The Ties That Bind
Chapter 14

Sage if you dont mind Id like to speak Lorenzo for moment Mac said peering through the door of the hospital room


He doesnt feel like talking to you right now Sage protested


Sage Sage how about you take a break, get some fresh air Lorenzo said gently


Uncle Lorenzo Sage sniffled


Mac just wants to ask a few questions everything is fine He assured her


Sage stood up giving Mac a look of suspicion before leaving the room


Shes protective of me


I can see that

An awkward silence went between them


Youre lucky to be alive


Im grasping this Lorenzo said shuffling in the bed as best he could


Thats a hell of a knock on the head youve got


Thats what everyones telling me


Lorenzo I need to ask you a few questions about the accident Mac said getting to the point


And from the Police Commissioner himself?


Mac didnt respond only continued his questioning


Do you know a man named Robert Carson?


No, should I? Lorenzo responded quickly


He was the man in the other car


Is he alright?




Lorenzo could feel his body sink into the hospital bed


He looked up at Mac


And will you tell me how she is? Whats happening to her?


Her name didnt have to be said


And his concern for her clearly, overwhelmed his face


Shes out of surgery and shes in critical condition thats all I know


Lorenzo looked away


Mac had never seen the man react in such a way, with such emotion


Thats another question I have for you why was Alexis with you?


 Lorenzo hesitated then turned slowly back to Mac


We were having dinner


How common did that sound?


How absurd did that sound?


Dinner? You and Alexis Davis were having dinner?


Lorenzo didnt respond only stared blankly


Lorenzo Mac said almost sternly


Lorenzo seemed to snap out of his trance


Lorenzo were you trying to harm Alexis when the accident occurred?




It seemed overly apparent she was alone in life


Exceptions had to be made when only immediate family could see her


She had no immediate family


Ned Ashton the man she once considered the love of her life was now a substitute father for her daughter and an on and off again friend


Jasper Jax, her ex husband and so called best friend had been mostly absent form her life in the last year and a half


Her parents, her siblings, her nephew all gone


Her daughter at home, innocent from the harsh reality of the state her mommy was in


I think she was lucky they got her here as fast as they did. I think its what ultimately saved her she would have bleed to death. We had to give her several transfusions while in the operating room from the blood she lost but we have the bleeding stopped. Thats what matters now


Both Jax and Ned starred intently at Monica. Neither of them conjuring what ifs and buts


I wont sugar coat this. Shes in very critical condition, and were watching her closely to make sure she makes it through the next 24 hours


Both men were stunned


Monica took a deep breath and continued


She has a concussion and her right shoulder was knocked out of socket. She has a broken right wrist and hand and her left leg and ankle are broken in several places.  Dr. Bowman was able to get everything back in place and everything should heal nicely


But if she dies it  Jax stopped himself


Jax, just be positive shell make it through this. Shes strong you both know how strong she is




He held the phone up to his ear




Where are you? Jason questioned with a bit of his own panic in his voice


Im on my way to way to my office Sonny grumbled


Alexis was in the car


I know


Why was she in the car?


I dont know, I dont know


A pause went between them


Sonny youre not about to do something drastic are you?


I need to have a word with Marcus




He wanted to get back at Alcazar for buying his property out from under him he called the other day telling me he wanted revenge and asked did I want a part in it


Tell me you said no


I said no


Sonny if Marcus did this to Alcazar he may try and kill you because he knows you know he did it


But he doesnt know that I care he did


But he knows now Alexis was in the car and he knows your past connection with her


Sonny went silent






Is she alright?




Sonny wait for me to get to the office. Youre too emotional right now about this


It was Sonnys usual nature to disagree about his emotions in bad situations. He didnt disagree this time


He felt guilt


He felt a part of maybe killing Alexis



No I wasnt trying to harm her Lorenzo said suddenly realizing how this all might look


He could have been kidnapping her for all they knew


Lorenzo, its a known fact that you and Alexis are not on great terms with each other. You both have quite a few reasons not to be anywhere near the other. So its a little hard to believe you two would be having a nice dinner outside of town


A million thoughts rushed through Lorenzos head


Thoughts mostly of her fears of getting caught


Fears that they had both learned to silence in each passing moment of their affair


It had come to a point where they were making up sarcastic jokes about what they would do and say if they were caught


They were caught


Lorenzo could say he was kidnapping her or he could say that they had been lovers for months


Even in his confessions he wasnt sure anyone would believe him


The only person to affirm his confession was her


Her, his beautiful secret


Tears fell from his eyes burning the  his cuts on his already bruised face




She and I were having dinner He repeated


Mac seemed to be growing a bit impatient with him as he had every right to be


Lorenzo, Im not sure what happened yet in the accident. But you know as well as I do with your lifestyle we have to assume its not just fate, it has something to do with your background. It just makes it even more suspicious and it makes you look guilty that Alexis was in the car with you, you understand that?


Lorenzo nodded unable to muster the strength to fight back


She my die


Macs tactic was to rile him up after he seemed so emotion about Alexis condition

Lorenzo looked Mac in the eyes but said nothing


Mac could tell however his tactics worked


Where you trying to harm Alexis Davis when the accident occurred?


I wouldnt harm her!


I have no reasons to believe that you werent


I wouldnt harm her! Lorenzo repeated now more agitated


Why wouldnt you? Give me one good reason why I should believe you werent?


Because I love her!


End Ch. 14

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