The Ties That Bind
Chapter 5

Chapter 5

She traced the tips her fingers along the edge of the back of the couch

She studied the dimly lit room from one end to the other

Everything was perfect, every expensive thing in its place

She would have guessed that about him... perfect

It wasnt in her nature to be there, for her to make such a bold move

For her to act on her impulse to be with him

But two could play the game he was playing

And she wanted to play

She sat down in the black leather chair facing the door

Her skirt obviously a little shorter than usual and the way she crossed her legs they were sure to get the attention she wanted

She had time to think

Think about what she was doing. To think about consequences and even raised eyebrows

She had time to change her mind

But now changing her mind wasnt that simple

The game between the two of them was now an equal obsession

The turn of the lock

Her heart pounded

Suddenly it wasnt Alexis sitting there, it was the woman inside her. The woman who wanted and needed and was there to play.

Natasha was sitting in that chair waiting for the door to open

He was without a doubt surprised to see her in his penthouse

He grinned immediately

"How did you get in here?" He said amused and echoing her question from days before

"You would think a man with your kind of lifestyle would make it a little harder for someone to get into his penthouse"

God he adored every intriguing thing about this woman

"Breaking and entering skills. I like that in a woman"

"I knew you would" She said grinning devilishly

Lorenzo sat down on the coffee table across from her. Intentionally too close

Her legs now a touchable distance

"You look tired" She said studying his eyes

It seemed like such a common, everyday thing to say... He looked at her pleased that she cared enough to notice

"Long day, and I didnt get much sleep last night"

"Maybe I should go so you can get..." she tried to stand, she was chickening out

"No" he said, his palms catching her at her knees "Please dont"

He wanted at that very moment to run his hands up her thighs, to explore

But the sight of her dark eyes stopped him


"This was probably a bad idea"

She was biting her bottom lip

He knew she was nervous

"Will you sit?"

She sat

"My day wasnt great. Youre right Im tired and I was pretty pissed off about 10 minutes ago. Then I saw you sitting here..."


"I cant remember what I was angry about..."

She pressed her finger to his lips


"I thought about you all day. I thought about how much I wanted to be with you and I thought about how I could erase you from my life completely... then I found myself sitting in this chair in your penthouse with contempt for reality... here I am... here I am" she ended in a whisper

"I couldnt sleep because I was thinking of you. It sounds trite and a bit absurd... but you, every part of you is consuming me"

"I just keep thinking at what part did we go too far? Or have we even... we havent slept together, Ive kissed you... And I already feel guilt, I already feel like Ive gone too far"

"Youre scared?"

He questioned. He didnt want to assume. She was full of too many surprises to assume

She bit again at her bottom lip hesitating to answer but she did


Lorenzo stood up pulling her hand with him. He sat down on the couch, he made sure she was tucked in beside him

His arms reached around her

She breathed in the scent of him from the open collar on his shirt

They sat for the longest time in silence

He held her

"Our relationship or whatever it is, its confusing" she finally said admittingly

Lorenzo could tell thinking about it had overcome her

"I dont want you to be confused"

She pulled away from him to look him in the eyes

"Why havent we made this about sex?"

"You want to have sex? We can, right now!"

"Im being serious!" she said swatting at him

"I dont know honestly. I mean at first it was about sex. I wanted to sleep with you. I had every intention of getting you in to bed ..."

"And you havent because?"

Lorenzo shuffled a bit nervously

"I love the sound of your laughter..."

Alexis looked as if she didnt understand

"I love how intelligent you are, I love your bare feet... and I love that with every chance you get you surprise me, like being in my living room when I got home..."

"Thats dangerous. All of those words are dangerous"


Her eyes actually looked sad

"Because Im a woman. At the end of the day Im a woman, a woman who loves to hear those things, who will believe them..."

"Im being truthful"

"I know"

He put his hand to her face

"I want to make love to you when I can spend the night with you. I want to wake up with you, not leave in the middle of the night because youre scared that we might get caught"

"But, I am afraid well get caught"

She was. He knew she was. And a part of him was afraid too. The only difference was he had no one to answer to, no one to be accountable to

"If we do, I will deny everything if you want me to. Ill lie, Ill say I was threatening you..."

"Can we say I was threatening you?" she said with a slight grin trying to ease the subject

He smiled

"Ok, ok" he said pretending to give in

She leaned in kissing his now stubbly face, his lips still soft

"I have to go"

"I know"

She kissed him again not being able to resist

This was where they easily could have both lost control, it would have been too easy

She looked at him summing up her nerve

"Ned is taking Kristina this weekend"

It was an obvious invitation

He kissed her again and then again

It was his response

She gave him a tickled laugh before pulling away

"I have to go..."

Lorenzo pulled away and then stood up from the couch, she followed

"Thank you for being here when I got home"

She got in her last kiss as a youre welcome

"Ill see you Saturday?" She said again making her invitation clear

He shook his head and she turned for the door


"Yes" she said turning back to him

"I know this isnt a typical relationship... but, may I send you flowers"

It seemed odd to have to ask but he didnt want to over step his boundaries

She grinned widely at his sincerity in hopes to be a romantic

"If you want..." she said nonchalantly

He smiled then stepped in to the hallway before her looking to see if anyone was there

He held the door for her

"Goodnight my beautiful secret" he said kissing her for the last time

She pulled away from him, her cheeks blushing

"A beautiful secret indeed" she said agreeing and then walked out of his sight

End of ch. 5

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