The Ties That Bind
Chapter 16

Id like to ask you a few questions


Sonny looked at Mac blankly as he sat across from him in Macs office at the Police Station


The PCPD would appreciate your cooperation in a certain matter


You asked me to come down here, Im here... lets get this over with. What am I being questioned for this time?


Id like to ask you a few questions about the accident that occurred a few weeks ago involving Lorenzo Alcazar and Alexis Davis


Sonnys blank stare became cold sending an obvious message


Mac was trying to decipher if it was from the mention of Lorenzos name or Alexis


Are you willing to answer a few questions?


Im not sure what I have to do with any of it but sure ask away


Mac leaned up from his chair


Where were you the night the accident occurred?


Youre insinuating I had something to do with the wreck?  Sonny said defensively Maybe I should have an attorney present


I have to question you because of your relationships with Mr. Alcazar and Ms. Davis Your past especially with Mr. Alcazar makes you a suspect


I had nothing to do with it and I was at home the night it happened


Do you have someone that can confirm your whereabouts?


Yes, my wife, my son Michael, my bodyguard Max


Then do know of anyone who might want to have Mr. Alcazar killed? Or if they knew Ms. Davis whereabouts maybe anyone who was after her?


No Sonny stated without hesitation


Ok Mac said shaking his head, leaning in to his chair in a more relaxed position Sonny, this is now an official investigation. That night whoever wanted to run that car off of the road succeeded. Whether they wanted to kill the passengers in the car or just have them badly injured is a question yet to be answered. Sonny Mac said lowering his voice as if to confide in to the criminal he despised most I cant help but make this personal. Alexis is an officer of the court, she is also a friend.  Everything that has happened to her Sonny shes in Intensive Care and hasnt woke up Sonnys eyes darted to the wall Sonny she doesnt deserve this, but all I can do is catch who was behind all of this


Sonny shuffled in his chair and then rubbed his palms to his eyes


I had nothing to do with it Mac. I wouldnt have hurt her


Well if you had nothing to do with it I hope that you will take the opportunity to get information, however you get your information and see if you can find out who was behind this


And how is this my problem? Sonny asked seemingly very cold


This isnt your problem. Im asking a favor. And even though Alcazar is your enemy, Alexis is not. Despite whatever reasons shes not representing you anymore you should still care enough to do this for her. She did a lot for you, things youll legally never understand


Sonny fidgeted with his bottom lips between his teeth


Sonny do something good. At least do one last good thing for her help me find who did this to her






Snake knocked softly on the hospital room door


Come in Lorenzo said motioning him in


Boss you got pretty banged up Snake said stating the obvious as he looked Lorenzo over


Lorenzo nodded


Are you alright? 


Sweet sensitive Snake


Ill be fine as soon as I get out of here. As soon as I can


Any word on when there lettin you out?


Maybe in the next day or two, surgery on my foot has kept me here a little longer


Snake nodded his head content with the answer Lorenzo gave him


Lorenzo watched Snake as he fidgeted with objects in the room


Neither of then were sure how to start the next topic


Snake how is she?


Snake stopped fidgeting


She hasnt woken up sir




Lorenzo went to speak but he choked on his words


Um Snake became clearly nervous after seeing his boss in a way he never had I overheard Dr. Quartermane I believe it is, tell that Jacks man that it was better right now that she be unconscious because if she was awake she would probably be in unbearable pain




 Lorenzo didnt question in his usual strong voice but rather you could swear he was crying and trying to make full sentences in between breaths


Im not sure really. I mean I dont think anything has changed drastically after they got her stableI think there just waiting for her to wake up


I need to see her




I need to see her


But Sir its family only and besides you cant even walk on your own two feet


Snake I need you to see to it that I speak with a nurse, and that if needed you will help me per sway her to let me see Alexis


Sir you know I will do what is asked but I dont think convincing the nurse to let you see her will be your biggest hurdle Mr. Jacks and Mr. Ashton have stayed by her side pretty steadily


Then I will wait for a distraction and then Lorenzo changed to a more vulnerable tone then you will help me see her?


Snake nodded


Yes sir I will




Jax held out his hand to shake Macs as he walked towards him in the ICU waiting room


How is she?


About the same


Any change?


Some slight movements that could be encouraging signs that shes ready to wake up but the doctors also say it could just be her muscles having a reaction


Im sure shes ready to wake up. I guess no one has told her how much work she is missing Mac said with a half grin


I think between Ned and I weve tried everything from Kristina, to work, to the weather


Jax shell get through this


Jax only nodded as he motioned for Mac to sit


Jax, I need to ask you a few questions


Jax looked at him puzzled


Ok, sure go ahead


It doesnt look like all of this was an accident


What do you mean?


I mean I think someone was trying to run them off the road


Run them off the road? To try and kill them? Who?


We dont know just yet but were doing our best to try and find out


Jax sat there shaking his head, thinking


Jax? Jax, do you have any idea if someone was after Alexis


Jax still shook his head

Alcazar someone was trying to kill Alcazar and she was in the car with him. Why was she in the car with him? Jax said finally


Jax I need you to think clearly Mac said disregarding Jaxs last question I need you to tell me if you can think of anyone who would want to hurt or even try and kill Alexis


Jax was sidetracked


I dont know! Helena maybe? But its not her style, and she hasnt been around in a while Jax rubbed his eyes Mac she doesnt have any enemies. I mean sure shes had her troubles but who hasnt? What about Corinthos does he know anything?


Is there a reason you brought up Corinthos?


I dont know really. I just know they dont get along anymore but then again I cant imagine Sonny wanting to physically hurt Alexis


Ive already questioned him Mac confessed




And he says he had nothing to do with any of it


You believe him


Yes, this time I do


Jax sat trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together


Its Alcazar, it has to be someone after him Jax said making his conclusion


Jax just leave the investigation up to me. Well find out who was behind all of this But if you think of anything that could be a lead let me know


Jax shook his head and again shook Macs hand



Mr. Alcazar you really should stay in bed the nurse said as she helped Lorenzo in to the wheelchair


I really do appreciate you allowing me to do this He said trying to be charming


Mr. Alcazar I want to make sure you understand a few things before seeing her


Lorenzo had managed to confide enough about what Alexis Davis meant to him to his nurse, enough for her to draw her own conclusions about the depth of his feeling for her


Lorenzo looked at the nurse tentatively


I want to prepare you for what you will see


The lump in Lorenzos throat made it hard to swallow


Her face is still swollen and her face and body is still very cut and bruised. She wont look the way you want her to


I just want her to be alive, for her to wake up


I have to prepare you for the way she looks. You dont need to get upset when youre in the room with her


Lorenzo closed his eyes for a moment forgetting that the nurse and Snake were in the room


I need to see her he said now opening his eyes




Her room was dark, curtains closed


The sounds of monitors and ventilators made the room even more eerie


Her eyes, her beautiful brown eyes closed as dark rings circled both of them


No preparation, no warning could have prepared Lorenzo for the sight of her


Would you like me to leave you alone for a while? The nurse asked politely


Yes, thank you Lorenzo muttered


The door closed and Lorenzo managed to wheel himself single handedly to get closer to her


He watched her chest rise and fall. He would easily be lost in remembering the way she would watch her breathe as he lay in bed beside her night after night


Hello my beautiful sec Lorenzo stopped himself I guess youre no longer my secret


Lorenzos eyes studied the cast on her arm and leg and foot, he took note of the bandages over the deep cuts and memorized where every bruise discolored her beautiful tanned skin


I dont know who did this and Im sure this is all my fault and I wont blame you if you want nothing to do with me if it is


Lorenzos heart pounded as he reached for her hand gently


I love you


He sat there in silence after his confession


I love you Alexis and Im so in love with you. I have been and I should have told you but I didnt want to scare you. I didnt want to confess too soon And Kristina, I adore her and


Lorenzo let out a deep breath


And I cant image life without either of you. Its all clear to me now, after all of this. I need the two of you in my life; I love you, the both of you


Lorenzo squeezed his eyes shut as they burned from the tears that had yet to fall down his face


Alexis, wake up. Please wake up. Dont be afraid please wake up. Alexis, baby well figure this out. I wont abandon you. Ill be right by your side please wake up


Lorenzo pleaded himself to tears


He leaned in and kissed her hand letting his lips linger against her skin


Please wake up please he begged again


It was the only thing he knew to do


Jax pushed open the door interrupting Lorenzo


Get out!


Jax, calm down Lorenzo said not raising his voice


Get away from her. Havent you done enough to her?




Get out now!


End Of Ch. 16

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