The Ties That Bind
Chapter 15

Macs eyes widened at his confession


Love her? he said in a stunned voice


Lorenzo tried to smile at the look of shock on Macs face but he only winced from the pain


I would appreciate you keeping our affair to yourself


Mac now had swallowed Lorenzos words


Im afraid your secret, if its true, is now out in the open. Its only a matter of time before everyone knows


Lorenzo looked blankly across the room and spoke in to thin air


She has always feared what will happen when people found out. I dont want her to have to wake up with people wanting answers to why shes with a man like me questioning her sanity


So you do understand how absurd it will seem to every one that you two are together?


Its unthinkable. But it happened And I know no one will believe me


Shes a beautiful woman, a brilliant woman she would be easy to fall for Mac said not catching what he was saying until it was too late


But for some reason he seemed to believe Lorenzo


Beautiful, brilliant, funny and neurotic as hell Lorenzo said now with a half smile


Mac paced the room twice before speaking again


He needed to get to the point


Lorenzo is there anyone, besides the usual suspects that would want to kill you?


Lorenzo jerked at the question but instead of answering he grumbled from the slight movement he made to his newly cast arm


No, I dont think, not recently He said honestly trying to think She hates that lifestyle he said being frank with Mac Ive done everything possible to stay out of trouble because of her, because of her daughter


Mac took a breath completely taken back by Lorenzos honesty with him


Old enemies, old debts? Mac continued


Nothing serious came to mind


Why do you think this was an attempt?


Robert Carson, the man in the other vehicle had no identification on him also from early reports from the wreckage it looks as if he had been on the wrong side of the road intentionally rather than veering accidentally from his side


Lorenzo looked confused


So you think he was trying to run me off the road?


Or anything that would cause you to have an accident


Mac could tell Lorenzo was trying desperately to put all the pieces together


Lorenzo do you remember any of it? Anything that happened?


I remember his headlights and then Alexis screaming my name nothing else really


They, then were both interrupted by the nurse coming in


Hello she said politely to Mac before turning her attention to Lorenzo Mr. Alcazar, how are you? Any pain?


Lorenzo shook his head no


The nurse studied him


Are you sure because I would rather give you something while its tolerable, it may get worse


Lorenzo nodded his head like a child giving in


Ok the nurse said satisfied And Commissioner Scorpio Im afraid youre going to have to wrap your conversation with Mr. Alcazar up. He needs to let this pain medication take affect and he needs rest


Mac nodded


Lorenzo Ill be speaking with you again soon he said grabbing the handle to the door






Could you maybe be a little discreet on what we spoke about?


Mac shook his head


Yes, Ill do my best




The bangs that she constantly brushed from her eyes now stayed mated into her hair, stained with blood


Her face swollen, her eyes dark, her cheeks bruised


Glass had shattered across her face, her neck and her arms leaving tiny cuts on her skin


A cast on her arm, and one that stretched from her mid thigh to almost the tip if her toes


Every heartbeat, every breath every movement her body made, monitored


Jax thought she was invincible


She didnt seem so at that very moment


She looked literally broken as he stood there, in shock at the sight of her


Hello wife Jax said stumbling on his words


He wanted to cry


This is where youre supposed to say hello husband and then that grin that can melt a man is suppose to come across your face


Jax reached down for her hand


Her fingernails were blood stained


He cried


He tried to stop himself, he couldnt


The sight of her overwhelmed him


You dont deserve this you, everything thats happened to you, its not fair youve been through so much


Jax composed himself


Youll get through this Alexis he said trying to be positive


He held her hand gently against his palm


Her long thin fingers were dwarfed against his


She seemed tiny and delicate at that moment


Defenseless and outdone


Alexis I should have been there for you all of this time. Through everything youve been through. Jax said feeling guilty. And Im not sure whats going on with you and Alcazar I dont know if I should punch him or have him arrested or, or He stopped himself. Whatever was going on between them didnt need to be discussed then, especially without her explanation. I love you Alexis and Ill be here when you wake up, I promise


Jax spent a few more minutes with Alexis before Ned peered in the doorway


Ned didnt go straight to her rather kept his distance


Jax stood up


Hows Kristina?


Ned shook his head


Um I have a few things to take care of while youre with her


Ned again nodded


Ned she needs you now more than ever Jax said before leaving him alone with her




He studied her


He was frightened


Scared that she might be in pain


Scared that he may cause her more


It took him what seemed forever to take just two steps closer to her


Ned bit at his bottom lip




Finally he sat down in the chair next to her bedside


With a sudden burst of courage he reached for her hand but he pulled away


He just began to talk


Um Kristina, shes fine I, I went to check on her and um Emily is keeping her and she said she wanted to keep her tonight. You know she loves Emily so I thought you wouldnt mind She kept asking for you Ned suddenly had to turn his head from the sight of Alexis. He swallowed his breaths, each going down painfully. And I uh I told her you would be home soon and that you would be ok He said said shaking his head convincingly


Ned stopped talking


He was suddenly fixated on the way her chest would rise and fall and the sound the ventilator made


He then let his fingers run lightly across her bare arm though he was still afraid to touch her


Afraid she would literally break


He said nothing the rest of his time with her




Jax Bobbie said coming towards him


Jax looked at her attentively and then to the white sealed plastic bag she held in her hand


Jax I wanted to give these things to you so you could maybe put them in a safe place


Bobbie handed Jax the bag


These are her belongings. Well her jewelry at least. Her clothes and shoes werent salvageable


Jax held the bag tight against him


I will put them in a safe place, thank you Jax said appreciatively


Bobbie gave a slight smile as a youre welcome and left him there


Her ring


Jax sat on the edge of the waiting room couch twisting the diamond ring she always wore around his pinky. He suddenly thought it odd he didnt notice her hand without it.she was never without it


A pair of earrings


Simple, elegant he hadnt seen them before


And one more item


A charm bracelet


Jax held it up, studying it


The Eiffel Tower dangled in front of his eyes and a heart shaped charm


Mon beau secret Jax read aloud


He gripped the bracelet now in the palm of his hand


And he stared out in to the empty hallway


My beautiful secret He said again aloud


End Ch. 15

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