The Ties That Bind
Chapter 27

It had now been months since she had worn a suit, months since she had been in full lawyer mode


She was a civilian, in civilian clothes


Her hand still in a cast


Her leg braced tightly but luckily no longer confined in what she came to refer to as “that thing” on her leg


Today she would leave the hospital, her now home away from home and she would do something that had taken her quite a while to muster the courage to do


She left the house that morning, went to the hospital and instead of returning straight home…


“Jon I need to run an errand before we go home”


“Yes ma’am” he said looking into the rear view mirror


“Will you take me to Sonny Corinthos’ penthouse please”


Jon looked back in the mirror at her




“Yes ma’am”


Today she would muster the courage to see him


The courage to ask him if he really didn’t play any part in what happened


The courage to ask why he cared enough about her to risk not only his own life but his family’s life


Jon opened the door for Alexis and helped her out of the car on to her crutches


“Thanks if you want to wait…”


“I’ll be going with you” he said somewhat sternly “I mean I’d like to go with you”


“Mr. Alcazar will have you chopped off at the knees if you don’t go with me huh?” she joked


Jon forgot to laugh


“Jon I was kidding”


“Oh, oh yes of course you were”


Alexis stood on the elevator and Jon stood behind her. Both watched the numbers slowly rise until “PH” lit up and the doors parted


Max stood at the door


“Ms. Davis” He said surprised, giving a cautious but still sincere smile


“Hi Max” She said returning the smile “Is Sonny in?”


“He is. Let me get him for you”


Alexis turned back to look at Jon lingering behind her. She caught his eye


“I’ll be right here in the hallway” he said much more bodyguard like than before


She nodded


Sonny met her at the door


“Hi” she said trying to be polite, trying not to show she was a bundle of nerves


“Hi… uh come in”


Alexis slowly but surely made her way past him


“Sit where ever you’ll be comfortable”


She did


He chose to sit across from her


“You look great and I’m glad to see you’ve graduated to crutches”


Sonny was trying his best to be sincere


“Thank you and I’m actually pretty happy to be on crutches myself. Not being able to get from one place to the other can get old fast”


Sunny nodded agreeing




More than awkward, uncomfortable


Alexis caught herself biting at her bottom lip


She stopped herself


“Sonny, I um…”


She obviously had a purpose for coming to see Sonny


Otherwise she wouldn’t have


“Just tell me. Is everything ok? Do you need something?” He asked concerned and a bit confused


Alexis organized her thoughts, her purpose


“I need to talk to you about the wreck”


Sonny shuffled then placed his elbows at his knees and locked his fingers together


“Alexis I think…”


“I know you turned Marcus Cavallo in to the police”


Sonny said nothing in his defense


“Thank you” She continued


Sonny nodded


“I just really wanted to come and thank you for doing that. You didn’t have to”


She wondered at that moment if Sonny would tell her anything just by the feeling of guilt


“I owed you that much”


“You risked a lot doing so”


“He deserves to be punished for intentionally hurting someone who is innocent”


“You knew it was going to happen?”


She thought she would slip that in the conversation


Lawyer mode


Sonny looked at Alexis


Dark distrusting eyes staring back at equally dark distrusting eyes


She didn’t proceed with questions just waited for his response


“Alexis” was all he said


“Please I’m not looking for a confession so much as closure”


“Alexis I didn’t have a part in it if that’s what you’re thinking” he said defensively


“I didn’t say that”


“You already knew the answer to your own question. You knew, I knew it was going to happen. Alcazar has at least told you that much”


“Just tell me your side of the story”


“If you think I want your forgiveness for something I didn’t do”


“Sonny I never intended to want anything from you, ever again” She said making her intentions clear “I just want some closure in all of this. And I don’t want you involved as much as you don’t want to be involved”


Sonny wasn’t sure if behind her voice was coldness or sadness


He stood and Alexis watched him


She still knew his body language by heart


His hand on his hip, his other hand to his mouth


He was thinking


“Marcus came to me wanting revenge on Alcazar. The short of it is I told him I wasn’t interested. He then tried to goad me and he made the offer again. He told me his plans of making it look like an accident. He even asked me did I know of anyone willing to make the hit. I again told him I wasn’t interested”


“And that was it?”


“Yeah, next thing I know I’m watching the news reporter say your name on the TV and then finding out you probably wouldn’t make it through the night” Sonny paused as if he were envisioning that night “He couldn’t have known as well as I couldn’t that you would have been with Alcazar”


“And you risked you and your family’s life to turn him in for me?”


“He should have been more careful, more patient and attentive in carrying off the hit. You didn’t deserve that happening to you…”


Alexis caught herself suddenly realizing where she was. Whose penthouse she was in. Even questioning how long had she been there


Alexis made an effort to stand and Sonny quickly went to help her forgetting the conversation


“Um I really just needed to hear that from you. I really didn’t come hear to point the blame”


“I understand wanting the truth”


Alexis situated herself between her crutches




He looked at her


As much as she had come to despise him she could swear he could see right to her soul


“Sonny why did you turn him in? That’s not like you…”


“I told you, you didn’t deserve this”




He took his eyes away from her


His hands now both at his hips


“You were once my lawyer and my best friend. Whatever happened… whatever has happened despite everything… you don’t deserve this. I know you’ve been through too much in your life. And noe you have your beautiful daughter. I can see she’s your life… she doesn’t deserve to lose her mother like you did…”




Her daughter


His daughter


She begged in her head for him to stop talking about her


“Alexis I couldn’t in good conscious let a Marcus have almost killed you and walk around as if nothing happened…” Sonny then stopped himself


He had said too much


He wasn’t allowed to get that personal with her anymore


Alexis swallowed his ever word carefully


He had said enough


“Thank you for telling me what happened, the truth” She couldn’t decide if the emptiness she felt inside was the feeling of relief or if she felt sick “And thank you again for turning in Marcus” She then said summing up their conversation


“You’re welcome” he said returning back to his sincerity


Alexis braced her crutches under her arms and Sonny stepped back and then followed to open the door for her


Max and Jon still stood in the hallway attentive when Sonny opened the door


They were an interesting pair


As friends, as enemies


Alexis turned to look at Sonny


Her face soft, beautiful, familiar


Her face solemn, tired, unrecognizable


She gave a slight but meaningful smile and he returned the same


Jon was holding the door to the elevator


Alexis said nothing but simple thank you’s to Jon when he helped her in and out of the car


She was greeted at the door with a smell of an early dinner and a handsome face


Kristina was spending the night with Ned and Brooklynn they had the house for the most part to themselves


“I thought I would have dinner ready for you. I figured you would be tired…” He said giving her a gentle perfect kiss “You’re later than usual did everything go ok?” He then asked concerned


“Fine, everything went fine” she responded nonchalantly


“I can have dinner kept warm if you would rather rest before…”


“Lorenzo I went and saw Sonny”


She wanted nothing but truth between them


Lorenzo stopped for a moment as if he were telling himself to react rationally


“Ok… are you ok?”


“I needed to hear the truth from his mouth. I believe now he had nothing to do with it”


“And why he chose to turn Marcus in?”


“All he really said was that even though no one could have known I would have been with you I still didn’t deserve what happened to me”


Alexis left out the part where Sonny managed to say her daughter didn’t deserve it either.

Lorenzo was showing great restraint as it was. Telling him what made her most uneasy and wanting to get out of the penthouse as fast as she could was the simple mention of their daughter seemed too much


Too much for Lorenzo to handle


He didn’t want Sonny Corinthos even speaking about Kristina, sincerely or not. Thoughts that she even existed where off limits to him as far as Lorenzo was now concerned


“And you are ok? He didn’t upset you?”


“No. I just wanted some closure at least on his part”


Lorenzo shook his head then leaned in and kissed her again


An assuring kiss




Alexis watched him change the subject


“Are you angry with me for going to see him?”


She wouldn’t let it go that easily


“You’re here. You’re fine. If I had known you were going I would have requested you not go. But you handled it the way you felt appropriate”


Rational answer


Alexis held out her arms


Lorenzo quickly wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her tight


Alexis stood there in his arms for the longest time


“Are you sure everything’s ok”


It was that feeling she couldn’t shake










“I just want this all behind us. I want my worries to be about other people’s court cases and Kristina’s breakfast”


Her arms actually became tighter around his waist


She wasn’t saying the way she was really feeling at that moment, but the way she held on to him said it all


“You need to get off your leg. How about you and I go get in bed…”


“What about dinner?”


“We’ll have dinner in bed later”


Lorenzo was deliberate in his plans for her now


He could tell her mind was having a million thoughts at once


She was holding on too tight to be just ok


He lay in bed beside her his arms, one now free from a cast itself again held her tightly


The way he felt


His scent


His voice


Everything about him at that moment made her feel exactly the way she needed to feel


After a day of constant reminders in physical therapy and facing Sonny she finally, lying there in the shell of him felt safe


End Ch. 27

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