The Ties That Bind
Chapter 30 (The End)

 She went for one day


The day she testified against Sonny


That was the only day she went for the trial


Her head was clear, her answers were decisive and to the point


She looked straight ahead, her eyes never leaving Lorenzo’s


Never to Sonny


Never looking in to his eyes to see how life behind bars had taken its toll on him


Never giving him a chance to break her in two


She went for one day


Sonny Corinthos was found guilty on two counts of attempted murder


The day the verdict was announced Lorenzo didn’t call, he waited until he got home to tell her


To tell her Sonny was guilty and would serve time


He didn’t call because he knew that despite everything she would still be upset, she would still take it hard


And she did, she cried


Heartless Natasha Cassadine cried


She was sorry that it had all ended that way




She stood in the kitchen


The sun had now set leaving nothing but an endless deep purple sky




She turned to look at Lorenzo


Her face stained from tears


But she had now composed herself


“Lex” he said sympathetically


She just stared at him


“You ok?”


Nothing, she still said nothing


Lorenzo could easily sense something was wrong and it wasn’t about the verdict


“Talk to me please”


Alexis held out her hand then opened her palm to him


The diamond ring sat dead center in her palm


Her hands were uncontrollably shaking


Lorenzo looked at her confused


He looked at her horrified


“What are you doing?” was the only thing he could manage to say


The way the color had drained from her face it looked as if she would bleed to death


“I can’t do this”


She didn’t breath


Lorenzo shook his head


He, himself began to panic


“No, no what are you doing? What do you mean you can’t do this?”


“I have to protect Kristina” she said blankly


“What do you mean protect Kristina?”


“He’ll get out soon, he’ll come after me, Carly’s angry I’m sure she’s already told him by now…”


“Alexis he’s in jail, and we’ll deal with him. You know I’ll do everything I can to protect you and…”


She shook her head


“I’m sorry. Lorenzo… if you love me you’ll just help me get out of this town, get away from Sonny… you’ll help Kristina and I disappear”


“I’ll go with you. You pick the place and we’ll go. We’ll leave and there will be no trace of us”


“I can’t do that to you”


“Do what? Allow me to disappear with you? I love you, I love Kristina. You two are my life! If you leave me I’ll have nothing”


“You’ll get over us”


“Get over? Get over? ALEXIS!”


She jumped back


He was frustrated; he didn’t mean to raise his voice to her


He reached for her


She took another step back


“I have to start packing… will you help me go?”




She shook her head understanding


She went to walk past him


To leave him standing there


When she got close enough he grabbed her, taking her into his arms


Holding her, holding her, holding her




“No” was all he said almost as if he were a child holding on to his cherished toy for dear life


She stopped fighting against him


He wasn’t sure if she was just appeasing him or if his attempt had worked


“I just need to get this over with” she said finally


He let go


“Please give me the chance to at least fight for you and Kristina. Please don’t just shut me out, pretend I never existed. Because I know you can. I know you can pretend for your daughter at least until you find a place to hide but I know you’ll regret all of this when you do”


“You really are an expert on me?” she questioned almost coldly

”If you leave, I’ll follow” he said ignoring her question


“Even if I beg you not too”


“You take one step and I’ll follow” he said intensely


“Don’t do this”


“I think that’s my line”


“You’re sure I’m crazy now?”


“No but I am sure of your fear of Corinthos”


She stood looking at him. Even hating him for figuring out the truth


“So do you blame me then for wanting to protect my daughter?”


“No, never… but you don’t have to run from me just because you want Corinthos out of your life”


“So what you’ll just leave everything for us?”


“I’ll leave right now”


Alexis took a deep breath


Impulsiveness wasn’t her strong suit


Self deprecation was


“I feel guilty for asking you to do this”


“So you’re asking?”


She shook her head yes


He held her again tightly and then looked intently in to her eyes


Paris? You and Kristina love Paris. Or an island somewhere?”


“You make it seem so easy…”


“If you’re ready we’ll fly out tonight. Maybe just to the city or somewhere that will give us time to think. If we decide to not come back for even one day I’ll have Snake take care of everything”


Alexis shook her head ok and tears uncontrollably fell down her face


She looked down at the ring she held in the palm of her hand


“I’m sorry I was about to do that to you”


“I understand”


“I know you do”


Lorenzo took the ring from her and slipped it back on her finger


“Forever Alexis Davis forever”




It was forever or it had seemed like forever since the night that conversation took place


Kristina had learned to speak French before her English had even developed


She seemed to take to the French culture as if it were her second nature. Lorenzo would speak to her in French and Kristina would look at him with a blank stare and then giggle incessantly in between bites of her breakfast


“My girl is so smart!” He said laughing himself as her bouts of laughter became louder from the tickles she was receiving




“Mama!” Kristina squealed, running in to her mother’s arms


“If you’re through with breakfast Gertrude is waiting for you! She says you two are going swimming today!”


Gertrude had been another constant companion in Kristina’s life for over three years now. She had taken to her on her first trip to Paris and Lorenzo and Alexis both insisted on having Gertrude as Kristina’s permanent nanny




“You better put on your bathing suit! She’s waiting!”


Kristina quickly ran from the room “avoir!” she said running past


Alexis sat down on the couch and Lorenzo sat down beside her


“How are you feeling?” He asked putting his hand to her stomach


“Ok, only a little queasy earlier this morning”


“Anything I can do to make you feel better”


“You can come sit out on the terrace with me for a little while”


“A simple request” Lorenzo said raising his brow to her and securing his coffee in his hand


She led him to the terrace to sit


He sat snuggled beside her his hand again resting on her stomach. From the moment she told him she was pregnant he couldn’t seem to keep his hands off of her. Keep his hands from touching skin, caressing her stomach where there a was a baby girl, their baby girl


“Something’s on your mind” he said studying her face


“Just how much I love you at this very second”


“Really? Well in that case…” Lorenzo said kissing her neck


“We’ve come a long way baby”


Her voice was serious


“We have”


“Do you remember our first date?”


“In New York City


“Eating ice cream from a street vendor…”


“I’ll never forget”


“Do you remember the conversation we had that night about all the things that bound us together. I mean I was giving you all the excuses in the world why we should be there together… I mean our past was…”


“Our past” he said making it clear


“But then, you told me all the things that could bind us like our love of chocolate ice cream and Paris


He fumbled with the charm bracelet around her wrist


“Chocolate ice cream and Paris was at least a good start don’t you think?” Lorenzo said grinning as she kissed him on the cheek


“Chocolate ice cream, Paris, Kristina and our baby girl… a more than beautiful ending”


“The ties that bind us”


She took her eyes away from the Eiffel Tower in the distance to Lorenzo’s adoring face


“Yeah… those are the ties that bind us”




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