The Ties That Bind
Chapter 22

Its nothing short of a miraculous recovery Dr. Tony Jones said sitting across from Jax in the waiting area


So shell be able to come home soon? Jax questioned hopefully


Shes been asking that same question for days. I told her it depended on how her therapy was going. Shes on the path to recovery from her internal injuries but dealing with a broken leg and a broken wrist and hand is going to be a whole new ball game for her


If she knows the physical therapy is the only thing standing in her way of going home dont think for one second shell let that be what defeats her. Shes competitive as hell even with herself!


Well you can be assured that I wont let her go unless I see fit


She can be quite persuasive Jax said grinning


That I am already aware of


So should I have anything prepared for when she gets home?


She mainly will just need help. Shell be immobile so youre guaranteed a lot of frustration on her part


Dont worry I will literally wait on her hand a foot


Good man Tony said standing, extending his hand to Jax




How did your therapy go?


It was a breeze!


Jax grinned shaking his head, knowing it was anything but a breeze 


Well it looks like your stay at General Hospital is coming to an end soon


A big smile covered her face




I just talked to Tony and he said, as he told you he wanted to see how your physical therapy was going


Like I said it was a breeze!


Yeah I warned Tony that if you knew the therapy was what was standing in your way you would have no trouble convincing him you were fine and that it was time to let you go home


Ill have no trouble convincing him at all She said wide eyed


Jax laughed out loud


What! Havent I been a model patient?


Youve been a perfect angel


Alexis chuckled


And when you get out of here you and Kristina can come stay with me and I will be at your beck and call


Jaxs eyes were bright as he revealed his plans to her


Jax I cant go home with you Her face changed I I dont want to impose youve already rearranged you life the last month for me


I thought to do nothing else and I want to help you through this


You have. Youve been here for me since the beginning of all of this but I cant go home with you She tried to think of another excuse I want to be in my own home and besides I dont want to uproot Kristina shes already confused enough as it is


Then Ill come stay with you Jax replied innocently




Alexis you cant go home by yourself




Alexis closed her eyes


Alexis Jax said disappointed


Youre so wonderful to me and I cant tell you how grateful I am for you for doing all of this for me but

But you dont want me, you want him Jax said stating the truth


Alexis for a moment was stunned that Jax had easily come to that conclusion


Jax I uh, I


Alexis you need time to heal. Youve been through a lot and it isnt over. You have enough to deal with. You should be worrying about recovering and whos going to help you I mean he cant. He has a broken arm and foot himself


Alexis said nothing to make her case


This is really how you want it?


Jax sit she ordered


He sat


I love you


I know you do


Would you listen I love you. I appreciate you and I trust you and your judgment. But you have to let me make my own decisions about this. I want to be with Lorenzo. Kristina is comfortable around him. And I know hell make sure Im well taken care of


I dont mean to be a jerk Alexis I just want you to be ok. I just want both you and Kristina to be safe and happy


And luckily I realize this or I would think that you might be trying to be a big jerk. I know you. I know you have the greatest intentions when you say you want to take care of me. But you have a life and fortunately for you Im not the center of it


But dont you see I would love for you to be the center of my life. I meanI could think of a lot worse things Jax said now trying to make light of his plans




Please know I want to do this for you


I miss Lorenzo Jax leaned away from her as the words came from her mouth And I want to be with him


Jax was finally silenced


She had just spoken her peace


He bowed his head




Alexis closed her eyes tight as she clinched her jaw


Why did it seem every choice she made in life hurt someone else?


Jax we have to talk about this she said rationally


I think we just did


I cant be on opposing sides with you. Youre the one person in my life that has always been on my side. I cant shut you out or have you mad at me over something like this


Over something like this? he questioned God Alexis I fear you getting killed. I fear something will happen to Kristina isnt all that happened to you enough warning?


Jax none of this was his fault


Lorenzo was doing business dealings with the man who almost had you killed by accident or not


I understand what youre saying. I promise the level headed part of me does understand. And just as I told Ned I didnt just let Lorenzo in my life. Every red flag went up when it came to him And I made him earn my trust and as you know thats not easy to do. Jax he knows now Ive played the fool before. He also knows that I damn sure wont play the fool again


How can you be so sure?


How can we ever be sure?


But arent you done with the criminal lifestyle?


Yes she said emphatically


But hes an arms dealer and he has a whole other side that is dangerous


He said he changed his life for me. In the time Ive been with him he hasnt proven to me otherwise


Alexis do you really think he could just change? Just like that?


Youll do things for love sometimes



As cliché and overly mushy as it sounds yes, love


This isnt like you


What to be in love with someone? To trust someone?


Jax thought about what she was saying


He thought about how absurd it seemed that he was standing in her way of her happiness


So Im supposed to trust him now too? Im supposed to trust that he will take care of you and that he wont ever intentionally hurt you?


No Im not saying you have to trust him. But I am asking you to trust me. I mean even Ned is giving me that much Jax this is my life. My choices, even my mistakes


I know, I know youre right. I just naturally want to protect you and take care of you when I think you need me


I do need you. Ill always need you, broken leg or not. But I have the say so in this situation. I say where I live and who with and that goes for my daughter too


Jax leaned in and kissed her on the forehead


If you need me


I will always call you




Ok? Does that mean were ok? That the situation is ok?


Youre right its your life


A knock at the door interrupted them


I heard your therapy went well Lorenzo said before seeing Jax sitting with Alexis


Lorenzo tucked the fresh roses in his hand behind him as if he were unsure of the situation he had just walked in to and didnt want to walk on Jaxs toes for Alexis sake


I think it went pretty well Alexis said speaking up before an uncomfortable silence tainted the room


Jax stood up from the chair


I should go


Jax you dont have to leave


No, no I have a late afternoon meeting and I guess you and Lorenzo have a lot to talk about


Jax leaned in giving her a goodbye kiss on the cheek, purposefully not giving her their usual kiss on the lips


Jax now stood eye to eye with Lorenzo


Please take good care of her was all Jax said to him and he walked out the door


Both Lorenzo and Alexis took a moment to watch him leave


I interrupted


No you didnt we were through


Everythings ok? he asked concerned as he sat the roses on the table


Thanks you for the roses she said as he leaned in to kiss her Like you said Im a lucky woman that all the men in my life love and are so protective of me


What happened now?


He wanted Kristina and I to come and live with him when I get out of here


That was nice of him to offer Lorenzo said in a disappointing tone


I declined




But you cant go home alone


Thats what he said


So what did you say? Lorenzo asked curiously


I told him I wanted to be with you


A smile covered Lorenzos face


You do?


Alexis made a face and bit at her bottom lip as she watched his reaction


Before he could say another word she interjected


 I just completely overstepped our boundaries didnt I? I mean I just basically volunteered you to take care of me and I shouldnt have. Im sorry I mean when I said all that to Jax I was just thinking how much I missed you I wasnt honestly thinking about the burden Kristina and I would be


Burden?  Dont be absurd. Im overjoyed you want to be with me


But I wasnt thinking I mean even Jax mentioned you were still on crutches and how were we going to take care of Kristina and


Lex! he said grinning. I should have my walking cast by the time you get out of here and if we cant manage Ill hire someone to help us manage well get through this together


She calmed down


I just want to be with you


Thats good enough incentive to make it work


Alexis paused and Lorenzo could tell her mind immediately went somewhere else


Can I ask you a question?


Of course


Do people do people know about us?


Im not sure. I mean if people do they talk quietly behind our backs around here. I know Monica knows and I know Mac Scorpio knows and Im sure its at least still being questioned why you were with me that night


If I go home with you everyone will know for sure. Are we ready for that?


If it means having you in my arms when I sleep at night, yes let them have at us


I dont know why I even care anymore She said as she obviously had already shown she more than cared just by her concern now of who knew their secret


Because from the moment just one person knew youve had to defend us


But thats just it I think Ive actually gotten quite good at defending us. So now why should I care?


Its ok to still care


I knew it would happen, I just didnt plan for people to find out like this and it seems a bit frightening. I mean I can handle Jax and Ned but now that its happening now that everyone will know


Lex Ive told you, Ive promised you. And you know what you promised me. We said we would deal with all of it when it comes


Maybe I just planned to deal with it by being able to make a getaway. Now Ill just have to stand there and argue my case


And isnt that what you insanely good at councilor?


Alexis rolled her eyes at him


Maybe if you kissed me I would feel better about it all She said now grinning


Im not sure if I should fall for that he said returning her grin


She pulled him closer


When I get out of here Im going to do more of this she said as she began to kiss him


More of that huh?


Yep she said kissing him again


God, I cant wait until you get you home
End Ch. 22

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