The Ties That Bind
Chapter 25

Alexis’ head fell against the tiny pillow provided




She was tired


Tired of physical therapy


They didn’t want her joints to get stiff, her muscles to ache


It seems that at that moment all they did was ache and feel stiff


“Alexis you did very well today”


Julie, the physical therapist did her best to be encouraging


It was hard to encourage some one you just caused that much pain


Julie helped her in to her wheelchair


“You’ve exceeded in learning how to get in to your chair”


“Thank you but I’m afraid it’s because of a sickness I have. I have to try and perfect everything I do…” Alexis said rolling her eyes


“Well it’s good that you’re a perfectionist when it comes to all of this”


“Think I’ll be getting out of this thing anytime soon?”


“I think the doctor wants to give your hand more healing time before we even attempt crutches”


Alexis made a discouraged face


“I know… but you’ve come this far right?”


Alexis shook her head


Julie wheeled Alexis in to the hallway, then in front of the nurse’s station while she completed her documentation on Alexis’ chart


“Julie” another nurse called from the room across the hall “Can you help me I’m having trouble with Mr. Casey”


Julie looked at Alexis


“I’ll be fine go ahead”


“At least let me find Mr. Alcazar”


“I’ll be fine. I’m sure he’s in the waiting area” Alexis reassured


“If you’re sure… I’ll see you Thursday”


“Ok” Alexis smiled


“You turned in Marcus Cavallo”


His voice was quiet but she knew Lorenzo’s every syllable now


Not hearing his words she smiled and tried to wheel herself around the corner to meet him


Before he could see her she turned the corner seeing him towering over Sonny


Sonny just starred at him with his dark and seemingly empty eyes


“So you knew about his plans to have me killed”


Straining, but she could now hear every word


Sonny still gave him a cold stare and stood in silence


“Your silence only confirms my suspicions Mr. Corinthos. Your lack of defense only makes me believe you had a part in it with Marcus”


“Marcus” the name echoed in Alexis’ head


Lorenzo’s voice was stern, unfaltering


“I had no part in it” Sonny said dryly and to the point


“So I should believe that you knew Marcus ordered the wreck to happen and you are just an innocent bystander and now the hero for turning in Marcus”


“I wanted him to be punished!”


“Punished? After the fact?”


“You know how it works Alcazar. You wouldn’t have cared if Marcus was out to kill me. Why should have I cared if he had plans to kill you?”


“He didn’t succeed in killing me… what made you turn him in? Turning him in only puts you and your family in danger”


Sonny again just stared at Lorenzo


Lorenzo stared back


Two could play at this game


“Corinthos give me one reason why I shouldn’t turn you in. Why I shouldn’t make it clear how you know so much about the wreck, how you know so much about Marcus Cavallo”


Sonny’s eyes were dark, now thinking


“One good reason” Lorenzo taunted


“I didn’t know she would be in the car!” Sonny said angrily


Lorenzo took a step back


Alexis pulled herself back in her chair


Sonny lowered his head 






His former lawyer


His former best friend


His former lover




He couldn’t have known she would have been in that car


“You even care that she was in the car?” Lorenzo asked coldly


Sonny looked up at Lorenzo


“She didn’t deserve to be hurt”


“She was almost killed!” Lorenzo said making it clear and harsh




Alexis jumped at the sound of Bobbie Spencer’s voice


“Oh hi” Alexis said sounding surprised


“I didn’t mean to startle you”


“That’s ok… how are you?” Alexis said hoping Bobbie hadn’t noticed she was listening to Lorenzo and Sonny’s conversation much less that they were even standing there together


“I’m good. How are you?” she asked concerned


“I’m doing much better thank you”


“I heard you were doing well in your therapy”


“Yes I was just leaving from there now” Alexis said posing a smile


“Can I help you get to your destination?” Bobbie offered


“No thank you. Actually I was just waiting on Loren…” Alexis stopped herself


His name in a public place, his name associated with hers… why should she care everyone knew


It still seemed awkward especially saying it to Bobbie Spencer


“Would you like me to try and find Lorenzo for you?”


Bobbie hadn’t seen him already around the corner Alexis noted


Alexis also noted that Bobbie knew that Lorenzo was at the hospital with her for her therapy


“I’m sure he’s near by I’ll just…”


“Make a run for it!” Lorenzo said interrupting as he grinned


Alexis smiled “Caught again” she said playing along


“Well I’ll let you two get home. I’m sure that little girl of yours is missing you”


“I’m sure she is. Take care Bobbie”


“You too Alexis, Lorenzo” Bobbie said giving a slight but approving smile


Alexis and Lorenzo watched Bobbie walk away


“So how did it go?” Lorenzo asked as he kissed her on the cheek


“It went fine… still no hope of crutches”


“No hope huh? Not being even a bit dramatic” Lorenzo kidded


Alexis studied his face


 His handsome face, his charming smile, nothing gave away his conversation that he had just had with Sonny


“Hey are you ok?” Lorenzo said noticing


“I’m fine” Alexis smiled “Just tired and ready to go home”


“Your wish is my command” he said wheeling her towards the elevator




The drive home was quiet


Lorenzo asked her again and again if she alright


She responded with quick “Honey I’m fine”


She played the conversation between Lorenzo and Sonny over and over in her head


Sonny knowing Marcus’ plans


Sonny’s part in it


Lorenzo knowing Sonny knew about it


Sonny admitting he turned Marcus in because of her


It was all so overwhelming


By the time they had made it home it was more than obvious something was wrong


Alexis stayed silent as her eyes studied the house in front of her


The beautiful house she without revelation, instantly loved


A house that was suppose to mean safety and comfort, laughter and healing…


Jon opened the door to the back seat of the car with the wheelchair ready for Alexis


Lorenzo was already out of the car and reaching to help her in the chair


Minutes later a perfected trip from the black BMW to her fluffy feather filled comforter  and bed full of pillows for her every limb and a spare for her patient lover, Alexis lay resting.


Lorenzo closed the door behind him. “Viola said she would bring Kristina in here as soon as she woke from her nap” He climbed in bed next to her “That gives us just enough time to talk”




“Whatever’s on your mind. I know there’s something because you have barely said 3 words since we left the hospital and that, in my book is a record for you”


Usually those were playful fighting words but Alexis didn’t respond




She looked at Lorenzo


She couldn’t run away to think


She couldn’t even walk away


“Alexis” he repeated


“How long have you known?” she blurted




“Please don’t lie to me”


Her face, her eyes, her lips pleaded to him


“I’m not! I wouldn’t! Lex… Lex, I’m just trying to protect you”


“Don’t protect me! At least not like this. You aren’t protecting me by keeping secrets or not telling me what going on…”


“You don’t need any of this in your life but it’s in your life because of me! I wanted to make everything go away I wanted you to be able to put the wreck behind you!”


“I over heard you talking to Sonny!” She said getting to the point


She watched Lorenzo squeeze his eyes shut


“I heard you say he knew the wreck was going to happen… Did he have a part in it?”


“He says no” Lorenzo answered honestly “He said he knew about it and that he turned Marcus in because you got hurt. Sonny said he wanted him to be punished because you got hurt”


“Why does he even care?”


Alexis was still confused by Sonny’s actions especially because they were towards her


“You can answer that question better than I can”


Alexis took her eyes away from him and sat there shaking her head in disbelief


“How long have you known?” she was keeping to the subject


“Mac Scorpio questioned me about Marcus but I couldn’t have imagined it would have been him. Next thing I know Scorpio is questioning me more about him and then reveals they have a led on him. I put two and two together and had Snake check out my suspicions. My suspicions about any involvement Corinthos might have had were true. Right now Sonny’s word about what rolled he did and didn’t play in all of this is all we have. Marcus is in jail and isn’t talking about anything more than what he’s already confessed”


“Why didn’t you just tell me?”


“Because I honestly just wanted you to worry about your own two feet, I wanted you to worry about Kristina and how much play time you two get in everyday… not about who’s trying to kill who and what role the man you despise played in it”


She was frustrated


She was confused


She was angry with Lorenzo because she loved him


She was angry with Sonny because once again he had managed to hurt more mentally than physically


“Lex” Lorenzo reached for her


 Alexis turned her cheek from him


“I need to be alone for a while ok”


“Lex please”


“Please Lorenzo I can’t get out of this bed. I can’t run and slam doors and hide. So please just let me be alone”


Lorenzo stood from the bed


He hated fighting with her


And seeing her hurt made him ache


“I love you and I didn’t tell you because you’ve been through enough. I apologize; I should have told you as soon as I figured all of this out.  I knew you wanted Corinthos out of your life. I wanted to find out the truth and deal with it… and for you to never have a second thought about it. But I was wrong to keep it from you I’m sorry.”


Alexis covered her face with her hands hiding whatever expression she had


Hiding the tears about to fall down her cheeks


“Please tell Viola I need Kristina when she wakes up” she said emotionless


Lorenzo nodded as he caught himself holding his breath


Lorenzo then closed the door behind him


End Ch. 25

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