The Ties That Bind
Chapter 9

He had learned a lot about a woman in the past twelve hours


In particular, her


What kiss made that smile on her face


Where she loved to be touched


Anything and everything about her was a welcome revelation


Every freckle, every ounce of skin, every expression on her face, a valuable lesson


He opened his eyes to hers already wide awake


Her eyes were studying him


Tousled hair, stubble on his face


He was handsome, he was more than handsome he was spellbinding


She was lying there cast under his spell


Good morning he said happy to see her starring back at him


Good morning She said leaning in to gave him a quick soft kiss


When she pulled away from him he noticed how serious she looked


She couldnt disguise what she was thinking


Youre beautiful face, it looks sad


She didnt say anything only looked back at him


Whats on your mind?




Really? Nothing?


She hesitated


He leaned in and gave her an assuring kiss


He watched her take a deep breath


Tell me what youre thinking? He said now fidgeting with the edge of the sheet that wrapped around her


Im different with you


What was she doing?


Why was she confessing this?


Different? How?


Ive let my defenses down with you


Isnt this a good thing? he said not understanding


Im not sure if it is for me


Im a little confused


Im sorry. Its just this isnt me. None of this lying here in bed with you, Paris, trusting you with my daughter, sneaking around none of this is me


It obviously is some part of you


Not a part I act on. Im not impulsive. I like to think things through. I was taught to think things through and always keep my guard up


Who taught you? he didnt mean to change the subject at hand


She paused


My brother






I cant tell you to put your guard down. I cant say what Stefan taught you was the right or wrong thing to do but I dont want you to even have to think about having to protect yourself from me or not being able to trust me. You should know by now that this is not a game Im playing


I know, I know but I dont have such a great past and dont get me wrong its usually me screwing it up because I cant let go or God I cant hold on but, with you


He could tell she was frustrated with herself


Alexis He said wanting to console her


But with you, I just let it all go. Everything I worry about protecting. Kristina, myself, my life my heart. For some reason Ive let you in. Ive fallen in love with you and Im ok with it she said nervously


Lorenzo let out a slight laugh


Im insane she said in response to his laugh


And I love that about you




Alexis I want to understand what makes you, you. And I want to be there for you when ever you need me, whenever you want me But I cant erase the past. I cant fix the way things are. I cant fix them for you or for me. But right now all I know is that Ive fallen in love with you, you my enemy he said almost rolling his eyes at the emphasis on the word enemy I want to be with you, I want to know everything about you. And whatever stands in our way, whoever stands in our way


Natasha Cassadine she said out of the blue


Lorenzos eyes widened


Natasha Cassadine? he questioned


In the flesh She said letting out a nervous laugh She stands in our way


Im not sure I understand


Maybe I shouldnt blame my past, but honestly its all I know. My past makes me skeptical, my past tells me Im a screw up when it comes to relationships, my past tells me to run away


Why?  He said softly, concerned, wanting to know. Will you tell me?

The condensed version?




I was born the illegitimate child of Mikos Cassadine.  Helena Cassadine, his wife well Im sure you, as anyone in Port Charles are aware, she and I arent exactly on good terms. She murdered my mother and she then literally did everything to try to rid of me. So when I could, with the help of my brother I left home. Stefan and I both knew I needed an out. Changing my name was only a start


Changing your name to Alexis Davis? He said listening




So where did your sister come in?


Her sister


A tie that bound them. One of the terrible things that bound them


He didnt seem overly cautious to ask about her, he asked as if he really cared


My mother continued her affair with Mikos and along came my sister. When Helena killed my mother I hid my sister from Helena. When I went back to get her, she was gone. I thought she was dead. I thought Helena had killed her too. Then Jax found her and there she was, alive alive


Alexis turned away from him


Im sorry


She turned back to him with a slight uncomfortable smile


Please dont apologize


But you do have every reason to have your defenses up, especially about me He said now feeling guilty for even being related to Luis


I do she said not apologizing I do have every reason but I dont with you. I prayed before I closed my eyes last night that I would wake up in your arms that I wouldnt try to escape, that I would still be just as in love with you as I was at that moment


So are you? He asked hoping to lighten the conversation


No Im not she said sarcastically


Lorenzo leaned in kissing her


It made her smile


He kissed her lips again this time hoping he could kiss away her sadness


She then devoured his lips wanting his tactics to work


Make love to me she whispered in to his ear just make me forget everything


Are you sure?


She shook her head yes


Her wish was his command


He hated the look of sadness on her face


He hated that she had to live a life in fear and in the back of her mind, though she said she trusted him he knew she would fear her relationship with him to


It was her nature


It was her pattern, her destructive pattern


He wanted to make love to her again, he wanted to take everything that crowded her mind and make it all disappear. Make the only thing on her mind at that moment how good it felt to be there with him


His hands roamed


Their lips kissed


He watched the expression on her face change as the Paris sun seeped through from under the closed curtains


End Ch. 9

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