The Ties That Bind
Chapter 8

Paris, France

"M. Alcazar, Mme. Davis une votre vous attend. Peux- je prendre vos sacs?"

(Mr. Alcazar, Ms. Davis a car is waiting for you. My I take your bags?)

Lorenzo looked at him a bit confused before the driver held out his hand for their bags

"Oh oui... merci" Lorenzo stumbled

Alexis snickered quietly, so much for Mr. Suave

Lorenzo turned to Alexis "My French or lack thereof is to be desired"

"Really?" She said wanting to laugh

"Im glad youre amused"

"I think its cute"

"Cute huh?"

Alexis then finally let out the laugh she had been holding back

She shuffled Kristina in her arms

"Let me carry her"

"Shes fine"

"Shes half your size"

It would have been easier for him to carry her... Alexis willing handed the sleeping little girl to Lorenzo

A much better fit

He situated Kristina in his arms and then held out his hand for Alexis

She forgot to hesitate

Her hand went straight to his, her fingers intertwining with his with ease and comfort

A foreign country

And a relationship publicized by public display of affection

By a strangers eye they were a beautiful family. Mother, father, baby girl

They walked to the car waiting for them

"Where to go Monsieur Alcazar?" The driver said in broken English

"To the chateau"

The driver nodded his head

"Le temps semble beaucoup de plus chaud que normal pour cette saison? (The weather seems much warmer than usual for this time of year?) Alexis said to the driver from the back seat

Lorenzo turned to look at her, shocked at the what was coming from her mouth

Alexis pretended to pay no attention to the look on Lorenzos face

"Oui manquer le temps a été plus chaud cette année. Votre fille appréciera est dehors" (Yes Ms. the weather has been warmer this year. Your daughter will enjoy being outside) The driver said smiling back in his rearview mirror

"Oui elle fera" (Yes she will) Alexis said returning the smile

"Alexis?" Lorenzo said as she leaned back in to her seat

She smiled satisfied that she had one upped him

"Fluent in French huh?"

"Well... yes"

"And just how many languages do you speak fluently?"

"French, Greek, Russian... And I wouldnt say I was fluent in Italian yet but, Ill master it" she said grinning

"Is there anything you cant do Alexis Davis?"

"What can I say Im a quick study"

"Youre an over achiever"

"Am not!" She protested

"Name something cant do"

"Speak Spanish"


"I cant speak Spanish. I tried to learn but, lets just say I got frustrated with my teacher"

Lorenzo raised his eyebrow to her then leaned in letting the breath from his whispers tickle her neck

"Then I will teach you properly mi atractiva sobre competidor"(my beautiful over achiever)

Alexis wrinkled her nose and he tickled her

"In that case I may not be so quick to learn. You may have to teach me again and again" she whispered back in to his ear

"Apprécier votre séjour dans Paris" (Enjoy your stay in Paris) The driver said obviously directing his comment to Alexis since Lorenzo barely understood him as he pulled up to the chateau

"Merci, nous ferons" (Thank you, we will)


"Lorenzo its beautiful! Where did you find this place?"

"An old friend of my fathers named Gabriel Durand owns the house. He keeps this house in Paris but he spends most of his time in the south on his sail boat"

"I cant imagine leaving this house for a boat"

"He makes his money from a beautiful vineyard down south and he just prefers the water to the city though he deems it a necessity to have the house when he is in town on business"

"Its magnificat" she said looking from ceiling to floor

"Mr. Alcazar"

Both Alexis and Lorenzo turned to see the dark headed man coming in their direction

"Bernard" Lorenzo said holding out his hand "Brenard, I would like you to meet Alexis Davis"

"Ms. Davis"

"Bernard takes care of the house for Gabriel"

"Its a pleasure to meet you Bernard, though house is exquisite"

"Thank you"

"And this is her daughter Kristina"

"Kristina... what a beautiful little girl"

Alexis beamed "Thank you"

"Bernard, Alexis has already shamed me with my French today. She has already laughed at my attempt to communicate"

Bernard smiled as if he were familiar with Lorenzos attempts

"Mr. Alcazar cant seem to grasp the French language. Do you speak..."

"Oui je fais" (Yes I do)

"Accueillir et s'il vous plaît vous faire confortable" (Welcome and make yourself comfortable)

"Merci beaucoup" (Thank you very much)

They took a moment to smile

"There she goes again stealing my thunder!"

"That is not hard to do!" Bernard joked

"Wise guy!" Lorenzo continued

"I will leave you. The nursery is set up for Miss. Kristina and Gertrude will be ready for her any time..."

"Thank you" Lorenzo said

"Yes thank you Bernard" Alexis said charmed

They watched as he left the room

"Would you like to go and take Kristina to meet Gertrude?"

"We should get Kristina acquainted"


By night fall Lorenzo had taken them on a night out on the town. First dinner and then to see the Eiffel Tower and Arch De Triomphe lit up in white lights. Lorenzo found himself unable to let his eyes study the historic beauty that surrounded him. Instead his eyes fixated on the tiny finger that pointed to the tower in the near distance. He was in awe. Awe of that little girl and her innocence and all that she saw was beautiful and new. He stared at the way the lights reflected in both of their dark eyes, the way Alexis laughed at her daughters rambling about every little thing...

Candles flickered casting light on the four walls of the bedroom

Lorenzo sat at the edge of the bed waiting for her to return

He sat there patiently waiting

He had never been in a relationship like this one

He had never been so patient in his wants

He craved her, to touch her, to taste her, to feel every inch of her skin

He thought to himself, maybe Alexis was the difference between want and need

Need that suddenly made his heart pound, that made him feel the blood run through his veins

The sound of the door knob turning

She would be surprised

He could see her eyes widen, the grin appearing on her face

He held out his hands for her...

"Shes sleeping?" he questioned, his voice barely above a whisper

Alexis nodded her head yes

"I think she really likes Paris"

"I think she does too"

Lorenzo intertwined his fingers flirting with hers

He said nothing and never took his eyes off of her

"Finally" she said pulling his hands towards her body

She leaned down to kiss him

His taste was unbelievable, undeniable

"Without sounding to arrogant, Alexis I want to make you feel like you never have before"

"I already do" she said kissing him again, keeping the pace

Her hands went to his neck between his collar and his skin

Warm to the touch

"Undress me"

He wanted to. He wanted to

She came closer for him to pull at the zipper that ran down the back of her little black dress

His eyes never left her to watch the dress fall to the floor

The black silk slip that he wasted no time pulling from her shoulders



It slipped from his mouth

She smiled shyly as he ran his fingers across the black lace of her bra

She unbuttoned each button of his shirt carefully as if she wanted to savor each discovery every button made

His pants fell to the floor

Black cotton

"Boxer briefs?" She said liking what she saw

She had made Lorenzo Alcazar blush

She climbed in bed on top of him, his hands resting at her hips, his fingers taunting her protruding hip bones

The kiss that began the dance

Naked, her body now naked

His hands gently caressing her breasts, her nipples hard to the touch as his tongue devoured the skin around them

She breathed at a fast but rhythmic pace

There tongues clashed, their lips pressed deeply in to the others

Every extremity placed in just the right place, causing just the right touch, just the right feeling

The way it felt, he kept his promise he made her feel like she never had before. Sensually and sexually. She felt nerves in her body she had never felt before

Weve become comfort to each other

(An unfathomable partnership)

We walk around with our hearts pressed against us and our souls wide

(Why should either of them trust the other? Boths hearts had been scarred. Still both of them gave in to the other)

We hang on every word, and blame nothing. Not even the corruptible peace that now hovers over us.

(Love is blind, love is deaf... it makes you forget to fight, to hate. Love makes you forget that you once hated yourself for falling for the enemy and instead, you now emersion yourself in the fulfillment the enemy brings to you)

We watch

(Privileged to see what he saw, her body an amazing revelation. Her hidden skin, he saw. Her long legs he measured, her fingers roaming his eyes followed... And his eyes dictated her every move...)

We Listen

(His breath shallow, faint... her breath reckless, wild. They both made faint, quick noises and long lustful moans... they played on the reaction of sound. Ending in screams of passion. "Alexis!"... "Lorenzo! Lorenzo!")

Suddenly disillusioned by life

(Paris, they were lost to the rest of the world. Free to do as they pleased. Make love, hold each others hand. Life, their other life didnt exist at that moment)

We hold

(In between making love she lay on top of his body, he still inside her. They lie there only to prepare to make love again)

We spark

(Passion, ignite, fire... their eyes closed tight, their bodies arched...)

We fall off and get back on a line that has become so expandable

("This was better when I thought it was going to be about sex, we shouldnt do this. Its all too complicated now..." "You dont want this to be about sex!..." I do, I do... "I want to make love to you for the first time in Paris. No interruptions, no worries about the real life. Just Paris and my beautiful secret")

Once you are taught this

(She was his need, not his want)

That something that is so deep, something that is so immeasurable...

(Worth the wait, worth everything, at that moment worth the beautiful secret being revealed)



(It would only be a matter of time before they realize they were playing the incurable game of love)

They were buried both beneath the covers

His arms wrapped tightly around her



"Ive never felt like this before" He kissed her on her shoulder "I mean this fulfilled... this beautiful"

"Neither have I"

she didnt expect him to say that

She turned to look at his puzzled face


"Ive never felt like this either" he said now realizing what he was saying was the truth

She let the tip of her finger circle outline his lips preparing them for the kiss he was about to receive



And then another

She lie in bed with him, their naked bodies pressed against the other... and they kissed until the sun came up

End Ch. 8

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