebrow intrigued that she played the verbal game very well

"Well obviously you had something I didnt..." he said admitingly

"I listened to him"

Lorenzo stopped with her answer

"What? You didnt expect me to say that? Carly, as you probably already know by now is all about Carly. He needed someone to listen to him... I needed someone to listen to me"

She couldnt believe she was being this honest with him

"Im sure it was more than listening"

She let out a breathy little laugh

"Was that a compliment?"

"Well you are beautiful"

"Excuse me?"

He looked surprised he had said it out loud himself

"I said youre beautiful"

Alexis widened the small space between them and shook her head as if she couldnt comprehend

Lorenzo smiled

Not a smug smile

A charming smile

"Beautiful, very smart and I get that you have very good sense of humor"

"You should be careful Im taking that as a compliment"

"You should, I meant every word"

"Im sorry Im a bit confused"

"I apologize I was speaking out of my boundaries with you"

Alexis just looked at him and again began pressing buttons on the panel again

Nothing worked and Lorenzo could tell she was beyond uneasy

"Alexis, it should be fixed in no time" he said, again a little too polite for comfort

"I need to get out of here!"

"You have a fear of small spaces?"

"No! I just want out of this elevator with you"

Lorenzo shifted, trying to get more comfortable standing in his dedicated corner of the elevator

"How is little Kristina?"

Alexis turned around quickly at the sound of her daughters name

"Dont ever even say her name" she snapped

"I was just trying to get your mind off of being stuck in the elevator!" he said offended

"Look you and I arent friends by any means. And Im not even sure why our conversation has lasted this long much less that now you seem to be making small talk..."

"No we are not on the best of terms. But honestly I have done to you"

"And why is that?"

"You would like me to hurt you?"

"I killed your brother. In self defense I might add but none the less it still makes him dead" she said no longer in fear of saying it out loud

"And he killed your sister"

"But what about your revenge on me?"

"Luis was a very smart man but his vengefulness always led him in to deeper trouble. You were just one of many he pushed too far. He dodged many bullets... you were just the lucky one. You won"

"I won? I won? Youve threatened my life for the revenge of your brothers death and now youre telling me he basically got what was coming to him. Are we playing mind games"

"Ive learned many lessons from my brother. I threatened you because it satisfied my niece. I never had any intentions of killing you"

Alexis had sunk against the wall and was now sitting on the floor

"Im honestly having a little trouble believing you never thought to kill me"

"I cant kill you. Youre smarter than me"

Alexis laughed out loud

"Oh my God. I know Im going to wake up from this nightmare at any moment"

"Why is this a nightmare? Is it because we are speaking to each other rationally or is it because you are claustrophobic"

"Im not claustrophobic!"

Lorenzo snickered at how he could get under her skin

"And what do you mean you cant kill me because Im smarter than you"

"You shouldnt kill someone that may be useful to you later on... I also learned that from Luis"

Alexis pressed the tips of her fingers to her temples


"Youre giving me one" she said dryly

Lorenzo again couldnt help but smile

Before either of them could get another word in the elevator jumped and the doors opened

By the time Alexis looked back from the opened door Lorenzo stood in front of her with her purse in hand, holding his hand out to help her up

She looked at him for what seemed like forever

He didnt rush her

Then instead of refusing to take his hand she took it

He handed her, her purse

"Thank you"

Alexis stepped off of the elevator first and Lorenzo then followed

"Im glad we had time to talk" He said again keeping his politeness

"Yeah" she said not sure how to answer

"And you are definitely a beautiful woman Alexis Davis, especially when you are annoyed" he said now grinning

And before she could respond he walked away

End of Ch. 1

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