The Ties That Bind
Chapter 28

She laughed


It had been a while since she laughed that way


Not of sweet happiness


Not from the sound of her daughter’s own giggles


Not from her own quirky sense of humor


But rather a sensual, sexy bout of laughter


He kissed her


Her ear lobes


Her shoulders


Her breasts


Her belly button


Her inner thighs


Her knees


The tip of her toes


That laughter


The grin on her face


That turned in to her bottom lip held between her teeth


God she loved the way that man made love to her


It was sweet and gentle it was intense and passionate… whatever the mood


He had made love to her for hours that Saturday afternoon


An afternoon when snow covered every inch of the ground outside of their cottage


By nightfall candles flickered throughout their bedroom and they had still refused to budge from their bed


Before, when they were only each other’s secret they would make love as if time meant everything


Time before they were caught


Time as if it were their last


Now they took their time


Realities of little girls, and broken legs and especially losing each other were what taught them the meaning of pleasure


The meaning of how to pleasure the other


What every word, every touch, every kiss fully meant


“I love you” was said at least a hundred times but never above a whisper


Everything was quiet and peaceful


The candles, the soft oversized comforter swallowing their bodies


Another kiss from him


Another I love you from her


Neither of their voices ever above a whisper as if their time alone that day was sacred




His voice soft, comfortable




Lorenzo shifted his still naked body against hers




She looked at him grinning




“I have something for you”


Lorenzo then reached in to the drawer of his bedside table. He fidgeted then held out the small object in the palm of his hand


“A charm for my bracelet” she said smiling “Another heart?” She questioned


Lorenzo smiled


“Read the inscription” 


“W.Y.B.M.W.” Alexis looked up at Lorenzo unsure what the charm meant “What does it mean?”


“It means…” Lorenzo held out his other hand and Alexis eyes widened to the insanely oversized princess cut diamond in front of her “It means, ‘will you be my wife’?”


Her mouth opened


She was surprised to say the least




He smiled patiently, confidently


“I, your wife?” she stumbled


“Yes… I mean that was the question, I hope you say yes” he was stumbling now too


“I...” a deep breath came from her lips


“Alexis you, I mean…” He paused getting his wits together “You don’t have to say yes today and you don’t have to marry me tomorrow. I just know for certain that you and Kristina have completely changed my life and I have never loved anyone they way I love the two of you. So I… I have to ask you to marry me. I want nothing more to be your husband and if you will let me… be Kristina’s father… my life will be complete”


 Alexis breath had become shallow again


“You always know just what to say don’t you?” she teased


A grin covered Lorenzo’s face


“I’ve had a lot of time to think about it” he said seriously


Alexis looked nervous


Her hands increasingly warm and fidgety


She hated the question in general, the “will you marry me” question. But she didn’t hate the thought of what would happen if she said yes


Lorenzo’s confidence was beginning to stagger


She could see it in his face


A grin appeared on hers


“What?” He said still trying to be patient, to allow her to think it all through


“Yes Lorenzo… I’ll be your wife”


His lips crashed in to hers


That laughter


That sensual, sexy bout of laughter


 “Did you just say yes?”


“I think I did” she said making a funny face at him


“Oh the ring” Lorenzo said forgetting to put it on her finger


He slipped it on her long thin finger


“When it comes to diamonds subtlety isn’t your strong suit is it?”


“Too much?’


“No” Alexis said chuckling


“I want everyone to now how much I love you. I don’t want it to be a secret or a mystery to anyone”


Alexis looked at Lorenzo seriously


“I love you so much”


“I love you”


She began to kiss him passionately


She broke her kiss

“You do know I’m not marriage material”


“I am aware of your past yes” he said almost as if he were amused


“And you want me to at least try and marry you anyway?”


“When you’re good and ready yes, until then knowing that if you just promise to be by my side always… that will be good enough for me”


“Why are you so perfect?” She asked kissing him again before he could answer


They made love to once again




A knock at the door


Lorenzo looked annoyed






Lorenzo helped cover Alexis and himself




Snake opened the door to see them both lying there, to see Alexis lying there


He looked suddenly embarrassed


Alexis was amused


“Um sir I apologize for the interruption…”


“Snake what is it?”


“Sir I need to speak to you” Snake bowed his head slightly letting Lorenzo know it was a “business” matter


Lorenzo nodded


“I’ll be right there”


Snake began to close the door but took one last glance at Alexis


“Congratulations Ms. Davis” Snake said unable to miss the diamond ring on her finger


Alexis smiled


“Thank you Snake”


He closed the door


“I’m sorry”


“It’s ok, he wouldn’t have interrupted if he didn’t need you”


“I don’t want to ruin our night”


“It was already perfect but all good things must come to an end”


Lorenzo kissed her and slid out of bed slipping his pants on


He then disappeared behind the door leaving her alone


Within’ seconds Lorenzo returned grabbing his shirt


“Everything ok?”


He looked up at her


“Never mind”


Don’t ask, don’t tell


He now rummaged through his dresser drawer


Lorenzo never buttoned his shirt


She was till lying in bed watching him


He was agitated


He looked as if his mind was having a million thoughts


“Jon is here if you need him”


She shook her head


He leaned in and kissed her


“You’re fine?” he questioned already guilty for leaving


“I’m fine…  Lorenzo, please don’t do anything you’ll regret”


He kissed her once again this time studying the expression on her face as if he were memorizing for later thoughts of her


“I love you Lex”


“I love you”


He was gone


End Ch. 28

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