The Ties That Bind
Chapter 11

Her lanky body slithered through the door of Kellys and headed straight for Lorenzo sitting at the counter with his coffee


So now youre coming in to Kellys for breakfast? She snapped as she questioned him


Lorenzo looked her up and down, from her belly button to her hip bones protruding from her pants that sat too low for a woman her age


Good morning Carly Lorenzo said nonchalantly


I didnt really think you liked this place, much less that you would come around since this restaurant belongs to my family


Lorenzo sat his coffee cup down


If you have a problem with me being here I ask that you take it up with your mother seeing that she is the one that served me this cup of coffee


Carly rolled her eyes not noticing the other woman that had just waked through the door


But Lorenzo noticed


A black Armani suit, matching two inch heels


She looked smart, professional


She looked the part


She didnt look like the type that would be having a secret affair with a man like the one that couldnt take his eyes off of her


Carly would you excuse me? Lorenzo said politely


Carly looked incensed that Lorenzo excused himself to her as he walked towards Alexis


Ms. Davis


Mr. Alcazar


May I speak with you for a moment?


Alexis pulled herself to the side with him looking quite annoyed that he would want to take up her time


What are you doing here? she questioned trying not to break in to a smile


I knew that there would be a latte and muffin with your name on it I was hoping maybe I could just maybe sit and stare at you like a love sick fool while you ordered it


A love sick fool huh?


Lorenzo tried to stifle his smile


So by the looks of Carly, the vain in her forehead may pop at any moment because she hasnt a clue what youre over here talking to me about


Wouldnt she loved to know


You know honestly Im not sure if she would or not!


Lorenzo leaned in a bit closer


You mean you dont think she would love to hear what Im thinking right now? I mean my thoughts about whats under that suit that by the way you look absolutely brilliant in he said raising his brow She wouldnt want to know how I want to do things to you at this very second that she couldnt even imagine having the pleasure

Mr. Alcazar Alexis interrupted


Lorenzo pulled away slightly


Forgive me Ms. Davis


Alexis eyes wondered to see if anyone could tell not only how flushed her face was but how she bad she wanted that man


Alexis your order is ready a voice said from across the room


Alexis looked to the counter Thank you and then back to Lorenzo


Mr. Alcazar, for your information a certain little girl will be with Ned until tomorrow afternoon. If you would like, I could join you later this evening and you may carry out such, now promised actions to me that you just explained in she leaned in an insanely sexy manner


Lorenzo shuffled a bit


I will be expecting you. You wont be disappointed Ms. Davis


I have no doubts of that she said walking away from him, retrieving her coffee and muffin and not taking another look to him or Carly


What could you possibly need with her? Carly snarled walking up to him


She is a brilliant attorney Lorenzo said pausing, waiting for the vein to appear Alexis was so fond of I may need her services in the near future He said now looking Carly in the eyes. He then retrieved a his own coffee and headed for the door




The door was unlocked


She knocked as she made her way through the front door of his penthouse calling his name




How was your day dear?  He questioned as he met her in the living room


Long! But I cant imagine why she said making her way in to his arms and making it obvious why


She immediately began to kiss him


Shall I ravish you and then dinner or dinner and then ravish you? He said amused of himself


How about a ravish then dinner and then um Ill take it from there She said even more amused with herself


Without a second thought Lorenzo grabbed her in to his arms and led her to his bed


Impatient, they were both impatient


The jacket to his suit was gone


So was hers


She tugged at his belt and pulled at his zipper


No boxer briefs, nothing


He saw Alexis eyes widened and he grinned


She wanted to kiss that smug grin off of his face


She tried to


His hands traveled between the material of her skirt and her thighs, exploring


Then he reached between her legs tugging at her panties


He looked up at her satisfied at the affect he had already had on her


I told you it was a long day She said unashamed, he knew it was because of thoughts of him


He pulled the red lace panties from her


She had obviously put them on for him to take off


He now held them tight in the palm of his hand


I love red He said in between breaths


I know you do


He then pulled her down on him, her skirt now gathered at her waist, his pants only to his knees. He didnt care, she didnt care. He just wanted inside of her and she wanted him to be inside of her


 She pulled his shirt from him


The man was skin and muscle and God his skin the way it felt


He finally made his way to her breast still covered by the matching red lace bra


I told you this morning I was thinking about what you had on under that suit


Good surprise? She questioned knowing the answer


I love red was all he responded as he now held her at her hips and crashed in to her


They couldnt seem to get enough of each other, not close enough, they couldnt feel enough, their lips and tongues couldnt taste enough






Names now in familiar screams from each of them


She held him tight as their bodies jolted together


He could taste beads of sweat on her skin though it was still sweet


Neither let go of the other


Sitting there still on the side of the bed, he held her, his arms wrapped tightly around her waist, hers around his neck


She placed a gentle but passionate kiss to his lips and then a smile covered her face


She leaned down and finished pulling his pants to the floor and stood from him pulling the rest of her suit off


I know I say youre beautiful, but the way you are right now


She stood before him completely naked


She was comfortable, happy


Lorenzo pulled her into bed




His pajama bottoms didnt leave much to the imagination as it were the only thing that came between his naked body and her


His robe was forfeited to her


Sleeves rolled up, a tie that could have wrapped around her waist twice was only sexier on her


She followed him in to the living room and stopped as he opened the door


Lorenzo reached outside and then two brown bags appeared in front of her


Dinner from your favorite Italian restaurant


Alexis eyes widened


Your favorite pasta Lorenzo said reaching in to the bag And Chocolate cake because the chef is now quite aware of how much, I believe he called you, that beautiful lawyer lady loves chocolate! Lorenzo said grinning


Lorenzo! She said blushing but still trying to sneak a peak of the cake still in the bag How did you arrange to have all of this here?


Its amazing what a large tip will do. Theyll make whatever you want and deliver it any time and any way you want


Alexis didnt question him further. She only leaned in and kissed him


Thank you




He  had a way of making her laugh


It didnt seem to be in his character to make her laugh the way she did


Maybe there was something mesmerizing and fulfilling about the way he could. Something that made him want to hear the sound and see her face just that way again and again


oh and I saw that vein you were talking about on Carly forehead


What did you say to her!?


I told her you were a brilliant attorney and that I may need your services And I didnt even happen to mention what those services might entail


Alexis shook her head


Her head would have popped off


Lorenzo laughed


Interrupted by pounding on the door


Both Lorenzo and Alexis eyes went straight for the door




Lorenzo stood up quickly obviously recognizing the gruff voice


Alexis followed


Lorenzo turned to her quickly before she could stand completely


Bedroom He said trying not to sound as if he were ordering her


She shook her head and went for the bedroom not leaving a trace of her identity in the room


She sat on the edge of the bed trying to listen to what the two men on the other side of the door where saying


Moments later she heard the door click shut and she actually held her breath until Lorenzo appeared around the door


She looked scared


It was more than obvious everything that had just happened scarred her


It wasnt her life; people didnt pound on her door scream her name in anger


Lorenzo kneeled down in front of her


I should go


No, no you shouldnt! Its ok, I promise He made her look him in the eyes Alexis, I promise


She shook her head ok, trusting him


His name was Charlie and he works for a guy named Marcus that owns a building I bought out a few months ago Alexis before you He said trying to explain himself I bought it fairly at an auction. Marcus went bankrupt and couldnt afford the building. He asked could he buy it back from me I said yes when he could but I was out to make a fair business profit. He doesnt like my price and he still thinks the building his. Hes using Charlie as a negotiator and a scare tactic


If this is a ligament business deal then why does he have that Charlie guy screaming at you from the outside of your penthouse?


Its that way they know to do business Ive made better business investments since you came in to my life. But I have to finish this one even though I knew it was just a matter of time before Marcus impatience got the best of him


She took a moment searching his eyes


He thought to try and explain more but he chose not to


Please be careful was all she said


I will, I will, for you




A pair of diamond earrings


Two watches


One bracelet that was just a souvenir from Paris


All sat at the edge of his bedside table


An Armani suit with matching heels


Spread across his bedroom floor


It was a night of making love, favorite Italian restaurants, and the way he made her laugh and one more truth told, and trust gained



End Ch. 11

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