The Ties That Bind
Chapter 3

She bit at her bottom lip as she stared at herself in the mirror

Black lace bra and matching panties...

Alexis gave a slight snicker

"This is ridiculous" she said to herself

Black dress, red dress... the black one is a little shorter, the red one is a little lower cut...

"God Alexis!" she said now scolding herself

She looked back at herself in the mirror

She hadnt felt like this in a long time. Not fear but a nervousness that only a man like Lorenzo Alcazar could influence

Alexis turned back to the two dresses that now lay on her bed

Black, more low key but would still get the attention she secretly wanted

She slipped it on

A neckline that showed off her sun kissed shoulders and legs that wouldnt by any chance go unnoticed

Thin black heels

Diamond earrings

Simplicity at its best

She felt like a woman, a nervous beautiful woman

Alexis had last minute thoughts of her daughter. The responsible side of her, the mother in her made her think twice about playing with fire

Lorenzo Alcazar was certainly fire


Less than an hour later he stood on the docks waiting for her

The late spring air was more than welcome and made for a perfect evening

"You know I have to ask myself what am I doing when I agree to meet and arms dealer and God knows what else you are on the docks" She said jokingly even grinning as he turned around

His eyes widened

She was beautiful and he forgot to wittingly respond to her

He had never seen her dressed that way

She was always in her Armani suits, never in slinky, short black dresses

"What?" she questioned knowing good and well what he had paused to look at

"You are stunning, literally"

She couldnt help but smile as the rose color in her cheeks became deeper

"You dont look so bad yourself" She said very obviously giving him the once over

"Well are you ready to go?"

"You never said where we were going"

"I understand that you would like to keep this discreet. So if you would, my jet is waiting to take us into the city"

"Lorenzo I cant go I cant just fly to New York, my daugh..."

"She has a nanny correct? And she knows you are out for the evening?"


"If you will call her... I will have you back by the time your daughter opens her beautiful eyes in the morning"


He didnt need to persuade her any longer

"Did I tell you how beautiful you are?

Why did he seem so nervous

"You did, thank you"

"The jet?"

Alexis shook her head

His hand reached to the small of her back guiding her...


Lorenzo caught himself entranced by the sound of her laughter

Her true unedited laughter

It had amazed him that he had allowed this woman to be in his sphere for such a long time and never heard the sound of her laughter

Unmistakable, irreplaceable laughter

"What flavor?" he questioned

"Honestly I can never turn down anything chocolate!"

"Chocolate it is" he said to the ice cream vendor

Her eyes widened at the sight of the ice cream cone being handed to her

"Now this is a great date" she said grinning

He had chosen an the perfect Italian restaurant on 34th street and had planned to take her to a Broadway show... instead, they sat at the restaurant for hours... talking

For two people who were suppose to be enemies, who were suppose to live completely different lives had found out they had a lot in common

When they finished dinner they decided to take a walk.. Two scoops of chocolate ice cream later he found himself wrapped in conversation with her again

"So if you could be anywhere?" He asked after comparing their travels

"It sounds so cliche but, Paris. It really is one of the most beautiful and romantic cities"

"I agree, Paris really is beautiful. If I would have known it was one of your favorite cities we could have bypassed New York"

Alexis smiled, he was sincerely charming

"Well maybe our second date" she said teasingly

"Paris it is!" he said a little more seriously but still grinning



"Ive had a wonderful time"

"Im really glad and honestly so have I"

"I do apologize for being the skeptic..."

"Now youre apologizing for it?"


He grinned

"Why are you still skeptical?"

"Because this is a dream, I mean maybe I expected a nightmare or maybe just for this all to be a bad idea... I didnt expect you"

His heart sat in his throat and pounded faster and faster

"Honestly maybe I didnt expect you either"

Alexis stood there for a moment

"We have all these ties that bind us. Your brother, my sister, Sonny and Carly... none of them good"

"You like Italian, and chocolate ice cream and you love Paris... I do too"

She could have cried

Not with the intent of being overly emotional just the fact that she had mentioned all of the terrible things that had happened between them and he wanted to forget all of it, put it all behind him for chocolate ice cream and Paris

She finally broke the silence between them

"This had been to good to be true... this dream is too good to be true. Please dont make me regret this"


Alexis leaned in and kissed him softly on the lips

He grinned like a fool

The fourteen year old boy got to first base on the first date

"Just remember Alexis Davis you kissed me first"

And he kissed her again

End Ch. 3

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