The Ties That Bind
Chapter 2

Chapter 2

"Are we going to start conveniently running in to each other everywhere?"

"No, honestly. The day before, I was going to speak to you but you had your daughter with you. You know the one whos name Im not allowed to speak... I knew you would be angry with me if I approached you when she was with you"

"Wise choice... so does this mean youre following me now?"

"I wouldnt say follow"

"Then what would you say?"

"I would say that it happens to be more than a coincidence that I happen to be at the same places where you are, and more than on a weekly basis"

"Do you want me to get angry with you?"

"Your tone is not already angry?"

Alexis eyes widened. She actually almost wanted to laugh out loud

"Alexis your latte is ready"

Alexis looked over to see her latte, to go sitting on the counter

She reached for the latte and before she could hand the money over to pay for it Lorenzo had handed over more than enough and said "keep the change"

"What are you doing?"

"Buying you a latte"

"Why?" She asked sounding annoyed

"For being such good company in our time in the elevator the other day"

"Good company? Did something happen to you? Did you hit your head on something?"

Lorenzo laughed whole heartedly

"Why are you laughing?"

"I find you amusing"

"Well Im so delighted you do" she said sarcastically

"You know what else I find?"


"That you have the most beautiful brown eyes I ever seen"

"Stop doing that! And flattery will get you nowhere"

"It makes you blush"

"It does not!"

Lorenzo grinned satisfied

"Youre like a fourteen year old boy!

"I apologize my tactics to keep you here longer are a bit childish"

"Keep me here longer?"

"My opportunities to speak with you are few and far between I try to make the most of the chances I have"

Alexis stared at him

She didnt look as if she were studying him or that she had some overly cleaver words to spout

"Sit" she ordered

Lorenzo didnt hesitate, he sat

She sat across from him

"What are you doing?"

"I told you trying to have a conversation with you"

"Youre following me, youre complimenting me, youre trying to have conversations with me... why?"

She was serious

"Alexis, I know this seems odd but I have become a bit smitten with you"


"I really began to admire you during the custody hearing. You are very smart and a great attorney"

"Look if you need a attorney Im not interested..."

"You also are very loyal..." he continued. " and I have to admit I was first attracted to you because of your hatred towards Corinthos..."

"I dont hate Sonny" she said dryly

He raised his eyebrow to her

"I dont. I just dont like him very much anymore"

"You use to be his confidant"

"It was a mistake"

"Well I admire the lesson you learned from him"

"Im not sure I understand"

"Carly never learned from her or Sonnys mistakes. And I had to learn the hard way that being with her was maddening"

"You could have just asked I would have warned you"

"I was blinded by what I wanted to take away from an enemy"

"Are you blinded by that now?" Alexis shot back

"By what I want to take away from someone?"


Lorenzo let out what seemed to be a frustrated breath

"If you are referring to yourself as my enemy, no, Im not. Actually I am trying, despite myself to be quite level headed and patient with you"

"You dont have to go to such lengths for me"

"I would really like to Alexis"

Alexis stumbled before her next sentence at the sound of her name

Lorenzo would normally want to say something to break the silence instead he let her think

"I am a reckon to be dealt with if you are working this as an angle of revenge"

"Actually I am very aware of this"

Alexis suddenly realized yes he was very aware of this

"I will promise you I am not working on an angle of revenge rather an angle on how I can ask you out to dinner"

"I cant go to dinner with you!" she responded without needing to think it over

"I would like to try an persuade you further"

"I shouldnt even be heresitting at this table with you much less having dinner, on purpose with you!"

"If you are worrying about being discreet. That does not have to be an issue"

"Isnt it somewhere in that Dating 101 Handbook that says no dark, discreet places on a first date with an arms dealer"

Lorenzo laughed again at her seeing the humor in the situation

"One date"

"I cant believe youre serious"

"I assume you would rather meet me than I pick you up at your families home"

"Where would you like to meet"

What did she just say? What was she doing?

Lorenzo grinned

"I will call you on your cell. A man needs time to be creative"

"You dont have my cell number"

Lorenzo again raised that eyebrow to her

"Of course you do! How silly of me"

"It was wonderful to see you and talk to you again Alexis. I will call you later" he said rising from his chair

Now he seemed to be a mature 14 year old boy



"Thank you for the coffee"

"Youre very welcome" he said pleased

End Ch. 2

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