The Ties That Bind
Chapter 26

“You have to at least speak to me”


Alexis looked up at Lorenzo with eyes that had obviously cried her to sleep and took the cup of coffee he was offering her


“So you hate me now, there’s no forgiving…”


“I don’t hate you and I don’t blame you for not wanting to tell me. I understand why you didn’t. I understand you didn’t want me involved” She said regretfully


Weight lifted


“Thank you”


“It was just a lot to take in at once”


She was still calm


“I know”


He was sorry


“You keeping secrets from me, Sonny being involved in all of it…”


“And you have every right to be angry with me for keeping this from you. But I knew you didn’t want Sonny to have any part in your life and you knowing only seem to make the situation more complicated for you…”


“This is all just so absurd when you think about it” she said shaking her head


“It’s my fault”


“It’s not your fault”


“You’re hurt because of me. Corinthos is back in your life because of me… and it was all inevitable”


“Sonny will never be out of my life” she said quietly then closing her eyes tightly as if she was making a simple wish to wish him away “Lorenzo I chose to be in your life. If all of this was inevitable I knew it…” she then said hoping he missed her saying the part about Sonny


“I love you Alexis and I’ve created this disillusion that I can be this perfect upstanding citizen whose past won’t ever come to haunt him”


“You’re haven’t created this disillusion… you haven’t because it worries you every day. Every second I know you’re in protection mode. I know you’re looking over your shoulder for your past enemies or for anyone that even I consider an enemy. I know you worry about Helena and Sonny… he was second rate trouble for you and now you’re ready for attack if he comes near me or you’ve heard that he’s said my name”


“I admit I do want to protect you and Kristina and when Helena is an issue than I want to at least help you take care of it. But Corinthos I not even sure why I am protecting you from him and obviously he cares enough about you to risk his own life for you…”


Alexis said nothing


“Alexis… I was angry when I found out Sonny knew what was going to happen. But it’s true, all is fair. Anyone out to kill him I wouldn’t have stopped just as he didn’t… You have to understand that”


“I do”


“Then why are you so surprised? You know what kind of life he leads. But the fact that he cared enough about you…you were his friend, his lawyer… It seems you’re the one that made him your enemy. Not the other way around”


“Lorenzo… I don’t want him in my life”


“Because he’s too dangerous? That’s not a great argument. I mean where does that leave me?”


“Why are you suddenly standing up for him?”


“I’ not! But I’m trying to make sense out of your hatred towards Sonny. I can understand you being angry with me for keeping secrets from you and I can even understand you hating him for letting the wreck happen but I know you can comprehend why all of that happened! So besides the obvious why in the hell do you choose to make enemies with a man like that?”


“What I can’t understand is why you’re pushing this!”


“I can’t understand why you’re avoiding the question!”


“Can’t not wanting him in my life, be enough?”


Lorenzo looked away from her peeved






“No you keep your secrets… that’s how we’ll play the game”


“Lorenzo! God I don’t want to play the game!


“Then trust me!”


He was right this was it if she did trust him… this was it


Lorenzo turned back to her, she breathed in and out faster and faster


“Alexis you know I love you and I’ll protect you any way I can. And if that’s not enough I don’t know how to…”


“He’s her father”


Lorenzo stopped breathing


Her face was weak but deliberate


“No” he said shaking his head


“She is” her voice broke


Tears now one by one fell down her face


“No she’s Ashton’s… Alexis”


You couldn’t detect one ounce of breath from his lips


He was stunned


Not the little girl he worshiped


She was, by blood forever attached to Sonny Corinthos


“I have to protect her. And I can’t let in my life, in her life. If he has the chance to take a long hard look at her. He’ll see himself. If he take the time to think everything through, he’ll know”


“He’ll never know” Lorenzo said shaking his head and making his way to the bed “I’ll make sure of it. I’ll never even let him close enough to her or say her name again”


“Lorenzo… honey…” she stopped herself


At that moment she realized how much he loved her. How much he loved her daughter


She also realized this was the true end to the fairytale between Lorenzo Alcazar and Alexis Davis


His face fell to her stomach


“Honey its ok. I’ve come this far”


Lorenzo looked up at her


“Does anyone know besides Ashton?”


She could tell he was getting his wits together






“She hasn’t told him yet, she threatens but she hasn’t”


“Oh my God! How can you be so calm about all of this?”


“I’ve been keeping this secret, I’ve been lying for over three years now… it’s second nature” she said calmly


Lorenzo put the palms of his hands to her face


“I’m sorry for keeping Sonny’s involvement from you and it makes perfect sense why you want to be informed. You have to keep your guard up. This is your life, its Kristina’s and you’re her mother. You make the decision how you want to handle Sonny. When you want me to step in I will… ok”


Alexis shook her head


She was a bit taken back that he didn’t want to destroy Sonny at that very second that he didn’t make a plan of attack


But then again that wasn’t who he was


Lorenzo was a smart and patient man


And a man who obviously loved her enough and trusted her enough to make the right decisions


Lorenzo had made his way in to bed beside her


For the longest time nothing was said both thinking, both concentrating on each other’s breath at times more rapid than before


“So much for our secret little love affair” she said with what seemed like a nervous laugh


“It’s ok at least I know its all for real now”


End Ch. 26

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