The Ties That Bind
Chapter 21

Chapter 21


Lorenzo ran his finger up and down her thigh that was now exposed to him from out under the blanket


The flowers were too much She said caressing his face


He grinned satisfied


I didnt expect to see you tonight. And besides you should be home off of your foot


My foot is fine Lorenzo said leaning in to kiss her at the knee I actually came here to tell you some good new I guess


I could use some she said losing her concentration with his kiss


They arrested Marcus Cavallo this afternoon. He confessed to being responsible for the wreck


Marcus? That man the man who sent that Charlie guy over to your penthouse that night? She asked confused




He wanted to kill you?


Apparently so Lorenzo still sounding surprised himself


You honestly had no idea?


I knew he was angry. I knew he wanted his property back and I knew he was threatening me as his tactic to do so. I wasnt even sure he was capable of killing someone


Alexis was silent for a moment trying to put the pieces of the story together


Lex I dont want this to scare you


No, no I just, you know I have to process it all she paused for a moment still thinking How did the police trace it back to Marcus?


They received a tip. Mac wouldnt say who the tip was from. But he said that phone calls were traced from Marcus to the guy that was in the other car


Do you think the person who tipped off the police knew something about it?


I dont know but Mac said he promised to keep the person confidentiality


This is all just insane


She looked completely perplexed


Alexis please know that if I had any idea this would happen I would have never let you be


Lorenzo stop she said pressing her finger to his lips I trust you. I believe you had no idea this would happen I know you wouldnt hurt me


Im not sure if you truly do know that he said honestly

I do


But you have so many people telling you otherwise. I have so many people telling me why you shouldnt trust me


Hey I thought we had an agreement about other people?

I know, I know. And at the time I was so sure I would never hurt you so I didnt want people convincing you I would. Now Ive hurt you, Ive


You didnt hurt me. Please stop blaming yourself. This wasnt your fault!


I should have given Marcus his property back. I should have taken him out of our lives when I had the chance


You made a business deal, he was sore loser


It doesnt matter now


Youre right it doesnt hes behind bars. Well deal with it from here


How can you be so calm about this?


Because I cant do anything about it now, because Im here and soon enough we can put this in our past


I want to put this in are past Alexis


Then lets just take one step at a time ok


Lorenzo nodded his head ok and then continued to run his hands down her leg


Something else is on your mind she said looking at him sympathetically


No no




He grinned shyly


He was charmed that she now knew him well enough to know when he had something on his mind. That she knew him well enough that he couldnt hide his feelings from her


Ned came to see me today


For a moment Alexis had a lump in her throat


For a moment she feared the conversation she and Ned had meant nothing


What did he say? Alexis said after hesitating


He said that you two had talked and that he was staying out of your life


Alexis closed her eyes for a moment in relief


He also said too many people including himself had hurt you and then asked me to please not hurt you the same way


Hes really trying


I told him I didnt blame him for wanting to protect you. I told him he had every reason for wanting to


Ned is a good man. And our relationship as lovers, as friends and enemies was absolutely wonderful and absolutely heartbreaking. And I wouldnt take away him in my life. I want to change things but I at least never can regret the good he brought to my life. The love and companionship he made me feel when I needed that most


Im glad you feel that way about him. Im glad you can remember the good over the bad Lorenzo said trying to be positive Most people cant do that


One down, one to go She said with nervous laugh


Youre lucky that both Ned and Jax love and care for you that much. And I know as exasperated as it makes you I do think its noble


Noble huh? Not Possessive?


Im not sure if men understand the difference he said grinning


She grinned but still rolled her eyes


He sat there for moment watching her


What? she said finally


I love you


A seriousness came over her face


I love you


Lorenzo leaned in and kissed her


I love the way you kiss


Its not so bad on my receiving end either he said with a grin


I miss being in your arms


Lorenzos face saddened


I know, I know I miss you so much too


Alexis intertwined her fingers with his


Youll be in my arms soon He said trying to assure her


She shook her head


He kissed the back of her hand


Tears now sat at the edge of her eyes ready to fall down her cheeks


Lex its ok. Ill be able to hold you soon and youll have to beg me to let you go He said trying to smile again


Tears fell down her face but she smiled


He wiped the tears from her cheeks and then kissed her again


Close your eyes and try to go to sleep Ill be right here ok


She was tired


It had been a long day


She closed her eyes


Lorenzo kept his promise and stayed by her side until she was fast asleep


End Ch. 21

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