The Ties That Bind
Chapter 13

"I will promise you I am not working on an angle of revenge rather an angle on how I can ask you out to dinne"
"I can't go to dinner with you!"
"I would like to try an persuade you further"
"I shouldnt even be here sitting at this table with you much less having dinner, on purpose with you!"
"If you are worrying about being discreet. That does not have to be an issue"
"Isn't it somewhere in that Dating 101 Handbook that says no dark, discreet places on a first date with an arms dealer?"
"Why are you still skeptical?"
"Because this is a dream, I mean maybe I expected a nightmare or maybe just for this all to be a bad idea... I didn't expect you"
"Honestly maybe I didn't expect you either"
"But, I am afraid we'll get caught"
"If we do, I will deny everything if you want me to. I'll lie, I=ll say I was threatening you..."
"Can we say I was threatening you?"  
"Ok, ok"  
"Lorenzo, I would like you to meet Kristina"
"Without sounding too arrogant, Alexis I want to make you feel like you never have before"
"I already do... Undress me"
Im different with you
Different? How?
Ive let my defenses down with you
Isnt this a good thing?  
Im not sure if it is for me
Im a little confused
Im sorry. Its just this isnt me. None of this lying here in bed with you, Paris, trusting you with my daughter, sneaking around none of this is me
I decided on the flight home that Ill do what I have to be with you Alexis
To our past relationships. May we look back on them and well just thank God that we survived and can look back on them
Her voice her beautiful voice that his ears ached to hear was gone
The last thing he had heard was her scream his name
He had one last glace at her frightened face
He couldnt protect her
Someone was calling his name once again
Her voice, her voice it wasnt her voice
The voice calling his name was deliberate and frustrated, unrecognizable
Lorenzo, do you know where you are? Can you open our eyes? Lorenzo, open your eyes
His eyes fluttered, his body stirred almost violently  
Where is she? he mumbled
Lorenzo do you know where you are?
No one answered him
Lorenzo were prepping you for the OR the doctor said leaning closely to him
Where is she?  
She? The nurse questioned Well take care of
Lorenzo was gone to the OR
Mr. Corinthos Max said pushing his head through the open space between the door and its frame
What is it Max?
Its Alcazar I thought youd like to know hes been in a serious accident its on the TV now
Thank you Sonny said seriously as he dismissed Max
Curiosity would get the best of him
He reached for the remote
Bob were here at the scene of the accident on Highway 87 where traffic has been completely rerouted. The accident that occurred just over one hour ago is still being tended to. In the first vehicle as you can see directly behind me, the driver of that vehicle is said to have died instantly on impact. Sonnys heart beat faster The second car, the black Mercedes to my right, as you can see is barely recognizable. Lorenzos car Sonny said to himself. The driver in that car was taken to General Hospital by ambulance and the passenger of that car was taken by life flight, also to General Hospital
Passenger? Sonny said aloud nervously
Bob, the driver of the first vehicle had no identification found on him.  And as reported before, the driver of the Mercedes is Lorenzo Alcazar of Port Charles and the passenger is now said to be well know Port Charles attorney Alexis Davis
Her name wouldnt come from to lips, he stumbled
His words, his heart, his breath
Everything stumbled
He stood there in front of the TV staring
Her name, he thought he heard her name
The reporter repeated it again as if on cue, The passenger, Alexis Davis
Sonny! Her voice echoed throughout the penthouse Sonny!
Her voice was faint. He could barely hear Carly call his name. He shut off the television
Sonny did you hear me calling you? She immediately was aware of his mood Sonny whats wrong?
I, I have to go he said not looking up at her Stay here
Jax began to panic as his finger pressed the button on his phone where her cell number was programmed in to auto dial  
The phone rang and rang
Come on Alexis!  
Her voice on the other end
This is Alexis Davis please leave your number and a brief message
Jax flipped his phone shut as he wiped tears from his eyes with the back of his hand
He dialed her home phone
Busy signal
He caught himself just listening to the busy signal as if it where a magnification of his own heart beating
Damn it Alexis but that could mean shes home shes home Jax rationalized
He tried her number again
Still busy
He would wouldnt sit around and wait
Her face looked as if she had been crying blood stained tears as her bloodied cheeks disguised the scrapes and bruises
Monica Quartermane repeated her name over and over hoping she would respond
Alexis responded to nothing
Monica herself seemed to be in a bit of shock at the sight of Alexis and her being there
Dr. Quartermane her BP is still dropping
Shes bleeding internally we need to get her to the OR.  Well check further injuries when I get the bleeding stopped.  Also will you call Dr. Bowman, it looks like she has some major damage done to her lower left leg and foot that he can hopefully take care of while were in there Monica said trying to think clearly
Alexis, Alexis She repeated frustrated Lets get her stable as we can and go Bobbie will you call Ned!
This is Ned Ashton?
This is Bobbie Spencer
Hi Bobbie
Is there something wrong?
Ned Alexis has been in an accident
What? What? Is she ok? Shes ok?  
He panicked
Ned shes, Monica is with her. Theyre doing everything they can. Shes on her way to the OR now We dont know the extent of her injuries
But she will be ok, she broke something or
Ned, its serious maybe you should get someone to bring you down here
Bobbie could here him trying desperately to catch his breath
By the time Ned had made it to the hospital Jax was standing in the waiting area
Jax! Is she ok?
Jaxs eyes widened as he looked up at Ned. Jax shook his head doubtfully Nothing yet he said vacantly
What happened?
I caught the tale end of the news report. Someone hit them head on
Them? Them? Who? Kristina? Wheres Kristina?
Ned, Ned shes fine! I finally got through to her nanny shes fine
Then who was Alexis with?
Jax took a deep breath knowing Ned wouldnt take his response well
What! There must be some mistake She could possible be with Why was she with Alcazar?
I dont know Ned Jax said after trying to answer a million of his own questions of why she could have been with him
Ned, Jax
Both men quickly turned their attention to Bobbie
How is she?
They have the internal bleeding stopped which seems to be the biggest hurdle at the moment but shes not in the clear. Shes still in very serious condition
Do you know how much longer shell be in surgery
They were able to get her stable enough to take care of some of her broken bones Bobbie motioned for them to sit down Ned, Jax I want to prepare you
Ned shook his head not believing what she was saying, Alexis was in pieces
Jax listened intently to Bobbies every detail
Guys, I will let you know more as soon as I find out
Thank you Bobbie Ned said sincerely
Both men sat in silence for the longest time
Shell be alright Jax said  
But he wasnt sure if he was trying to convince Ned of it or himself  
Jax, I love her
I know you do
I mean weve been through a lot. And lately, lately everything between us is misconstrued and over sensitive and we seem to be at opposing ends of everything
Yes you two have been through a lot. It doesnt mean she doesnt know you still really do care about her
I do. I cant help it. I do care about her; I do love her just because were not together anymore, just because we dont have a romantic relationship
Jax turned to Ned
I know
Ned looked at him understanding
I know you do
Shes my best friend Ned. Shes been there for me when I needed her most. And she was still there for me even when I wasnt there for her
Jax, youre there for her
Not like I should have been. And it seems never when she needs me most
Like when you should have been there protecting her from me? Ned asked to the point
Shes strong Ned tried to change the subject something like this wont be what  
Thoughts of her dying were suddenly too real
Shell be fine Jax repeated Shell be fine
Again they sat there in silence
If it wasnt silence between them, it was blame
Neither of them knew to do anything else
Coffee? You want a cup of coffee? Jax said rising to his feet
Ned shook his head ok
He didnt want coffee but he knew Jax was looking for something to occupy his mind
While Jax was gone Ned paced the hallways, he passed the nurses station
 He looked up to see Audreys eyes watching him
Any updates? He asked hopefully
Im sorry Ned. We should hear something soon and
Before Audrey could finish her sentence they were interrupted by surgical masks swarming the bed being rolled out of recovery
Ned rushed to the bedside
Not her
Lorenzo was still disoriented and couldnt react
You son of a b**ch! What where you doing with her? She could be dying because of you bastard!
Mr. Ashton! The nurse said pushing him away the best she could
Jax made way back just in time to pull Ned away
That bastard! Ned screamed
Ned! Ned! Control yourself!
Ned calmed himself
Jax what was she doing with him?
The nurses wheeled Lorenzo in to his room and closed the door behind them, settling him in
Sonny appeared from around the corner where he had been hidden out of the way
He had watched at all
He didnt want Ashton to stop whatever he was about to do to Lorenzo before Jax pulled him away
He wanted to do the same
But he couldnt
He would lay low, but he had to know she was ok
He felt partly to blame  
Sonny couldnt have know she would have been with him
End Ch. 13

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