The Ties That Bind
Chapter 18

Is there anything else I can get you? Anything for pain?


Its ok, thank you


The nurse checked her monitors once again before leaving


Are you sure youre ok?


The nurse had studied Alexis face long enough now to know which expressions meant what


She looked sad


Can I ask you a question?


Of course The nurse said concerned


Could you tell me, how is Lorenzo Alcazar?


The nurse smiled


Hes doing very well. Actually were getting him ready to be released today




The nurse could tell she was thinking


Before she could ask another question


Ned knocked at the door and peeked his head through


Good morning


His face was handsome and bright


Good morning


I have something for you!


Ned opened the door and in his arms was a curly headed, brown eyed girl


My baby girl! Alexis said already reaching as Kristina squealed at the sight of her mommy


Well it looks like just what the doctor ordered the nurse said seeing how happy Alexis suddenly was Remember you cant lift her ok she said before leaving them


Ned sat Kristina down on the side of the bed


Remember how we said to be careful with mommy


Kristina looked at Ned as if she understood


My beautiful, beautiful girl. Ive missed you so much. I love you, I love you, I love you


Kristina was thrilled


Alexis was thrilled


She asked a million questions


She made a million observances


You look like youve grown at least two inches and your hair is getting so long and how did you get that scratch on your arm?


The slide I think


Huh? Alexis said looking at Ned not realizing what she was even saying


The slide, I think she got the scratch on the slide


Oh, oh Alexis said grinning and kissing Kristina for the umpteenth time


Thank you so much for bringing her. I needed to see her so badly; Ive missed her so much


I know you have. You just needed to be strong enough before you could handle her


Alexis shook her head understanding


Kristina lets show mommy what you made her


Ned pulled a piece of paper that had been folded in half out to Alexis


Pi-ture! Kristina said as Alexis looked


Youre such a wonderful artist! I love it!



Alexis looked at the purple scribble that covered the page


Yes I see your doggie


She drew it while she was at the office yesterday Ned said proudly


At the office huh? Alexis said smiling




Mr. Alcazar everything is just about ready. If you would sign these release forms we will get you in the wheelchair and well get ready to wheel you out of here


Lorenzo smiled slightly wanting to be appreciative


And something that may make you feel better


Lorenzo looked at the nurse


Ms. Davis was asking about you just a few minutes ago?


She was?


Yes, she seemed very concerned about your well being


And she how is she?


Shes doing much better. Mr. Ashton brought her daughter to see her for the first time today. I think it did her a lot of good. I watched her face turn to joy at first sight of that little girl


I know that face Lorenzo said now smiling She worships that little girl


I could tell


The nurse could also tell Lorenzo was mesmerized by his thoughts and by the smile on his face it had something to do with Alexis and her daughter


Mr. Alcazar, if you would let me help you into the wheelchair


Lorenzo broke his trance and tried to help himself to the edge of the bed the best he could


The door opened and in walked Snake


Well it looks like Im just in time to bust you out of here boss Snake said happily


The nurse grinned


Snake immediately helped the nurse get Lorenzo settled in to the chair




Say bye bye to mommy. Well see you tomorrow!


Kristina blew one kiss after the other to her mommy until the door closed


Well that looked like it did the trick Jax said standing in the hallway


Jax I didnt know you were back


I didnt want to disturb you all


Shes has to be overjoyed to get to see her Jax said holding his arms out to Kristina


She obliged wrapping her arms around him


Were you happy to see mommy? She missed you so much!


Jax and Ned began to converse back and forth


WENZO! Kristina squealed pointing to the other end of the hallway


Both Ned and Jax froze


It was without a doubt what she had just said


Wenzo! Wenzo! She said now reaching, fighting the arms around her


Lorenzo knew every ounce of their secret had just deteriorated but the sight of her, he melted. If he could have he would have gotten out of that chair and ran to her he didnt realize how much he missed her. Her little face, her little voice and hands hands that were reaching for him


Jax quickly handed Kristina to Ned


Ned will you take her please


Ned couldnt believe that everything he hoped wasnt true had just become a reality


Kristina knew Lorenzo, she knew him well


Lorenzo watched Ned take Kristina in the opposite direction until she was out of sight. When he looked back Jaxs eyes were blaring at him


Boss we should go Snake said leaning down to him


Lorenzo nodded agreeing


Jax took a deep breath in and then out and made his way in to her room


Jax, good morning! Did you see Ned with Kristina? They came to see


Her eyes were bright


She was on a high from seeing her daughter


Whatever you do with Alcazar is your business but why do you let Kristina be around him?


I, I what?


She was confused


Your secrets out, Kristina told yours and Lorenzos secret


What do you mean?


She said his name repeatedly when she saw him in the hallway just now


Alexis wasnt sure what to say


She wasnt sure to defend it all


She wasnt sure if she should make up an excuse


She wasnt sure if she should just tell Jax it was none of his business


She did? Alexis said softly I, I


Oh come on Alexis. What is this? Is he the new exciting and dangerous man in your life? What are you thinking?


What am I thinking? What am I thinking?


Alexis heart raced on the monitor and the nurse came quickly to check on her


Is everything ok?


Alexis composed herself


Im sorry I just got a little too excited Ive calmed down


Mr. Jacks I will ask you to leave if youre disturbing the patient. She cant take this type of stress


I understand, everythings fine


The nurse raised her brow to Jax and then looked back at Alexis


Use your call buttoned if you need me


Alexis shook her head ok as the nurse left them


Jax Ive been having an affair with Lorenzo for months she said bluntly confessing


This is absurd


I thought so too at first but it happened, we just happened. I fell in love with him


Youre in love with him? Alexis


I dont owe you an explanation she said coldly


Alexis this is about Kristina


Is it?


She was now beyond defensive


You trust him with your daughter?


I didnt at first and yes I know I had every reason not to. I told him that. But now yes I do trust him with her


Alexis I love you, I love Kristina


But that doesnt give you a say so in whom Im with


You try so hard to protect her from so many dangerous things already


Its my call Jax. And I dont think hes a danger to her or to me. Hes done everything he can to prove that


And the wreck?




Alexis the case points to someone trying to kill Alcazar and you just happen to be in the car isnt that enough? He almost killed you


He didnt all most kill me and you dont know what happened that night


Jax ran his hands through his hair frustrated


I just love you


I know you do and I love you Jax. But youre right my secrets out. And I wont change the way I feel about Lorenzo because you disapprove or because Ned disapproves




She closed her eyes and shook her head


Jax I cant fight with you about this, not now she said calmly


She had worn herself out


Alexis Im sorry


If we have to discuss this later, fine I just cant


Jax leaned in kissing her


You dont need me here right now Im sorry


He started to leave






I know youre doing this because you just want to protect me and yes I do know how much you love me but you have to trust me hes not who you obviously think he is he makes me happy


Jax shook his head listening to her


Ill see you tomorrow ok he said truly sorry he had upset her


She nodded ok


End Ch. 18

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