The Ties That Bind
Chapter 23

“Lorenzo you shouldn’t have…”


“This is better for you…”


“But you shouldn’t…”


“You’ll be more comfortable”


Alexis looked out the window of the car to the secluded cottage in front of her


“I would have been fine…”


“Lex you’ll love it I promise” Lorenzo assured her “You’ll have plenty of room here, Kristina will have a back yard to play in and best of all no stairs or bumpy elevators” he said trying his best now to convince her


“This is too much” she said in final protest not having the energy to argue with him


“Not for you and Kristina” he said sincerely kissing her hand that he had been holding in his own


She shook her head at him


He grinned satisfied knowing she was happy he went to the trouble


“Will you at least see if it will suit you and Kristina?”


He took notice as she tried to stifle the grin that appeared on her face


“So we can get you inside now?” he said now in anticipation


“Fine” she said teasingly as she turned her nose up at him as if she had lost the battle




Traveling from General Hospital to the cottage was no easy feat


Traveling from the driveway to the front door seemed to be an even bigger feat


She was exhausted


It was grueling


Every move she tried to make she struggled, every bump she winced


By the time she made it through the front door and eyed the couch she begged to just lie down


Tears fell from her eyes


She couldn’t help it


“It’s ok, everything will be ok” Lorenzo said trying to comfort her as he wiped the tears from her cheeks


At that moment she was wishing she would have just stayed at the hospital


“I promise once you get comfortable everything will be ok. You’ll get through this, the worst is over” He said still trying to assure her as she settled in to the couch


She lay there saying nothing for the longest time. Lorenzo could tell she was afraid to move for fear she would cause herself more pain


“I’m ok” she said finally giving him a slight smile


“Can I get you anything?”


“No I’m fine, I promise I’m ok now. It was just a rough trip”


“Are you comfortable?”


“I’m fine, really”


Lorenzo’s face turned from a grimace to a hopeful grin


“I’m happy to have you home”


She reached out for his hand and squeezed it tight


“Oh I have something for you” he said reaching for the bag of things from the hospital “I believe this belongs to you”


Lorenzo held out an obviously well polished and cleaned diamond ring


The diamond literally sparkled in her dark eyes


“That’s funny I thought about my jewelry the other day and then it slipped my mind again… did they give you my bracelet?”


Lorenzo was pleased she was aware she was missing her bracelet also


“They gave your things to Jax and he gave them to me this morning after we got you in the car…” he explained as he put the ring back on her finger where it belonged


She then looked up to see him dangling the charm bracelet from his pocket, in front of her


She reached for it


Her eyes now studying the Eiffel Tower and the heart inscribed to his beautiful secret


And now to a third charm that read “Home Sweet Home”


She looked up at Lorenzo as a smile covered her face


“Welcome home” he said biting at his bottom lip


“Thank you” she said softly and then gave him a sweet kiss on the lips


“You’re welcome and I’m glad you like it… and I’m glad you didn’t protest too much about the house. I think you will like it here”


“The house is wonderful. I just wish you hadn’t gone through so much trouble and…”


“I said I was glad you didn’t protest too much!” Lorenzo said amused


She grinned slightly knowing laughter would only make the pain erupt


She reached to kiss him again


A knock at the door interrupted them


“Yes?” Lorenzo questioned to the other side of the door before rising


“Boss it’s me” Snake yelled back


Alexis couldn’t help but smile


Lorenzo opened the door


“Boss I think I have all of her stuff. Mr. Ashton has her personal things”


Alexis eyes widened unsure of what Snake was saying from the doorway


Lorenzo moved out of the way for Snake and a few other of Lorenzo’s men to bring all of the stuff in


“What is all of this?” Alexis questioned


“I hope its ok but I went ahead and sent Snake over to get Kristina’s things. I had him get her crib because I knew she would at least want to sleep in her own bed. I just assumed the sooner we got her things the sooner she could be with you… I probably shouldn’t have…”


“No, that’s fine I just didn’t know what Snake was talking about… is Ned bringing her soon?” Alexis asked her eyed wide


“He wanted you to get settled before he brought her over. And I hope its ok I let Ned pack the rest of the things she might need like clothes, her favorite toys and any other personal items…”


“Lorenzo she’s two she doesn’t have personal items”


“Well I just thought Ned would at least have a good idea of what she would need…”


“He will know” she assured “Thank you for asking him to do that”


“Um well, I also well; I didn’t know what to get of yours. I mean you already had a few things here but as for your own personal items well I didn’t know what you would have wanted me to get...”


“It’s ok I’ll get whatever I need later”


“I did get you some pajamas. You have a lot of silk pajamas! He joked. How come I never get to see you in them? I mean besides the obvious alternative that I am more than fortunate to get to um see, I would love to get to see you in silk paj…”


“I use to wear them all time. I don’t anymore” she said bluntly


“Oh” he said a bit confused


She fidgeted with the edge of the cast on her arm


“Alexis?” he had to question her sudden mysteriousness


She looked up at him


“It’s silly… but I wore them all the time when I was with Ned. He loved them. He loved me in them… I don’t wear them anymore”


“It’s ok”


“It’s silly”


“Maybe it is but I think everyone does it. Sometimes it’s just easier to break a habit or to get rid of something that reminds you of someone you loved. Like out of sight out of mind… out of sight out of heart”


He made sense. She still wanted to change the subject


“Um.. I uh I know what shampoo you like and what soap and I had the freezer stocked with Chocolate ice cream but… I mean I can buy you whatever you need if you don’t want anyone to use…”


He did his best to change the subject


“Lorenzo…” she interrupted “Honey, its ok”


Alexis put her hand to his face


“And I think it’s insanely sweet that you know what kind of soap and shampoo I use”


Lorenzo smiled


“Well if it wins me any points I actually bought the two different shampoos that you use. A man pays attention when he in a woman’s shower. Especially when what’s in that shower holds many of the answers to why that woman smells that beautiful sweet scent that she does”


Alexis kissed him “You are so very sweet”


“Um boss we have everything in Ms. Kristina’s room. The boys almost have everything set up”


“Thank you Snake” Lorenzo said pleased


“Snake you can come and speak to me” Alexis teased


“I’m sorry I just didn’t want to interrupt and you don’t need to be bothered with any of this stuff we’ve got it taken care of”


“Snake maybe I just wanted to speak to you, tell you hello”


Snake blushed


“Oh, oh I’m glad you’re here, really I am and we’re all gonna take real good care of you. And we’re gonna take care of Ms. Kristina too”


Alexis smiled


“And we both appreciate it thank you for doing all of this”


“You’ve very welcome. And anything you want me or the boys to do you just let us know”


“I will thank you”


Lorenzo observed that Snake seemed to be blushing again and he couldn’t help but grin though he tried to stifle it


“Well I have a few more things to get from the truck. You don’t worry about a thing”


“I won’t”


Lorenzo and Alexis watched as Snake made his way back out the door


“Are you sure you’re comfortable? There’s a big bed in there waiting on you”


“If you don’t mind I’m ok here for a while. I’m just I really”


“What do you need? Anything”


“My baby girl, can we please call Ned to bring her? I miss just holding her”


Lorenzo stood immediately to hand Alexis the phone


“You call Ned. I’ll go and get another pillow to get that leg properly elevated”


“Hey maybe you should get a pillow for your own! She joked referring to the cast still on his own foot




By the time Lorenzo had returned Alexis was off the phone


“Is he bringing her?”


“He said Brook Lynn was there and that she was playing with Kristina. They seem to adore each other and I didn’t want to drag Kristina away just to come and beg her to sit on the couch with me. So I just asked Ned if he would bring her later”


“You’re sure you ok with having to wait to see her?”


“She’s playing. She’s happy.”


“Are you happy?”

“I’m happy but I may need some distraction to make the time go by more quickly”


“I’m sure I could catch Snake before he left to come and tell you a joke or two. He has some real well let’s just say…”




Lorenzo laughed out loud


“Well I think the guys are finished unloading everything” Lorenzo said now looking out the window “Maybe I could be a distraction to you?” He said now sitting beside her propping his own foot up on the ottoman before them


“What ever could we do to pass the time?” Alexis asked, her eyebrow raised


“I’m sure we could come up with something”


“I have a broken leg”


“I have a broken foot”


“I have a broken wrist and hand”


“I have a broken arm”


Alexis looked at Lorenzo smiling


“We could just make out!”


“Now that sounds like a plan”


Alexis’s smile faded in to a kiss on his lips


Their kisses easily turned to passionate kisses


“I’ve missed being able to kiss you like this”


“I just want to kiss you and touch you…” he said now tugging at her shirt to get kisses further down her neck


“God I’ve missed you so much” she said running her hands through his hair “I’ve missed this”


His lips kissed at her jaw line, then her cheek, the to the lobe of her ear


“I love you so much Alexis Davis”


She turned to him with a serious face “I love you too Lorenzo Alcazar” she said letting it easily roll of her tongue


He would have done anything at that moment to make love to her. To show her anyway he could how much he was in love with her. How much he truly did love her


“I want to make love to you so badly right now” she said with a disappointed face and as if she had read his mind


“Just close your eyes and relax” he said letting her know that her telling him how much she wanted him to would be enough for now


She closed her eyes


Lorenzo began kissing her neck again this time more soft subtle kisses


“Just think about me making love to you. I’ll do the rest”


She couldn’t help but grin


End Ch. 23

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