The Ties That Bind
Chapter 29

12:47 am


His eyes quickly turned away from her


He was ashamed she was there because of him


She stood in front of him refusing to allow him relief, refusing for one moment to allow him to not see the disappointment and hurt in her eyes.


 Letting him see her standing before him on crutches


“What happened?”


It was the voice of his hired lawyer, not his lover


The commotion made Alexis looked around the police station to see Sonny being passed through in handcuffs


Eye contact


She turned quickly back to Lorenzo


“Can I speak to my client in private please?”  Alexis said directing her question to the officer though she didn’t take her eyes away from Lorenzo


The officer pulled Lorenzo from his chair and led him in to the interrogation room for privacy


Alexis shook her head


“I know I need to explain” Lorenzo said jumping in before she could say anything else


But she said nothing she just sat in the cold hard chair across from him


At that moment she ached more than she was angry


“Alexis just let me explain ok”


“What did you do to him?”


Her voice still asked vacant questions


Who she meant by him was obvious


“We  had a small confrontation on the docks. The police intercepted”


“And if they hadn’t… would have you killed him?” She said raising her brow


“I promised you that’s not my life anymore. I won’t risk hurting you or Kristina especially for someone like Sonny Corinthos. Killing him is not worth it”


“You were going to have Snake kill him?” she questioned not wavering


“No” Lorenzo responded quickly


“So you left the house obviously angry and just happen to run in to Sonny? Which by the looks of the both of you I’m not sure who was the punching bag for whom… and the police luckily pulled you two apart like two tough guys fighting after school? Seems innocent enough…”


“You’re right I was angry when I left the house, and I purposefully ran into Sonny…”


“What happened?” she repeated this time more intent


Lorenzo hung his head not answering


“What about to the truth? I thought we agreed?”


Suddenly it was his lover again asking the questions, not his lawyer


God he could ruin everything right there


She deserved the truth, the real truth


“He was behind it all”


Alexis looked confused


“What?” she said shaking her head


“I found out Sonny called the hit”


Lorenzo was now truthful and unwavering




Alexis took a moment to let it sink in


Lies hurt, the truth hurt more


“You’re sure?” she asked this time her voice cracking


Lorenzo nodded yes


She was hurt and he was sorry she was


She had trusted Sonny, he was sincere and she believed he at least owed her the truth about everything that had happened. She was honest with him, she didn’t want to blame him…


It was obvious now he didn’t care about her at all anymore


Her elbows hit the table


The palms of her hands to her face


“Lex I’m sorry” he said sympathetically


“I’m so stupid”


“You are not! You’re human! He did everything to make you believe him…”


“Fool you twice you’re just a fool”


He wanted to hold her


He wanted to make everything alright


He couldn’t


It was clear now he couldn’t bully his way out of this


She closed her eyes and took a deep breath


“So they have no grounds to hold you?”


She had taken control of herself


Natasha had hidden her emotions once again


“Sonny had a gun on him… and Snake had a gun. I’m here for throwing punches and mostly by association”


“You know you shouldn’t have gone after him”


“I know. I left in rage. I left the house knowing what he had done to you. Thinking what else could happen to you, to Kristina. I, at that second wanted him to pay for everything. I did honestly want to kill him, kill him with my own bare hands. But I wouldn’t do that to you. I just wanted him to hurt like you ad to hurt”


Alexis pulled herself up from the table, reaching for her crutches


Lorenzo wished he could help her, his hands still cuffed




At that one moment Lorenzo hated that he knew her now so well


He hated that he could look in to her eyes and see the way she was feeling and how the expression on her face couldn’t lie anymore about how hurt she was


“I’ll be back… ok”




“You smug, lying bastard” she said calmly


She stood on the outside; he stood on the inside of the jail cell


He stared back at her


“Satisfied? Sonny Corinthos makes a fool of vulnerable Alexis Davis AGAIN! You smug bastard… you lied to me”


“I told you I didn’t want you to get hurt. That was never my intentions” he said without moving his dark eyes away from hers


“You lied, you said Marcus came to you and you told him you wanted no part in it. I believed you. I even felt sorry that you had been blamed for all of this. Instead you lied to me, and you lied to everyone about not having a part in it”


“You were in the wrong place at the wrong time. You understand this life by now Alexis. You understand how dangerous it is. Being in Alcazar’s life is no different than being in my life” he said changing his tone with her


She wanted to defend Lorenzo


She didn’t


“Ok… I understand. You know I understand love and war more than anyone. So if you think what ever revenge you planned to take against Lorenzo was fair play then so be it. But lying to my face, looking at me in the eyes making me believe you really cared that I almost died…”


“I do care!”


“Don’t continue to lie to me! I don’t need you to try and appease me!”


Sonny turned his back to her, facing the wall


Her jaw was clinched so tight it ached


“I hope you rot alone in this tiny cell Sonny”


He turned back to look at Alexis making sure those harsh words actually came from her mouth


But she walked away, with no intentions of looking back




“Where’s Mac!”


The officer pointed


“We’re releasing Lorenzo and Snake you can…” Mac said as she made her way towards him “Alexis is something wrong?”


She was white as a ghost


“I want to press charges!”




“Sonny” she said dryly




“Attempted murder”




“He put up the money to have Lorenzo and I killed in the wreck”


“Alexis are you sure?”


“Right out of his own mouth” she said as if she had not an ounce of feeling for him anymore


“Is that what tonight was all about?”




“You want to make a statement?”




“You know the drill then” Mac said pointing to the chair for her to sit


She didn’t hesitate…


Sonny no longer had a prayer


Alexis looked to the interrogation room to see Lorenzo staring back at her


One second and one glance said a thousand words


“Ok Alexis you can start when you’re ready”


End. Ch. 29

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