The Ties That Bind
Chapter 10

She kissed him in public


On American soil


She kissed him in a crowded airport in New York City where she and Kristina waited to take a separate flight from him, back to Port Charles


I should have never agreed to go to Paris with you She said standing face to face with him


What do you mean? he said knowing she wasnt being completely serious


I shouldnt have come she said her eyes never leaving his


Alexis He was confused You dont mean that he said calmly


I do, because now I know how it feels. I know what its like to make love to you, to lie down beside you, in your arms. I know what its like to walk down the street and hold your hand and kiss you and the only thing  people are thinking is look at those two people in love not not the reality


Alexis well figure this out he protested


She gave an unconvinced smile


Well have to figure this out she said trying to think with her head not her heart


Alexis, please just trust me


We are about to begin boarding flight 356 to Port Charles, New York. We ask that you please have your photo ID and you boarding pass ready


Alexis turned to him and smiled though her heart felt like it was aching


When will I see you again?


It was an honest question, not too absurd for her to ask


Alexis, this isnt goodbye


Then why does it feel like it?


Its not goodbye he reiterated not having an answer to her question


We are now boarding flight 356 to Port Charles, New York


She leaned in kissing him quickly


Tears were actually falling slowly down each of her cheeks though she tried to pretend they werent there


He then wiped them away with the tip of his thumbs as he kissed her again


His lips tugged at hers as she pulled away


Ill think of nothing but you and Paris all the way home He said posing a grin for her And I hope you two will too


Lorenzo then leaned down and searched through his bag


For you Ms. Kristina he said handing her reaching hands the snow globe that obviously was way too expensive for a baby girl to have as a toy


Alexis helped Kristina hold up the globe to see the snow fall around the birds eye view of Paris


Lorenzo you really shouldnt have She said looking back up at him this time he was holding a red velvet box


Just a souvenir he said as he watched her eyes widen




Before she could protest he opened the box to platinum charm bracelet. An Eiffel Tower charm hung from it and another charm, a heart with the inscription Mon Beau Secret (My Beautiful Secret)


May I? He asked before he pulled it from the box


She shook her head yes


Its beautiful


Not as nearly as beautiful as you Natasha


She bit her bottom lip


God her name on his lips


You make it so hard to want to go back


He didnt dispute her, he only leaned in giving Kristina a soft gentle kiss on the cheek and then to Alexis lips


Have a safe flight. I will see you two soon


She took a moment to study him once more and then pulled her bag to her shoulder and Kristina closer on her hip


We will see you soon



Alexis! What are you two doing here?


Her tired eyes widened to the sight of Jasper Jacks walking towards her in the Port Charles airport. His lips to hers, his arms around them, his usual greeting to both of them


Could he smell his scent on her? Would the slightest things, besides the deep look in her eyes that screamed Lorenzo Alcazar give her away?


She would play it cool


Jax! I uh, were in from a long weekend in the city. I had some Cassadine business to take care of so Kristina and I made our getaway Well some of that was some variation of the truth Leaving for business? Alexis continued wanting to keep the conversation away from her as much as possible


She really didnt want to intentionally lie to Jax


Just and overnight trip to wrap up a business deal in Chicago we should have dinner soon and catch up. I feel like I havent seen the two of you in forever


We should. I will call you later this week


She leaned in giving him another kiss


Good luck on your deal as if youd need it and have a good trip


Thanks and I will you two take of yourselves Jax said waving bye to Kristina


Alexis let out a deep breath looking at Kristina I thought that went smoothly. Didnt you?


Kristina looked at her mother and with perfect timing yelled Wenzo!


What? Alexis said questioning her Did you say Lorenzo? she said no giving her the evil eye


Wenzo! Kristina yelled again


Oh God! Alexis said to herself and refusing to encourage Kristina to say his name again. She looked back at Kristina Thank you for at least holding your tongue until he walked away!  Alexis said now letting out a slight bit of laughter




By the time they had made their way back to their apartment, it was way past Kristinas bedtime and she had fallen asleep in her mothers arms


Jet lag was taking its toll 


After putting her to bed she stood their watching Kristina


It was her usual routine to watch her baby girl sleep though she had studied her a thousand times Alexis eyes ran over ever inch of her and watched every breath she took


I want you to fall in love someday Alexis said as she ran her hands over Kristinas soft curls Even though its the most frustrating and confusing and it may even break your heart I want you to know what its like to fall in love to trust someone that much I want you to know the rush, to feel your heart beat as fast as he makes she caught herself about to say his name as fast as he makes my heart beat


She kissed Kristina on the forehead and made sure her nightlight was on before turning off the lights


Goodnight sweet girl



She lay in her own bed, alone


She couldnt help but wonder if he had made it home ok. She wanted to call, but she didnt


She was back to reality and reality didnt allow her to call


Reality didnt allow her to grin foolishly or to make eyes at him or call him on the phone for fear of who would answer or trace her number back to her


She pulled the cover closer as if she were trying to comfort herself


 She closed her eyes and tried to make herself think of anyone and anything but him

She wouldnt let herself open her eyes again.  She wanted the night to end. She wanted to get past the first night she had to spend alone again. She wanted to wake up to reality and hope she wouldnt remember every wonderful thing that had happen that weekend just as she was remembering it at that moment


Sweet dreams he whispered kneeling by the side of her bed


Her eyes burst open


She made out the smile on his face in the dark


Lorenzo? She questioned as she reached for him


Hi he said innocently


Can you stay? She said pulling the covers back as an invitation


Lorenzo already had his shoes off and was pulling his shirt over his head before he could answer

He wrapped his arms around her holding her tight


I cant believe youre here she said almost whispering


I couldnt stop thinking about you and I couldnt stop thinking about what you said yesterday morning in bed


She turned to look at him


Dont pay any attention to my babbling. I over think things and


You said you didnt know how to let go or when to hold on Lorenzo said interrupting. I cant teach you to let go. I think thats something you need to teach yourself on your on time, solving your own problems but, I can teach you to hold on. And Ill try to teach you by example. Ill hold on to you and when youre ready, if youre ever ready I hope youll just involuntarily hold on to me


I want to


An easy confession


I know you do he said truly believing she did want to


Youre willing to put up with me? I mean not to mention not even being with me in public but youre willing to be patient enough with me when I freak out about all of this?


Yeah he said nonchalantly


Thank you She said sincerely








This is breaking all the rules


I like to break the rules


Im being serious


I decided on the flight home that Ill do what I have to be with you Alexis


She kissed him passionately approving





What did I tell you about breaking and entering in to my apartment?


I didnt think you would mind he said letting a slight snicker


It would probably be easier if I just gave you a key


Its all the same to me He said kissing her neck


She lay there in his arms with a foolish grin on her face


 She wouldnt spend another night alone


End Ch. 10

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